Entries by Yorgo Papadakis

Human & Soul evolution

Who says that human dimension was designed for its own evolution? Human beings are a vibrational energy field, designed on behalf of the Universal Source via other highly evolved energy beings/angels, primarily as a training program for the Soul dimension frequency. The technological growth of humanity actually serve the emergence of another consciousness dimension, the AI which is not constrained by any biological & emotional limitations.

On Guilt & Blame

There is a fundamental belief that we all people share and runs so deep that has been either undetected or at best grossly underestimated. It is the feeling of guilt. Guilt about all the things we perceive that we have done wrong, all the things we have said and repented, all the things we have […]

On Love

There is a huge misconception about love. We are led to believe that love is what you give to someone while in fact is what you receive. Our capacity to love depends entirely on our capacity to accept receiving love. We may think that everyone can receive love, it does not take any effort or […]

Happiness is an illusion

The obsession of the humans about happiness is beyond doubt one of our strongest beliefs. Everyone is absolutely convinced that wants to be happy and avoid been unhappy. Everything we think of, everything we believe and every action we take has as its intention and goal to be happy. The way we are raised as […]

On Security

Our civilization has always placed so much attention in security and truly in many of its aspects that attention is well deserved. Survival is something we cannot argue with and in total honesty everything else pales in front of it. Security shielding us from crime, discrimination, natural disasters and the sort are concerns that nobody […]

On Freedom & Responsibility

Two heavily misinterpreted concepts which we have been normally seen as contradictory one with another. Freedom to our minds is the lack and denial of responsibility and free people are irresponsible, we envy them and despise them at the same time for reminding us what we don’t have. On the other hand when someone is […]

On Silence

We spend the majority of our lives talking and talking mostly without real necessity and definitely without much wisdom in the words we mutter. Our need to talk originates from our need to get lost and stay lost and sharing that sense with others makes it palatable and justified. It’s a way to fall asleep […]

On Solitude

Solitude serves no social purpose and not only is not encouraged but is also been blemished as a disease of some sort. Is something unfamiliar to our civilization where all social interactions are essential for maintaining social order and control. Been around people at any cost, chatting, listening, been busy, anything to create noise, anything […]

On Being vs Doing

The dichotomy and contradiction between being & doing seems as an almost impossible to grasp. When we are in a state of presence and in peace with ourselves and life at large there is nothing actually missing, there is nothing to add or deduct, nothing to say or do, nothing to crave or avoid, nothing […]

On Inheriting

Inheritance is something that has always been slipping our attention except when we may be desiring one, waiting for one, hearing of one or receiving one. In any other moment we don’t consider that it has any importance whatsoever. However the energy that inheritance carries with it, for both the giver and the receiver is […]