Entries by Yorgo Papadakis


WREAL has emphasized equality in many different ways. Beyond the obvious equality rights of humans beyond race, gender, ethnicity, social class, religion, culture, age, weight, appearance, it has introduced and emphasized the equality rights of children and of every living being, not just animals but also plants, minerals, wáter, air.
We are born equal and are worth equally but then our willingness to appreciate, give & share that worth defines our value as human beings and make us more worthy and valuable to the rest of our society.


Poverty and money are illusions that the system has been using to enslave the human race through reinforcing the perception of an artificial scarcity which perpetuates our poverty, slavery, dependence & sense of loss.
According to WREAL, there is an intrinsic value in every person no matter of its education, experience, age, sex, race or color and that each person is capable of producing a direct human energy service, irrelevant of means of production or information and that has been the backbone in the WREAL economic system’s elimination of poverty


Crime is not a side effect of society`s function. It is a mirror of society. We fail to see it because we are all in denial. If we could pay attention we could learn a lot from crime, it could be a tool of awareness. WREAL has been working on experimental forms of “adjustment”, such as utilizing Virtual Reality as a tool of protection of human life in case of murders and sexual abuses. Psychic clairvoyants have been training Deep Learning AI machines for years in order to determine the energetic patterns that lead to murders and intercept them in space-time before occurrence.


WREAL has returned Justice to its original concept and purpose. To raise our spiritual awareness that we are not isolated humans but instead we are Souls which reflect the Universal source in a holographic manner and all our apparent differences are simply reflections of light giving an illusionary appearance of separation. Judges in the JudicialBoards are only children (10-17y old for civil cases and 3-9y old for criminal cases) and are selected directly by the communities on a local, regional or global scale and are simply confirmed by the children Trustees.


Education has always been a control tool of the ruling systems directed at the populations they wanted to rule.
WREAL’s education starts from infancy with the focus to awaken, strengthen and encourage infants and toddlers to remember their innate spiritual identity and discover all the subsequent abilities for heightened sensory and extrasensory perception, psychic abilities, close & remote healing . Most importantly discover the “sound of truth”.
Truth has a vibrational frequency to which we can be attuned.
Children are able to listen to their own truth as well as distinguish the truth of others and pointing it out.


As an answer to Judaism, Christianity and Islam, WREAL contests that there is no SIN, no Paradise & Hell, no Judgment and no need for guilt or blame or judgment, no need to feel unworthy, no need to punish ourselves or others. WREAL`s answer to Buddhism is that in fact there is NO suffering, there is NO cause of suffering other than that is a simple program that the Soul dimension has adopted and believes is true.
Honesty, Compassion, Humility and Gratitude are essential spiritual virtues but the rest are tools of exploitation.


Although is easy to say that we need to protect the environment, our ignorance about what it is and how it functions and our ignorance & arrogance about its destruction or salvage is monumental.
We still see the environment as something passive, defenseless, a victim of our power and as something external from us and not as an undivided part of the same consciousness we share.

The JudicialBoard – JB

Initially it started as “Werification” focused simply in verifying the authenticity of the claimed donation transactions but the growth of WREAL´s operations made it imperative to establish a wide range of monitoring, investigating, making judgments and enforcing those judgments at all levels of operations and transactions even between members.
Eventually has grown to an elaborate & controversial justice system ruled by children.

The QuantumTech

Was based on a quantum principle computing Nano-technology architecture based on an atomic scale in which all possibilities are instantly accessible and the information flows through multiple paths of least resistance rather than the limiting 0-1 binary sequence silicon based principles. Initially it required a set of crystal dust but gradually become able to be accessed by a wide range of organic biological hardware. It was the beginning of an important scientific discovery.