The Pineal gland, Chi & the Health Pyramid
WREAL has been focusing in what it has been calling the Pyramid of paths & substances.
On the bottom are nutrients responsible for the basic functions of the human body, namely proteins, carbohydrates and fats. These are necessary for the sustaining of the human body if is to operate in its usual frequency range and carry the usual human programming.
Of course the type & quality of amino-acids, carbohydrates & fats determines the quality of life beyond mere survival.
Furthermore, nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids & trace minerals are more crucial in maintaining health and higher on the scale of the pyramid than the above 3.
All that we eat ends up to become glucose – a form of processed carbohydrate,
so glucose is the most important element of food as far as the usual human programming is concerned
Beyond the quality of food, there is the structured quality of water which is even more crucial and higher on the pyramid.
Water is basically hydrogen & oxygen and the reason we need water is because when it enters our body it splits into its 2 essential components. Hydrogen is the building block of matter and also the fuel contained in glucose. Oxygen on the other hand is the cleanser and detoxifier. So in fact it’s the hydrogen and oxygen we need and are higher up the pyramid.
Remember that it is a) the glucose (and its hydrogen) and b) the oxygen we breathe that compose the ATP, the fuel that sustains our human body under normal conditions of the human programming. Here we need to make an important distinction. Glucose is essential in the production of ATP in order to sustain the “human soul programming” within a specified vibrational frequency range.
However if we instead of glycolysis which uses glucose, we challenge that programming by utilizing ketosis (breaking down fat, edemas & tumors and extracting structured water as an energy fuel) we detoxify the entire body of diseased or inefficient cells, stored karmic memories & reboot the entire soul program in the human body under new settings.
The fastest and most efficient way to achieve that is with absolute fasting with no food or water been consumed for a number of days
Further up the pyramid are the neurotransmitter system controlled by the pituitary gland
which again is been directed by the hypothalamus. Without neurotransmitters signaling instructions for the production of hormones & amino-acids nothing else works, so neurotransmitters are higher up the pyramid.
Going further up the pyramid is light, which is responsible for creating life of all kinds but specifically in our human lives is responsible for activating the pineal gland which is the one that triggers the hypothalamus and then the pituitary and gets the ball rolling.
Without the pineal gland nothing can possible work in our human body. It is the master chip that boots our operating system and of course is on the top of the pyramid.
In fact is not light (as we may perceive it) that gets received by the pineal gland. It is the cosmic chi/prana vibration that gets received and converted into usable form which we perceive as light. Is more of a sound vibration.
This pyramidal classification WREAL considers it fundamental in determining how to focus on what is important and how to maintain equilibrium when is lost.
The Source penetrates the Body through its Chi/Prana which converts into electrical signals received by the nervous system and the neurotransmiters regulating glands & hormones, producing aminoacids etc which affect the muscular system which holds the skeletal system- which is fed by the blood of the circulation system and then excretes the excess through the lymphatic system. Finally the respiratory system receives the oxygen and in combination with the digestive system produces the ATP which fuels the body and allow it (and restricts it) to operate in a specific vibrational frequency.The excess of the digestive process gets excreted by the elimination system.
The sequence goes more or less as follows
1. CHI is activated in the body by the pineal gland and flows through the meridians
2. Activates the Neurotransmitters via the 3 master glands in that sequence of importance
a) The pineal gland in ancient Greek is called επί– φυση which means over-nature and originates from the word φύω which means appear, become. It produces DMT, is considered the seat of consciousness, controls biological rhythms producing serotonin in light & melatonin in darkness and controls the hypothalamus.
b) The hypothalamus in ancient greek is υπο–θάλαμος and means under the chamber (which indicates under the pineal). It controls the pituitary/hypophysis gland & signals to it when to release what. One of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland.
c) the pituitary gland or hypophysis in ancient Greek is υπό-φυσις which means under-nature and again originates from the word φύω which means appear, become. The pituitary controls all other glands but starts first with the thymus gland which originates from the greek word θυμός meaning soul, which controls the Immune system.
The serotonin-catecholamine system has always a direct or indirect role, in controlling most of the other systems & functions in the body.
3. Neurotransmitters convert the energy into
a) electromagnetic signals that fire the Nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and
b) biochemically stimulate the rest of the Endocrine system starting with the thymus gland which controls the Immune
4. Then the Nervous system directs the body’s short term responses, whereas the Endocrine system directs the body’s longer term responses) develop and maintain the Muscular system
5. The Muscular system holds the skeletal system. All skeletal muscle and many smooth muscle contractions are facilitated by the neurotransmitter acetylcholine
6. The Skeletal system (bone marrow) produces blood which flows through the cardiovascular-circulatory system
7. The Circulatory system then communicates with all organs and cells
8. Then the Lymphatic system detoxifies -cleans up the Circulatory
9. The Respiratory system combines with the Digestive system to produce ATP, the “presumed fuel of the body”, which in combination with Elimination system maintain the human experience within a defined vibrational frequency range.
Muscular activity accounts for much of the body’s energy consumption. All muscle cells store glucogen which can convert into lactic acid and produce adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) molecules which are used to power the movement of the myosin heads. Muscles have a short-term store of energy in the form of creatine phosphate which is generated from ATP and can regenerate ATP when needed with creatine kinase.
Neurotransmitters are either inhibitory or excitatory in their effect on the nervous system. Because of this, they work in opposing pairs to make sure the body’s systems stay in balance. There are several of these systems set up in the body;
the two most studied are the serotonin-catecholamine system and the GABA-glutamate system.
Serotonin is a key inhibitory neurotransmitter in the body;
dopamine, norepinephrine and epinephrine, collectively known as the ‘catecholamines’ are key excitatory neurotransmitters. The serotonin-catecholamine system has a role, either directly or indirectly, in controlling most of the other systems and functions in the body. For example, cortisol synthesis, hormone synthesis and the sympathetic nervous system are all controlled by norepinephrine; mood, body temperature and sleep are regulated by serotonin and norepinephrine; and focus, concentration, memory and fine-motor skills are controlled by dopamine.
It is has been WREAL’s assertion that in most cases, the serotonin-catecholamine system needs to be balanced first.
The best amino acids to use would be 5-HTP (or L-tryptophan) and L-tyrosine so that we influence the primary serotonin-catecholamine system. Doing so, restores proper functioning by getting to the root cause and provides a long-term solution.
If we want the most efficient results both on a physical as well as spiritual level we should focus on the activation of the pineal gland, our inner light which links us with the Source consciousness and activates it inside us .
Absolute fasting, Sensory isolation, psychoactive substances & nootropics exploration, sound frequencies, boosting oxygen stores, and gamma brain waves are all massively contributing in that transformation.
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