The WREAL Economic System
According to WREAL each human has been transferred a daily economic worth which is simply a part of the electromagnetic energy that the human body receives from the universe and processes every day in order to stay alive & well.
Sustaining the human body involves various processes all of which engage the reception of the universal electromagnetic energy which stimulates initially the pineal gland which in turn triggers the hypothalamus and pituitary both of which produce a wide range of neurotransmitters to keep us alive and well physiologically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. No system in the human body can possibly function at all, if the pineal gland doesn’t get triggered by the universal electromagnetic energy/chi/prana.
That same energy contains a credit of daily economic worth, to sustain the practical aspects of the human life – just like oxygen necessary to breathe.
So if we are born every day with a daily economic self-worth of 1,188 WREAL$ units (or US$1,188 back in 2020)
that translates to W99/h x 12 interactive hours daily.
WREAL insisted that it is not important if that assessment is accurate, it could be any arbitrary figure which would work as well as long as the credit & debit interactions are kept in equilibrium.
Remember that wealth in the WREAL system is not accumulated by acquisitions but by its various usage methods. It is not about what you own that is going up or down in value but about how you use the resources that you have access to,
that is creating that value increase or decrease.
That assumption of 1,188 WREAL daily economic worth amounts to a global potential daily economic activity worth more than 8 trillion WREAL$/US$ or 3,000 trillion annually.
However, we have to consider that self-worth as only the potential value because of course gets diminished by its type of usage.
That value however, solely considers individual economic worth without calculating how these interactions balloon the size of a global economy to spectacular 16 figures. The comparison with the total cash economy size of a mere $80 trillion back in 2020 raises serious questions over the true size of the global economy and what constitutes real value.
However that 1,188 WREAL$ daily value diminishes depending on how we use it.
First of all $459 are consumed in the sustaining of our human body, leaving $729 for interactive use.
We can offer it in some form, or use it for our needs or invest it or convert it to cash
and those actions determine its value in different proportions.
– If we unconditionally donate it as DHES (direct human energy service) is worth 729 WREAL$
(Or US$729 back in 2020)
-If we barter/exchange it only direct human energy service is worth 648 WREAL$
(Not for products or other services but only for direct human energy services)
-If we invest it in a productive long-term 10y + investment is worth 567 WREAL$
(Productive meaning that provides tangible benefits for the society)
-If we invest it in a productive short-term investment is worth 486 WREAL$
(Short-term does not mean speculative and still has to create tangible social benefits)
-If we barter it for products or other indirect services is worth 405 WREAL$
-If we use it as a discount voucher is worth 324 WREAL$
– If we spend/ consume it is worth 243 WREAL$
-if we use it to generate/obtain scarcity currency/cash- only is worth 162 WREAL$
-if we convert it into a scarcity currency/cash is worth 81 WREAL$
OBTAIN it without earning it
– If we inherit it is worth 27 WREAL$
-if we gamble it to obtain cash is worth 9 WREAL$
-if we steal to obtain it in cash or any other form is worth 1 WREAL$
The main principle is that cosmic energy value is abundant and we all have a right to it but
the more we honor and recycle back that energy through unconditional, trust and service
the more rights we retain and can access for our needs.
The more we entrap ourselves into the scarcity principles of the economic systems seeking cash to meet our desires and satisfy our fears, the more we separate from the Source and cosmic principle of abundance.
As it becomes obvious its daily intrinsic value diminishes if is utilized with the intention of gaining personal profit and specially when converting it into any of the scarcity currencies.
The more noble and giving is its usage the more value it retains.
It loses some value when we invest it productively for the society, it loses some more when we use it for our own needs and loses way much more when we obtain it if it does not belong to us and have not earned it.
The WREAL economic system is based on the circulation of those values and whoever wants to participate into the system and record those transactions automatically have his/her account credited and debited based on the corresponding value of those transactions.
What we need in life is not money/cash and we don’t need to enslave ourselves to it.
We need food, shelter, safety, contentment, peace and love. We can meet these needs by focusing exactly on what we need and not on the cash “required to buy those needs”, by directly relating with each other .
The WREAL system “rewards” the preservation of those fundamental cosmic principles and values and “penalizes” their abandonment, therefore creating an education mechanism for people to test by themselves the validity of this WREAL worth. Basically scarcity cash is readily available to buy and sell through the entire WREAL system but for each $US that someone sells to WREAL receives several WREAL$ in contrast to when someone wants to buy a $US has to pay with several WREAL$ which eventually makes apparent that there is much more value preserved in WREAL$ currency and transactions and people prefer to maintain and trade WREAL$ rather than keep converting cash for WREAL$ and back $ because the purchasing and exchange value of $ radically diminishes.
The economics of those conversions based on usage type create a dramatic shift on how WREAL value has been accumulated or drained. The difference between using it as unconditional offering of direct human service VS using it to convert in scarcity cash is 9 times more and VS stealing it is 729 times more.
A very clear and strong incentive linking universal ethics with tangible value. An entire new class of “WREAL rich” people and organizations surfaced. But in contrast with any other rich of the past, these people and organizations WREAL wealth was due to the service they provided to humanity and life in general.
Practically here are some examples of how the WREAL system of value has been working.
You start your day with 1,188 W$ (universal energy units)
459 W$ (nearly 40%) are consumed in the sustaining of your human body. You are left with 729W$ for interactive use.
If you unconditionally do something for someone else personally using your DHES (direct human energy service) you maintain those 729W$ in your credit account.
If you invest this 729W$ long term it loses a 10% and goes down to 567 in comparison with unconditional DHES
If you spend it consuming it for personal reasons it loses 2/3 of its value and goes down to 243 W$
If you convert it for cash it loses 90% of its value and goes down to 81 W$
Now in reverse if you have US$ 81 in cash and you wish to convert it into W$ you get credited with
108 W$ if you barter it for products through the WREAL network
135 W$ if you barter it for DHES through the WREAL network
162 W$ if you invest it in a W$ denominated short term productive investment 3+ y
189 W$ if you invest it in a W$ denominated long term productive investment 10+ y
216 W$ if you donate it to qualified 5* individual (which unconditionally offers DHES)
243 W$ if you donate it to qualified 5* organization (which unconditionally offers DHES)
So practically the conversion of US$ into W$ multiplies its value between 30% and 300%
while the conversion of W$ into US$ diminishes its value by 90%
In 2020 US$1 = 1 W$. That value of W$ was started getting strengthened since 2026 onwards
Initially apps and then bots have facilitated both the calculation of values as well as the transfers.
The question arose at some point in regards to children & SelfWorth.
What is the contribution of children in the energy utilization scale and what should be credited to them daily?
WREAL claims that children may not contribute economically through an action such barter, invest, consume but they do contribute by donating their Soul & Source presence, joy and love. Their presence and existence enrich adult lives, therefore their emotional energy contribution needs to be acknowledged and credited for.
Therefore each day a newborn child gets credited by W$ 729, as its existence is still unconditional. For each subsequent year the daily credit gets reduced by 3% until the age of 6, then reduced by 4.5% until the age of 12 and finally reduced by 9% until the age of 18
The accumulated credits are something like an endowment for each child reaching majority age, rewarding the first years of childhood more than the latter. It can be used solely by that child him/herself, not by parents or other adults during those 18y or even after. It cannot be transferred to any adult and it cannot be used as collateral for any adult. The universe intended this energy for that specific child and is the sole beneficiary of that endowment to use as he/she wishes when reach majority age. However during its childhood years, each child retained the right to use some of this credit for educational, health or spiritual development purposes. Also occasional transfers between consenting children when a child decides to donate credit to another child for a truly altruistic reason while the existing credit of the receiving child is not sufficient, have been allowed and in fact those actions are considered WREAL transactions and credit the givers with active credit. In general though all children have sufficient credit accumulated in order to manifest anything.
WREAL made clear that these endowments are not simply child-specific but most importantly they are endowments for childhood and not for adulthood. What that means is that once a child reached the age of 18 he/she had 1 year to dispose that accumulated credit towards any or various unconditional energy oriented organizations or it would be automatically erased.
The economic implications of those endowments have not yet shown their full impact, due to that there are less than 9 mil ex-children registered with WREAL who have attained majority age during the last 12 years and their endowment has been drastically reduced due to their entry in mostly their teenage years.
SelfWorth has been the most fundamental element of WREAL’s economic system and over the last 12 years it has been responsible for shaping the lives of billions of people.
No direct reciprocation was demanded or even expected. Each party posted its profile and if another party was interested, then the 2 parties agreed on their assigned WREAL units value, it was recorded into the WREAL system, crediting and debiting the parties. That gave the ultimate flexibility to people seeking whatever they needed and offering whatever they had to offer.
From early on, the SelfWorth group has been establishing advisory services around the globe assisting people in that economic self-assessment.
Since 2026 The SelfWorth system started growing much further than Economic Self Worth. WREAL has been inviting people to honestly assess and quantify their self-worth in every aspect, physically (state of health), emotionally (capacity or impediments to feel, to love, to enjoy), mentally (level of clarity, stimulation, creativity) , spiritually ( level of peace, contentment, compassion, service).
A Physical SelfWorth profile could help someone i.e negotiate better insurance, being offered better business opportunities, being more attractive as an intimate partner or a friend and the competitiveness it was creating was prompting people to look after themselves better.
An honest Emotional SelfWorth profile was also providing a good indication to clients, traders, sexual and intimate partners, friends and colleagues with whom they are dealing with and was also prompting people to better themselves and look after their emotional balance as essential part of their overall being.
An honest Mental SelfWorth assessment and a Spiritual SelfWorth assessment was serving all the above types of people in their interaction with them ‘forcing” people to better themselves.
Of course any attempts to deliberately misrepresent or mislead the public in their profile presentations was either warned or penalized through the feedback posting of others who have experienced the relevant characteristics in their previous interactions. These feedback postings as well were monitored for their honesty as the penalization could end up against the ones posting misrepresented comments.
During 2027 The SelfWorth system kept evolving. It has been spectacular how the physical, emotional, mental & spiritual self-assessment has boosted the employment and net worth of hundreds of millions of people affirming that the initial daily value assessment of each person was not illusionary but instead was within reach, as the growth of GGP figures has confirmed.
That self-assessment beyond the obvious help in consciousness-deepening it provides to people, it serves them to communicate, interrelate it with others “trading” it in a way by receiving what they may lack (borrowing, leasing, purchasing, bartering or receiving a donation) or offering it (donating , lending, leasing, selling, auctioning it).
For example, rather than the initial expectation that everyone would seek the perfect candidates to relate or trade with, in practice, people were attracted & matched by the complementary nature of the profiles they were coming across. Just like in a date matchmaking site, someone would be attracted by a brunette single mother studying pottery with a shy attitude, people of the Self Worth sites were attracted by “strengths” or “weaknesses” of the other people because either they were complementing their own strengths/weaknesses or they were moved by the honesty of those profiling themselves with no fear or shame or any other reason at all.
The most amazing creative combinations started surfacing. Here are some examples:
Someone could seek to borrow or lease someone’s physical health time, skills to help them get motivated and inspired to overcome obsessive eating patterns. The person offering that did not need to be a professional, could be an average neighbor. The person receiving that could reciprocate by let’s say offering to the giver his mental clarity strength – teaching him/her how to keep proper accounting books or how to better promote his/her profile.
—A children’s orphanage would post a request or contact someone who was willing to donate their love and empathy to the children, perhaps offering in exchange dance classes by one of the staff working there.
—-A graphic artist could auction her skills to the public and the winner would offer 50% of the value of the service agreed as a personal loan to her brother and the other 50% as a donation to a temple that needed some kitchen repairs. The type of auction was attracting great interest by generating more publicity for the graphic artist by the general public, while maximizing the value generated and divested to selfless yet productive purposes.
2028. People could freely offer their “weaknesses” into the system. They lent their diabetes to a nutraceutical manufacturer, leased out their depression to a herbal plantation farmer, rented short-term their fear to a skydiving operator, mortgaged their anger to a dancing studio, auctioned their obesity to health resorts, sold their mistrust to a meditation retreat.
So everything was of value although eventually values were transformed based on the availability of choices presented. When a concoction of sublingual supplements could reverse diabetes, the person had the choice to embrace the new possibility or not,
someone could still opt for depression although a simple herbal tea taken 2wice a day for 3 months could shift the neurotransmitters equilibrium, a person after a skydiving experience may have chosen to overcome his fears or not, a person ruled by anger may have discovered that creative expression through dance could liberate her from anger or perhaps not, an obese person could choose to maintain and enhance the benefits experienced in a health retreat or not, one could still choose to hold on to mistrust in life although his meditative experience has unfolded a wider set of options. The manufacturer, the farmer, the skydiver, the health resort, the dance studio, the meditation instructor were “paying” the participants with the “weaknesses” by offering their services for free, while gaining publicity, so there was no value lost but rather enhanced.
From 2029 The SelfWorth system has given birth to The LifeAuction. The growth of the Self Worth principle, the empowerment it created in the lives of people and the multitude of possibilities it provided, stimulated an ever-increasing creativity, which eventually led to the creation of LifeAuction.
People were auctioning everything: their time to anyone they wish, their beliefs, their body to scientists, photographers, artists, , their ideas, their feelings, their credit, their freedom, their dreams & visions, their spiritual insights, their sins, their lifestyle, their honesty and so on.
By 2032 The SelfWorth system has become the core identity of WREAL around which all other aspects, concepts and entities were orbiting. WREAL projected that by the end of 2034 it would assimilate most functions of all the other entities, the huge majority of which would become obsolete in the new era and be dismantled. All information about everything would be available and accessed through the “Qloud” which is the enhancement and expansion of the QTech activities.
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