Other Methods
Meditation traditions
Buddhist, Taoist, Hinduist, Christian, Sufi and Non-denominational meditations have been integrated into the methods and techniques used in WREAL consciousness transformation retreats. No sectarian or dogmatic aspects have been used by WREAL while using these traditional techniques and instead focused on their mystical aspects alone.
Shamanic traditions
Shamanic traditions have been known for thousands of years dating back at least from the Australian aborígines 40,000 y ago and have involved diverse methods & ceremonies.
WREAL focused mostly on the consciousness-enhancement substances used in many shamanic ceremonies such as
Ayahuasca, Mescal, Peyote, San Pedro and Iboga.
Although each of the substances and each of the different ceremonies triggers a distinct transformation journey, what they have in common is the activation of the pineal gland which is considered the máster gland of the human body linking us with the cosmic reality beyond space and time and the pineal gland’s endgenous DMT release.
WREAL has been using these shamanic traditions either in its original ceremony formats or as a adjunct to other spiritual practices or devices.
Sensory isolation
Back in the early 50s the US army started experimenting using sensory deprivation as a torture method to disorient and break down North Korean prisoners. We don’t know if they deem it successful at the time but judging from similar sensory deprivation techniques used even today, it must have been. However in the late 50s and through out the 60s and up to mid 70s the field of sensory isolation became one of great interests to many scientists in different fields and their discoveries were impressive. When people were voluntarily entering into a sensory isolation chamber or tank cutting off the sensory input from the outside world they started entering in an altered state of consciousness which and their physiological and psychological changes were recorded and studied repetitively.
The initial chamber rooms turned into special tanks filled with magnesium sulfate where one could float, counteracting the gravity sensation. This effect in combination with the shutting off of sight and hearing were distorting the other 3 senses of smell, taste and touch and were providing a complete sensory isolation environment where
the mind starved by lack of external stimuli was starting detoxing and expanding into zones normally beyond reach due to the static noise produced by the constant bombardment of the senses in daily life.
In 1974 something was discovered by NASA scientists which was actually published and appeared in bibliography indices and then withdrawn from public access and no more research papers were published on the subject for a number of many years. Then the sensory isolation concept was watered down to what we now know as floatation tanks used for relaxation or in many cases for sports performance boosting. Many well-known athletes have used floatation in conjunction with performance videos or subliminal tapes as a tool for enhanced sports performance.
WREAL has reinitiated the original scientist researches of the 60´s and utilized it as a method to trigger deep meditative states, reactivate unutilized brain frequency zones and transcend human consciousness. It combined it with brain wave entrainment sound and light devices, cetacean communication sound frequencies and breatharian fasting as well as occasional ayahuasca and has made spectacular advances and discoveries in untapped human mind potential
The “God” substance – Cadherin Pcad-2,
Cadherins and specially the Pcad-2 type have been detected in gestating mothers, becoming visible along the nerve fiber in the brain stem at the 8th week of pregnancy, and spread over the entire fetal brain by the 11th week. By the 18th week however Pcad-2 was no longer visible or had substantially decreased. These results suggested that Pcad-2 appears relatively early in the critical stage of development of the fetal CNS, and is involved in the induction, fasciculation, and extension of “Axons” which are the key factor in neural communication. Experimentation during the early decades had indicated that Pcad-2 stimulated axon regeneration while had a simultaneous toxic effect killing the cells. Research on trying to promote its axon regenerative function while blocking its toxic effect had proven fruitless and the research was abandoned altogether.
Pcad-2 has attracted WREAL’s attention from its early stages and financed extensive research on it, in order to develop a stable compound which the human body could utilize safely. WREAL’s initial research had stumbled on similar findings like other scientists until WREAL realized what was behind the macrophage destructive function and started approaching the issue with a radically different view.
The human immune system is programmed to maintain integrity within the parameters of its programming and any serious deviations are consider hostile, threatening or dangerous by the immune system which gets triggered and goes out killing whatever is considered foreign or unfamiliar.
Therefore in fact there was no true toxicity generated by Pcad-2 but rather an illusionary threat which could be consciously bypassed if the human using it had sufficient spiritual development to sustain the massive energy that was flooding the brain creating millions of new synapses. People with extensive meditation or shamanic experience could handle increasingly higher Pcad-2 amounts and for increasingly prolonged time periods without side effects except the need for rest for a couple of days afterwards
WREAL has called the Pcad-2 the “God substance” as its physiological, mental & consciousness impact has been enhancing biochemically the limits of what we call human dimension by integrating our fragmented soul and fusing our mind, body,soul and flooding it with the Source vibration.
Pcad-2 use has always stayed highly secretive as its intense consciousness transformational effects require a consciousness preparation or it can be fatal, so only qualified initiates can participate on its use and these initiates are primarily young children.
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