Entries by Yorgo Papadakis

On Power & Control

Our success in assessing control of a situation is totally illusionary. WE never really assess control. We seem to temporarily resolve problems and discover solutions but its an absolute illusion and given a little or a lot of time, eventually gets revealed. When it eventually gets revealed we normally refuse to accept it and we […]

On Growth

The issue of change brings up a related issue, GROWTH. Is there really any growth or things simply are how they are and even perceived changes and “growth” is part of how they already are including effort, “miracles” etc? So if growth and change are pre-chosen, there is nothing to be achieved, gained (or lost […]

On Change

How and why some things can change and others don’t ? How is it decided ? is it predesigned or accidental circumstances perpetuated by inertia? This is not a philosophical question…its probably the most important thing to grasp and use in our lives. If we could possibly determine what can change and what can not […]

On Multiple Dimensions

It is quite possible that we live in multiple dimensions and whatever we do in one could affect what happens in others. or even further the reason for taking certain actions in this dimension is meant to solely  affect another dimension. Certainly that would explain the apparent absurdity of many actions we take (or events  […]

On Perceptions

How could anybody perceive something that does not exist ? Where would that perception originate from ? So in effect everything perceived is actually possible although through another dimension. What would be the reason for such possibility to exist? Lets reverse the question. If there was no reason why would it be perceived in the […]

Changing the Past, Now

We have always believed that the future is shaped by what we do today and the sequence of events eventually affect the future towards the direction we give it in the present. As far as the past is concerned, it has already happened and is irreversible. Perhaps not so. What if whatever realization we have […]

Destiny & Free Will

Based on the type of view we make about the origin and purpose of our choices, destiny may be a valid concept or not. According to the sinister view, that we are enslaved cattle, our destiny has been and is being determined by our masters in order to serve their needs, just like pigs serve […]

On Choices

The Sinister view: We don’t choose Given our human life’s experience of confusion and suffering, Is not impossible to consider a sinister angle, that our perceived choices are not our choices at all and we are here because we have been sent here by an external origin such by other beings of other dimensions or […]

Manifestation essential laws

According to WREAL, the following 6 elements, Time, Space, Presence, Action, Money & Other Resources, are all considered essential for the manifestation of any project, investment or business undertaking as well as any event completion. Each has a measurable value and its presence or absence determines the quantity of the invested energy. A value between 1 and 9 for each, measures the overall manifestation potential

Success & Failure Laws

Success depends on the 6-fold combination between what someone needs, strongly desires / contributes, deserves / believes and values. We need to realize, that the potentiality of success & failure has to be decided in either the Space dimension (in some or most fields of life) OR the Time dimension (for some time or almost always) but not both. Truly there is NO failure and everything is a success in waiting, relative to the total energy quantity invested