Entries by Yorgo Papadakis

The missing 6th Chinese element

WREAL added to the theory of the 5 elements, wood, fire, metal, water and earth, the missing 6th element which it named “Heaven” represented by the Pericardium & Triple Warmer meridians, shifting the landscape of not just Chinese medicine but health in general. Most importantly stimulated strong associations and linked principles of ayurvedic medicine, astrology, physics, mathematics, sacred geometry, astronomy, chemistry

The Child Visions Project

The project was based on the most unlikely group of children. Young infant orphans who were stimulated spiritually, artistically linguistically and healing-wise. The focus was placed on their ability and willingness to be `direct teachers` of other children by actively sharing their spiritual, healing & artistic experiences directly with them, using their own child code of trust and communication eventually sidelining the adult facilitators.


Education has always been a control tool of the ruling systems directed at the populations they wanted to rule.
WREAL education starts from infancy with the focus to awaken, strengthen and encourage infants and toddlers to remember their innate spiritual identity and discover all the subsequent abilities for heightened sensory and extrasensory perception, psychic abilities, close & remote healing . Most importantly discover the “sound of truth”.

Children have always been the most harmed, oppressed, exploited & helpless class of human beings

We as adults constantly cripple children‘s confidence, creativity, passion & free spirit out of ignorance, fears & insecurities, but pretend we want them to grow into independent, self-confident, powerful adults. Adults are lost children who have no chance of evolving unless they get in touch with their inner child and help other children not to become lost. Children are the key to the evolution of our species. We need children to help us recover our inner wisdom, which they can access directly

Children and their proper role in society

Every child has an infinite wisdom in a body with just a little human experience. The role of each adult is to recognize, respect that wisdom & assist the child to grow & gain human experience without losing the connection with the infinite wisdom. WREAL´s vision has been to initiate & facilitate the emerging of a child-focused culture. A culture that identifies children as being the closer link between our souls & the Source. A culture that trusts children to heal & lead our civilization.

Childhood is not an age definition, it is a spiritual state of Being

It represents purity, innocence, playfulness, joy, enthusiasm & is even astrologically linked to the sun, light and empowerment. The definition of childhood represents OUR most uninhibited, creative, passionate, satisfying, loving, enthusiastic, free, empowered, joyful, being in the moment state of being. Isn’t what defines us as human beings in our most empowered state? Isn’t what we should be aspiring to be? Isn’t what we should treasure inside ourselves & in all children who already possess it?


Was inspired by the Pay-It-Forward concept of a young boy´s vision on how to change the world by simply helping in a serious, concrete and unconditional way 3 people, who would only help 3 others passing their gratitude forward.
The key differences with the Pay- it- forward concept were that the intention behind the Share It was not how to help the 3 people or how to change the world but instead to a)detect the pain in oneself & the others b) plug into the unconditionality & c) help oneself liberate of his fears & isolation


There is nothing wrong when two people celebrate their union with a special ceremony that reflects themselves and what they share. The problem is that the institution of marriage has been accumulating an energetic charge over hundreds of years and it has entrenched these above scripted values in it.
When 2 people get married today they don’t get married just the 2 of them.
They instead energetically download the entire collective memory bank of everyone who has been married


Sexual energy is in fact Spiritual energy. Dissolving and losing your identity during the sexual act, in a space of love, is a dissolution of duality and a fusion with the Source. There is no difference between sexuality & spirituality , so the way we behave sexually enhances or drains our souls` spiritual evolution.
However, sex has been used by humans for centuries as a tool of exercising power, manipulation & control by both men and women, irrespective of social or economic class, culture, religion, age, race, ethnicity.


Freedom as a concept usually clashes with Responsibility. Responsibility is the ability to respond (rather than a heavy load that we are convinced we must carry because of some obligation we have to others.
If we cripple our freedom because of an external must, we jeopardize our ability to respond effectively.
Conversely our exercise of that ability to respond make us feel free of any bounds.