Entries by Yorgo Papadakis

On Self-awareness

This is one of the most flawed concepts at least in the way it is mostly used. Self-awareness is identified with the sense and belief of individual consciousness in contrast with the animal, plant & mineral kingdoms which share a collective consciousness. However “individual consciousness” is a fallacy. The degree of separation and suffering faced […]

Consciousness on the Cloud

Remembering may not function by storing and retrieving information from our brain (in a physical sense). In other words the information perhaps are not on the “hard disk of our computer” but on the “cloud” and are uploaded and downloaded upon need. Perhaps we keep the links on our hard disk but unlikely the entire […]

Past & Memory

The quest of the meaning of life is almost inevitable. But life makes no sense without the past. Everything we experience now, we link it with the past. We “remember”, we search into the past to compare what we live now with what our past experience was or actually what we have chosen to remember […]

Memories are only picture frames.

The “association process” of those still pictures creates “sequence” and the illusion of “movement”, “time”, “event” nature. But in fact is like “motion pictures”, just still frames played in a desired sequence according to the director/editor wishes. There is something in the “dreams” and the “memories” that links them. Is it accurate that we only […]

On Human emotional harvesting

We are programmed to react in very specific ways to any kind of stimuli, all within a very predictable range of possibilities, which mislead us to believe that we have free will and react to circumstances in distinct ways. However, the range of all possible reactions is limited and quite predictable if we actually pay […]

On Carbon & Silicon life

Our definition of reality is related to anything that we can perceive directly with our 5 senses, which we call physical, biological and it seems to be a “carbon based life” – well we don’t know that for sure, but lets assume it for the moment. Anything else based on digital information, is AI, artificial […]

On Laziness & Honesty

There is a human reaction that resembles laziness. It has elements of fear which causes a freezing inaction . It has elements of joy which causes an inaction due to the effect of the bliss. It also has elements of grief that cause surrender & inaction too. It has elements of disgust that leads to […]

On Here & Now

The concept of being in the here and now is a well known one and has been emphasized in most spiritual practices as an important element. However it may have been a misconception about the nature of that here and now in the sense that closer someone comes to the “here and now” the closer […]

On Suffering

It is well understood that suffering is the result of unfulfilled desire and attachment to fixed expectations. Buddhism has clearly and loudly made us aware of that. However there is another layer of suffering that originates from another source. The source is of course the mind itself but it has a more sinister twist. We […]

On Effort

Effort in our actions in life is a totally misunderstood concept. Success in anything has been associated with effort. The more effort, the more success. It may appear that effort is the key to success but actually there is another hidden factor which is the crucial one. All the Effort in the world would not […]