The Child Visions Project
The project was intentionally distanced from WREAL on its initial stages in order to avoid undue attention and controversy. The project began with the establishment of an International Educational Training Center, which was training Trainers who in turn were training the personnel in charge of the various local orphanage projects initiated.
This was run by 2 branches; an Educational one and a Project Implementation one.
The revolutionary approach was that the whole effort was based on the most unlikely group of children.
Young infant orphans who were stimulated spiritually, artistically linguistically and healing-wise.
The focus was placed on their ability and willingness to be `direct teachers` of other children by actively sharing their spiritual, healing & artistic experiences directly with them, using their own child code of trust and communication eventually sidelining the adult facilitators.
In order to compose the training manuals, the project engaged 2 contributors to its information gathering:
A. A wide campaign attracted a large number of professionals from diverse fields who brainstormed and who could contribute in the following 6 fields, towards the development of
The Educational Training Branch Curriculum
- Understanding: Developmental Psychology/Early childhood Education/ NLP/ Neurochemistry/ Psychobiology/ Psychoneuroimmunology/
- Activating: Clairvoyance/ Telepathy/ Sound healing/ Color therapy/ Reiki/ Flower essences/ Aromatherapy/ Crystal healing/ Pranic healing/ Light therapy/ Shamanic healing/Cetacean frequencies/ Feeling-Listening to animals & plants/Psychometry/
- Supporting: Nutrition/ Homeopathy/ Naturopathy/Chinese Medicine/ Osteopathy/Cranio-sacral/ Rolfing/ Floating/ Biofeedback/ Holotropic therapy/ Alexander technique/ Reflexology/ Herbalism/ Hypnotherapy/ Kinesiology/ Massage/
- Centering: Meditation/ Visualization/ Lucid Dreaming/ Yoga/ Pranayama/ Qi Gong/
- Expressing: Art/ Drama/ Music/ Singing/ Dance/ Movement/Swimming
- Communicating: Languages/ Story telling/ Poetry/ Games/ /Educational tools
In addition to the Educational Training Section, Child Visions established a Project Implementation Branch, operated by 3 directors who were focusing in conducting feasibility studies & business plans, promoting & raising funding through investments, joint business ventures, sponsorships and donations plus researching and implementing the appropriate legal framework.
QTech`s Artificial Intelligence unit
has gone through every single information published in any format on those 6 fields.
Then the QTech AI unit crunched all the data from all the above sources and in interactive debates with the contributing professionals, compiled the Child Visions Training Manuals which became the point of reference for the training of the 6 directors committee as well as all facilitators, managers, consultants and supervisors.
Besides drafting the curriculum, the teams of professionals & the AI unit, were also drafting protocols on how to screen & hire the key personnel of the designated local projects – in charge of each of the 6 sectors and conducting their training and overseeing their performance in running their designated projects.
They designed supervision systems of monitoring the performance of this personnel, at least till they establish themselves in 1-2 years using a multitude of passive & active methods such as frequent: training materials, video conferencing, visits of specialists, as well as frequent: staff reporting, camera installation everywhere to monitor daily activities, periodic visits by at least 2 of the educational directors.
They also trained some personnel to be exclusively supervisors and visit each project in a rotation gathering and distributing feedback.
Additionally they were offering periodic & occasional support to the 6 educational directors gathering & processing feedback & propose updated scenarios.
AI unit then started training other AI sub-units with the following distinct tasks:
To Establish a unified Consciousness platform for all information sources
AI sourced, human sourced, children sourced, soul sourced and universal consciousness sourced and provide access to all of them.
To Download Information from the Consciousness platform
Providing the children with a) the subtle energy information and b) the mass amount of educational information available, for both of which AI has been more equipped than human adults to provide and administer,
while leaving to the carefully selected human adults to contribute the subtleties of the human contact, smile, empathy, compassion, love, laughter and the range of human emotions.
To Monitor both human adult behavior and children behavior and their interaction
This part of the human emotions was carefully monitored by AI allowing it only for educational familiarization purposes but not in the form that adults have been programmed to be run by emotions. Instead the AI was sensitizing & educating both children and their adult facilitators to the distinction between feeling vs emotions, emphasizing how feelings connect each human being with the Universal Source.
It was also monitoring all other behavior of interactions which could deviate from the set of principles, due to the adults own flaws, traumas & complexes, their potentially distorted perception and actions and their inability to comprehend the superior energetic development of the children and respond accordingly.
Every single area of the orphanages as well as mobile tracking of the movements of both children and adults outside the campuses was monitored live in order to provide a safer environment and detect and prevent bullying between children and physical or emotional or sexual abuse as well as other wrongful actions.
To Study children in every possible way
Processing the information of their development, perception, responses, interactions with other children & adults, their abilities and assisting the AI
To adjust its information download to the children in more relevant and helpful ways
To adjust the instructions for the adult facilitators
And the most important of all –
To learn new concepts & responses directly from the children themselves rather from adult sourced information.
In that way it would assist the communication between children themselves, while keep studying that communication and keep improving.
Coming back to the Educational Training curriculum, the definition of those 6 areas was intriguing –to say at least- and here is what Child Visions had published to explain the reasoning behind it:
This is the primary task. Gather as much information as possible from diverse expertise to allow us to understand young children’s neurochemistry, physiology, psychology, perception, expression, movement, communication, speech, memory, learning, thought and feeling processes, real & illusionary limitations, empathy etc, throughout all developmental stages starting from the prenatal stage to infancy & toddlerhood, not only from a scientific sense but also from a holistic point of view that involves clairvoyance, telepathic communication, energy transmission and reception, lucid dreaming, communication with plants & animals etc.
The purpose of all this is to be able to approximate as much as possible our understanding of who they are as souls, what are they here for, what they bring with them (anything from traumas to gifts) and how they want to be helped in their particular journey in this dimension.
The deeper and faster we achieve that goal, the easier and deeper we ‘ll be able to communicate with them, understand their needs, support them, protect them from undue contamination and encourage them to sustain and enhance their spiritual connection with the Source.
Simultaneously with the process of understanding, we start activating their inner connection with the Source, through their exposure, stimulation & familiarization with Clairvoyance/ Telepathy/ Feeling-Listening to animals & plants/ Healing Sounds / Color therapy/ Reiki/ Flower essences/ Aromatherapy/ Crystal healing/ Pranic healing/ Light therapy/ CES/ Shamanic healing/ Cetacean frequencies/ Flotation/Psychometry
This activation will also enhance the understanding process.
Young children’s natural clairvoyant & telepathic abilities as well as their abilities to feel and sense other life forms such as plants and animals should not be brushed away or underestimated. Activating these subtle frequencies via stimulation of all senses through sound, light, smell, taste and touch plus energy perception, receipt and transmission, will establish the most important foundation of their spiritual identity development.
Rather than ignore, underestimate or bury their spiritual abilities while we just replicate the adult values and ways in their upbringing, we can instead focus on these innate abilities they all have and encourage them to feel them & express them, strengthening their spiritual nature. This activation will also enhance our process of understanding them deeper and fine-tune our priorities and methodology.
Starting from day one, in order to protect and solidify their spiritual connection, we commit to support and nurture them through the use of a diverse range of healing modalities such as: Nursing/ Nutrition/ Homeopathy/ Naturopathy/ Chinese Medicine/Osteopathy/ Cranio-sacral/ Rolfing/ Biofeedback/ Holotropic therapy/Alexander technique/ Reflexology/ Herbalism/ Hypnotherapy/ Kinesiology/ Massage etc just to name a few.
After the above 3 stages, the children will be ready to relate to & start practice centering techniques such as Meditation/ Visualization/ Chanting/ Lucid Dreaming/ Yoga/ Pranayama/ Qi Gong, thus progressing into a proactive mode.
While the previous 4 stages are unfolding,
an exploration can commence into a diverse range of fundamental archetypal expressions
utilizing Art/ Drama/ Music/ Singing/ Symbols/ Dance/ Movement/ in a bilateral manner, both
exposing the children to them as well allowing them the freedom to experiment in their own ways utilizing body language, sounds, images, symbols.
By now is time to merge all the above experiences and compile them into mastering diverse forms of verbal interactions using multiple Languages/ Stories/ Poetry/ Games/ with the intention to enhance the children’s ability to communicate effectively and demonstrate confidence & leadership, impacting their fellow children as well as adults.
Of course these 6 stages are only indicative and in real life they are not in sequence as they overlap.
The Child Visions project has attracted almost instantly the range of field specialists who shared their knowledge and with the involvement and assistance of Qtech`s AI unit, they contributed to the drafting of the protocols and the training manuals for the actual children centers wherever they would be in the future.
It took about 15 months to amalgamate the initial stage and become operationally ready after training the 6 people committee and the 1st group of 43 facilitators who were handling the operation and the supervision of 29 orphanages in Africa, Asia, and L America at the end of 2021.
The number of the orphanages and schools has skyrocketed by 2025 to 476
In order to avoid the potential hostility and backlash from religious, governmental, and parental groups, WREAL established those orphanages in locations where they were existing or planned Welll Club health resorts & centers.
The significant economic impact of those holistic health operations in those local communities protected the Child Visions project from central government & religious interferences.
The success of Child Visions has given a huge boost to the establishment of WREAL schools at all educational levels. Naturally, the most dynamic and successful schools have been the ones inside the WREAL communities where every aspect of life is learning 24 hours a day and where the creativity has been abound by the utilization of WREAL$ instead of scarcity cash.
So in 2030 there have been, 25,800 schools worldwide of which 2,367 inside WREAL communities with a children population of 2.3 mil.
If we calculate the number of summer school programs and after-school-care programs over the last decade, the total number of children impacted exceeds 100 mil. That definitely makes it the largest children education group of all times.
Close communication between the schools across the globe with exchange programs have stimulated a cultural interaction and a number of globally created projects undertaken by children alone.
Child Visions has reached its ultimate goal, to place the pillars of a new society based on innocence, trust and abundance and honor childhood as a state of being not just philosophically but in practice by trusting our children to guide our new chapter of human evolution. That has been the most astonishing & revolutionary action of WREAL.
Since 2031, the organizational structure of WREAL is based on a pyramid
On the bottom are the Adults who only serve as Managers, Executives and Consultants advising the Board of Directors and executing their decisions.
The Directors are comprised by 900 children aged 10-17 (100 from each age year, across diverse nationalities, ethnic racial & cultural backgrounds) who receive the advice of the Adult Managers & Consultants and convey their opinion to the Boards of Trustees which make the final decisions. The total of 900 Directors are comprised by 9 WREAL entities sectors in 11 geographical territorries, overseen by a 9-member Board of Directors.
The Trustees are comprised by the most gifted 900 children aged 3-9 years old (150 from each age year, across diverse nationalities, ethnic racial & cultural backgrounds) whose function is to preserve the essence of the WREAL values and after receiving the Board of Directors recommendations make the final strategic decisions based primarily on TUNING a form of energy feeling, clairaudience & clairvoyance. The total of 900 Trustees are also comprised by 9 WREAL entities sectors in 11 geographical territorries, overseen by a 9-member Board of Trustees.
The Trustees, Directors as well as the Executives act as part of a decentralized regional or local organism while all the information flows in every direction, so all feedback, monitoring, training, supervision, support becomes shared, so in fact actual decisions are made in a peculiar way that you can never tell whose decision was exactly. The trust in the superior harmonic octaves of energy, set the rhythm which forms a “decision” in an intangible manner where authority or hierarchal structures become obsolete.
Society would definitely need a period of “detoxification” and adjustment in order to digest the changes in values, feelings and actions of the new era but the next generation will be firmly led by our children who would be uncontaminated by this adult generation’s conditioning. Then we would all be children at heart.
Perhaps this is why our souls ventured to earth and experienced this journey which in human time may seem painstakingly long but in soul time it may have been a few moments of adjustment.
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