On Change

How and why some things can change and others don’t ? How is it decided ? is it predesigned or accidental circumstances perpetuated by inertia? This is not a philosophical question…its probably the most important thing to grasp and use in our lives. If we could possibly determine what can change and what can not we will definitely be using our life in a more productive way, we would be at peace and we would save so much pain caused to ourselves and others created by the confusion, illusions, doubts etc

There are times when repeated efforts no matter how well intentioned and determined still fail miserably. It looks like there is an innate resistance blocking any such change. Why? We can speculate as much as we want but at the end it is a fact beyond our control. It seems pre-decided for whatever reason by whoever or whatever force internal or external. Always? No, not always, sometimes we get surprised how change can take place, sometimes after repeated persistence and effort, while other times effortlessly.  So what causes the ability of change to take place sometimes? Is it related to effort or not? Probably not and even when it seems so is probably pre-decided with the incorporation of the effort to make it seem more worthwhile. When it happens effortlessly is probably meant to be so anyway.

How could we be able to identify the difference and position ourselves accordingly, therefore riding the wave of change or the no change?

What If everything we experience here represents or symbolizes something else and is almost never what appears to be?  Is this recognition a depressive or a liberating thing? Although it appears very deterministic it may not be so.  The transmission of the information from here to the other dimensions could possible create an unpredictable chain of events that alter the previous patterns experienced. Change may actually occur but not as we perceive it.

The cause of any change and “growth” is not caused by our actions in this dimension but could be initiated in the other dimensions caused by the impact that the information we transmit to them. However it could also be claimed that the initiation of that change has begun by our actions in this dimension, which was then transmitted, processed and new instructions were downloaded from the other dimensions. It becomes like the chicken and the egg. So if we transmit the same old habitual information to the other dimensions by thinking, believing, acting and living in the same predictable manner (like we usually do therefore change/ growth is limited or nil) , most probably we will not receive any new information and any opportunity for change and the cycle perpetuates itself. If on the other hand we surprise ourselves and the other dimensions by breaking the pattern and generate new ways, a little or very unpredictable, that by itself shifts the chain of events and stimulates a chain of changes rather than a chain of habit.

Why though, change could be important to be experienced and what does it serve? Because the experience of life as it is perceived by consciousness is a process of movement utilizing time, it requires a significant amount of change in terms of frequency and depth in order to sustain its vitality. If chi does not move sufficiently through the meridians, if blood does not flow in a certain speed through the arteries, if lymphatic tissue is not moved fast enough, if excrements or urine don’t move quickly enough through our body, vitality is compromised and vitality is necessary for the experience of life as our particular consciousness requires. Lack of sufficient action and change stagnates our body and by association our entire human experience. Excessive action and change on the other hand may end up been a hysterical movement without sufficient pause for processing, reflection and consolidation of our experience.

However these changes are only perceptions of our human consciousness and serve only that particular consciousness.

Change can only occur in a dimension defined by space and time. We can only experience change if we experience linear time, which gives the illusion of sequence, which resembles change.

Here there is a paradox. According to eastern philosophies impermanence implies constant change, nothing lasts and any attachment is futile and causes suffering. However the question comes, how can change be constant if time does not even exist?

The most likely explanation of this paradox is that this constant change can be observed from the human point of consciousness exactly because this consciousness is based on the belief of real time. But when a human mind gets sufficiently still, it discovers that there is no constant change because everything exists simultaneously and parallel and any perceived movements that can appear as change are only the movements of our observing consciousness.

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