Creation & Beauty

Universal truth is what IS. Its vibrational frequency - which…

On Timing

Timing should not be underestimated as a manifesting force. Is…

Does the Soul experience time?

There is the impression that the events or major decisions in…

On The Souls` karmic puzzle

Is it possible that the “karmically” interconnected souls…

On The Source or Supersoul

If life in the human 3rd dimension is a projection of the desires…

On changes in Society

Most of us would wish at some point that our human society was…

On Slowing Time

Life in this earth has probably the purpose of allowing to the…

On Human evolution

We frequently come across the notion that the human race is about…

We are co creators

It needs to be emphasized that we are co-creators at all levels,…

On Human & Soul destiny

There is really no point in acting in the human dimension so…