Entries by Yorgo Papadakis


There are many cosmic, earth, energy and bodily cycles. WREAL identified several key cycles. The approximate 2h cycle of the meridian flow (120.55797 min) is composed by a number of smaller cycles. A 7.02 min cycle repeated 3 times and buffered from each other with a transition cycle of 0.4914 min (which is the 7% of the 7.02 cycle) .
6 such cycles alternating with each other compose a key cycle of 22.5342 min (also the physical biorhythm cycle).

Table of chemical elements – NEON The 6th element

According to Chemistry the 5 prevalent elements of our human body – in terms of mass depending on the source are Oxygen, Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen & Calcium. WREAL proposed a theory that specified the exact proportions of those 5 elements, been 64.8%, 18%, 9.72%, 2.7% and 1.458% correspondingly. Following the universal energy hexagonal principle, WREAL discovered there is a 6th element with a proportion of 0.405% which is Neon.

Earth Grid Power spots & Vortex Astrology

WREAL established its key communities, branches & operations in specific locations worldwide claiming that these locations, are placed on the Earth’s energy grid- the electromagnetic field that surrounds the planet. These locations although have been of great importance to the earth for thousands of years, due to the astronomical shift of the solar system over these millennia, needed to be updated to reflect their present position. It identifies the 2 power spots in the planet for each individual aligning one’s life with the Universe . Are like “star gates”, in space-time continuum where our human life commences when we enter the earth dimension & this is where we leave our “soul space jacket”. Revisiting those 2 locations through which we energetically manifested in physical form, creates an osmosis putting together the physical body with the soul at the point of disconnection.

Other Methods

Meditation traditions
Buddhist, Taoist, Hinduist, Christian, Sufi and Non-denominational meditations have been integrated into the methods and techniques used in WREAL consciousness transformation retreats. No sectarian or dogmatic aspects have been used by WREAL while using these traditional techniques and instead focused on their mystical aspects alone.

Shamanic traditions
Shamanic traditions have been known for thousands of years involving various techniques. WREAL focused mostly on the consciousness-enhancement substances used in many shamanic ceremonies such as Ayahuasca, Mescal, Peyote, San Pedro and Iboga. What they have in common is the activation of the pineal gland which is considered the master gland of the human body linking us with the cosmic reality beyond space and time and the pineal gland’s endogenous DMT release.

Sensory isolation
When people voluntarily enter into a sensory isolation chamber or tank cutting off the sensory input (primarily sight & hearing) from the outside world they start entering into an altered state of consciousness. The mind starved by lack of external stimuli starts detoxing & expanding into zones normally beyond reach due to the static noise produced by the constant bombardment of the senses in daily life. It can now be experienced in floatation tanks filled with water & magnesium sulfate.

The “God” substance – Cadherin Pcad-2,
The Pcad-2 Cadherin is detected in gestating mothers, in the fetal brain stem at the 8th week of pregnancy & spread by the 11th till the 18th week. Boosts the induction & extension of Axons key to neural communication. Pcad-2 was considered toxic, but WREAL discovered that it was an auto-immune reaction, an illusionary threat which could be consciously bypassed if the human using it had sufficient spiritual development to sustain the massive energy flooding the brain, creating millions of new synapses

Beyond Breath

The last frontier left between life & death has been air. So the belief goes that we at the very minimum need air to breathe to stay alive and without it we die within 3-5 minutes. What use would one have of air to breathe and create ATP if one can absorb and metabolize chi directly, and if one is free of the limitations of self and ego, why would he would be constrained by time, if he is constantly present?

Beyond Water

Living on liquids only, without digesting solid food of any kind magnifies the detox and vibrational impacts but also requires precautions at a higher level. Drinks should be even more frequent than fruit meals , every 1-3 hours depending on the type of liquid thickness, composition and digestive behavior as the digestion becomes very rapid, due to the lack of digestive juices of the saliva during chewing plus the stomach as it does not need to break down complex food.

Living only on water without consuming any other solid or liquid substances brings a person to a critical barrier.
The barrier that is crossed is the replacement of glucose (for the ATP production that the body needs as fuel generation) with hydrogen, which is carried by the water broken down to its constituents. Fuel is produced by the water been broken down and its hydrogen fused with the oxygen breathed in through the lungs, creating an alternative form of ATP fuel.

Food & Drink as part of spiritual transformation

Health is actually a secondary concern in our evolution. Its only purpose is to serve as a vehicle and facilitate spiritual transcendence which requires that the body & mind operate at lighter vibrational frequency rates. Health is no yardstick of spiritual awareness but also spiritual awareness cannot be attained or sustained without a certain level of physical health. Our relationship to food & drink seems to play a significant role in the advance or deterioration of that health.

How are Food, Sex, Emotions & Beliefs linked

The choices we make in our lives in terms of the vibrational frequency band we choose to operate within, are mostly sustained by our choices and attitudes towards food, drink, sex, emotions and beliefs. These tools serve the human program to lock-in the frequency band chosen by our Soul dimension.


Its purpose is not to get rid of toxicity. This is denial of a part of us & it will keep coming back until we feel at peace with all the parts of our psyche. The purpose of detoxing is to recognize the parts of ourselves that have served us in the past, so we can evolve from where we are now and choose to move onto a wider sphere of existence.The “toxic” energy accumulated inside of us doesn’t go away, it simply transmutes into a lighter form more useful to our current needs and choices.

Intoxication necessity & vibrational levels

Intoxication cannot possibly affects us unless we invite it and welcome it for whatever conscious or unconscious reason. Why? We make a fundamental decision in regards to the vibrational frequency band within which we choose to operate. This decision overrides anything that could alter the frequency band chosen & set in motion a set of circumstances & events to ensure that this frequency is maintained within the chosen range defining how we experience life “internally” & “externally”