Entries by Yorgo Papadakis

On The Source or Supersoul

If life in the human 3rd dimension is a projection of the desires and needs and fears of the Soul’s  dimension then which dimension is perceiving all that right now and makes these assumptions beyond that? Is it a SuperSoul  dimension? We could presume that it is the Source but this is quite a stretch. […]

On changes in Society

Most of us would wish at some point that our human society was different, many of us would become focused in specific changes which we believe that would make the difference, politics, activism, environment, education, equality, poverty elimination, crime, religion and so on. Some of us go further in actually engage in actions that reflect […]

On Slowing Time

Life in this earth has probably the purpose of allowing to the soul to observe frame by frame the emotional experiences because time slows down so much, that it cannot be missed. It must also be that the emotions generated are very attractive just as an action/drama/romance etc movie triggers these emotions to our human […]

On Human evolution

We frequently come across the notion that the human race is about to make an evolutionary leap. The “human race” or better the human dimension has not really evolved in 100’s of thousands of years. It may have “discovered” or “invented” tools, methods and other creations to elevate the technological aspect of its civilization but […]

We are co creators

It needs to be emphasized that we are co-creators at all levels, so a bare passive surrender to the Source does not accurately describe what happens. We can surrender the ego trips for control, we can even surrender the Soul hysterias for fixing things BUT truly there is no surrender on the Source level. It […]

On Human & Soul destiny

There is really no point in acting in the human dimension so that the particular destiny of this incarnation to be fulfilled (at best) in order to manifest the karma that the Soul has programmed for this human life. Then this karma gets mingled with the karmic programs that the Soul runs. Then this Soul […]

On the Soul dimension

On the Illusion of the Soul`s separation from the Source Each Soul feels that it is has become separate from the Source and although it remembers that it has been once united, it is agonizing to try to find how to reunite. The pain is real but the assumption is an illusion. Each Soul has […]

On Beyond Death

Death is something we have learned to fear, bury its existence, constantly choose to pretend that is not part of our life. This fundamental fear distorts not only death’s significance but life’s significance. Our exorcizing of death prohibits us to live fully. WREAL has developed a set of programs, the participants of which confront death […]

You got to be what you believe

At the end of the day you have got to be who you really are and do what you believe in, no matter what the odds Feeling who you are Seeing who you are Accepting who you are Embracing who you are Believing who you are Trusting who you are Surrendering on who you are […]

What do you do when the illussions collapse?

When all the illusions collapse one after the other, leaving you stripped, thats when the real suffering begins. Until you still have dreams, visions, expectations, ambitions, illusions of fulfilled goals, you can evade the real suffering , fooling yourself with another one and another one. But when you run out of cards, when the illusions […]