Invited Projects
The Source Universal Consciousness is our true identity The Soul Consciousness are the reflections of the Source in timeless space The Human Mind/Body consciousness is the projection of the Soul & the Source in time & space ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Life as a holographic energy dance between the following Consciousness: The Universal,The
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Virtually all humans believe that money holds a power over them & rules their decisions, priorities & lives in general. Money has become responsible for everything good & evil in our lives, ruling our emotions, physical health, mental clarity and spiritual peace. Its possession or lack of it appears
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Health's true purpose is to serve as a vehicle and facilitate spiritual transcendence which requires that the body & mind operate at lighter vibrational frequency rates. On the one hand, health is no yardstick of spiritual awareness but on the other hand spiritual awareness cannot be attained or sustained without
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Childhood is NOT an age definition. Is a spiritual state of Being. ---- Our children are not "our" children. They are not extensions of our ego-self and our illusionary desires, hopes and fears. They are independent, fully developed souls with their specific evolutionary journeys. Our ignorance and arrogance interferes
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Environment We still see the environment as something passive, defenceless, a victim of our power. More than that we consider the environment as something external from us for which we feel responsible, ready to feel guilty if we fail to protect it and ready to blame someone for been the
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