Food & Drink as part of spiritual transformation
WREAL maintains that health is actually a secondary concern in our evolution. Its only purpose is to serve as a vehicle and facilitate spiritual transcendence which requires that the body & mind operate at lighter vibrational frequency rates.
On the one hand, health is no yardstick of spiritual awareness but on the other hand spiritual awareness cannot be attained or sustained without a certain level of physical health.
Our relationship to food & drink seems to play a significant role in the advance or deterioration of that health. Eating is probably the only human activity which is constant, repetitive in regular intervals and stimulates all senses at once. It is the master program of maintaining a fixed range of vibrational frequency which is the very thing that define us as humans.
Let`s examine that relationship and its various choices.
The number of diets developed over hundreds of years or decades are numerous and all choose to focus on partial aspects of the whole. Ayurvedic diet, Macrobiotic diet, Chinese medicine diet, Food combination diet, Protein diet, Blood group diet, Mono-diets, Shamanic diets and so on. Any of them may work for certain individuals or at certain circumstances or for certain duration while for others may not. WREAL believes that although all of them have identified some important aspects of nutrition and balance, they lack the all-encompassing ingredient that makes anything work in a consistent basis and that is the alignment with our Soul dimension in which they reside all the manifestation elements that we need and determine which tools we use based on who we are, when, how and why in an ever-changing form. This is why is very wise to familiarize with them but none of them holds the key to our well-being.
Meat eating diet varies distinctively across cultures, climates, seasons, proximity or easiness of access to animals, ranging from nomadic hunting to modern day supermarket packaged meats. Certain cultures or religions sanctify or exorcise certain animal eating while others use only their byproducts. It is quite interesting that avoiding eating animal flesh has been for millennia a customary approach of eastern religions like Buddhism and Hinduism, and the practice is based on the belief that it promotes spiritual evolution. It is now days a controversial subject, because an increasing number of people worldwide turn vegetarian while simultaneously the commercialization and the vested interests of the meat and daily industries becomes even more entrenched and intertwined with other vested interests like the medical and pharmaceutical industries.
Vegetarianism, Veganism
People become vegetarians or vegans primarily for reasons of either health or animal protection or spiritual awareness.
They are all valid reasons and promote their respective concerns adequately and enhance responsibility on behalf of the people practicing them. However there is a misconception and distortion of reality on this subject that needs to be addressed.
No matter of the reason behind the practice of vegetarianism/veganism there is an underlying belief system that ignores the plant kingdom´s proper dimensions, existence and rights.
The people who are vegetarians/vegans for health reasons usually have a gross misconception that animal flesh or animal products are harmful to health and everything that originates from a plant promotes health.
However that generalization ignores the impact of the methods used to produce, store, transport and preserve these vegetables/fruits have on health. It also underestimates the effect of the various cooking methods of these foods have on human health.
The effects of massive production, soil deterioration, genetic engineering, chemical additives as well as cooking depletes a very large portion of their presumed health value. A heavily cooked zucchini in a casserole with lots of oil or a genetically engineered soy textured burger may not be a healthier alternative to a fresh fish
The people who are vegetarians because are concerned about animal rights fail to consider the rights of the plant kingdom which although seemingly silent is an entire world the existence of which is way more fundamental than other “living” human or animal being´s. The book `The Secret Life of the Plants` has magnificently described the scientific argument of the existence of that rich and beautiful plant world which we abuse with our ignorance and arrogance, including our disregard of its fundamental rights. So if we want to be honest, eating a carrot is in no way more virtuous than eating a pig, without even mention how we raise & harvest both of them
The people who are vegetarians for spiritual reasons trying to preserve and enhance subtler energetic vibrations and their effect on spiritual growth and awareness are closer to the truth as in fact every vibration of every substance consumed is related to the vibration of the person consuming it. However even here there is a very subtle yet important misconception. It is widely believed that “we are what we eat/drink” and that Cause creates the Effect in our body, emotions and mind.
According to WREAL that cause and effect sequence is reversed.
We first choose & determine -on a deeper energetic Soul level- the vibrational frequency zone we wish to operate as human beings temporarily or permanently and then we utilize the external world elements (including food & drink) as the tools to lock-in that vibrational rate chosen.
No substance originating from the external world can possibly affect our inner vibrational frequency rate without our permission. It does not have neither the power nor any intention to affect us unless we give it the power and provide it with the intention to do so. If we choose a denser vibration to operate in, then we need to activate all dense emotions via certain life experiences, circumstances & events or/and consume denser substances in order to consolidate that vibrational frequency.
Having said all that, it does not mean that no choice of food as well as other life decisions matter.
All our choices matter but what is most important is our intentions behind the choices and even further our beliefs, which mark and determine their effect on us, an effect already pre-decided on our deeper soul level.
Raw Veganism
Raw food is claimed to be alive food, as food cooking or processing destroys the actual living force of food. The principle is actually correct – as long of course as the food source is organic and not contaminated by chemicals, preservatives or GMO.
The most important contributions of long term raw food diet is the detoxification it causes and the raising of the vibrational frequency of the person. It generally causes a shift towards a yin quality (which needs to be carefully balanced with grounding herbs and condiments, some supplements and other techniques in order to strengthen the lower chakras)
Living on fruits only, takes the raw diet a step further, intensifying both the detoxification and the vibrational shift. Over a period exceeding a few months It needs an addition of the above supplementation and herbal support plus mineral support. Another factor needed to be balanced is the balance of all 6 tastes, sweet, sour, salty, bitter, spicy and astringent, essential for the proper organ balance. Because digestion is usually rapid, frequent meals are required (between 2-4 hours-depending on the fruit type, the quantity consumed and most importantly the combination if different ones are mixed together)
Living on liquids only, without digesting solid food of any kind is a major step further than the previous ones. It magnifies the detox and vibrational impacts but also requires all the above precautions at a higher level.
Drinks should be even more frequent than fruit meals as the digestion becomes very rapid, due to the lack of digestive juices of the saliva during chewing plus the stomach as it does not need to break down complex food.
Again depending on the type of liquid thickness, composition and digestive behavior (which could range from liquified yogurt, thick broth soups and thick fruit or vegetable juices down to filtered juices or broths or water). Based on those compositions a frequency of drinks every 1 -3 hours should be followed.
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