So many things have been written, said and done in relation to sexuality that WREAL can only add its five cents in briefly declaring its unconventional position on some of its key aspects
Sexual energy is in fact Spiritual energy. Dissolving and losing your identity during the sexual act, in a space of love, is a dissolution of duality and a fusion with the Source. There is no difference between sexuality & spirituality , so the way we behave sexually enhances or drains our souls` spiritual evolution.
However, sex has been used by humans for centuries as a tool of exercising power, manipulation & control by both men and women, irrespective of social or economic class, culture, religion, age, race, ethicity. In most sexual encounters even today, that primal instinct is present. Almost always one of both parties will be using the other for their ends which have nothing to do with the actual sexual act. Sex together with money have served as the main power tools of entire civilizations. The ruling system has identified its human necessity and has been using it very successfully for decades for marketing purposes as a tool of subliminal coercion into buying things or doing things in order to be rewarded sexually or financially or with security or power.
Sexual desire and need – just like hunger and thirst- is no more than a soul program designed to hold the human experience and human body in a certain vibrational frequency. Food and sex are the master addictions of humanity and not only. Observing the animal instincts gives us a good indication how powerless we seem in front of these primal instincts.
Of course human civilizations have upgraded sexuality from the original reproduction necessity and mere release to more subtle forms of expression and frequently used it as an expression of intimacy and love. There is in general more respect for our sexual partner nowdays than in middle ages for instance.
However sex is still been used egotistically, for mere sexual or emotional release, or mechanically, or as a marital obligation, or as an escape mechanism, or addictively or frequently not been present with the other person, as a form of masturbation with another person while fantasizing something or someone else and frequently followed by a sense of a depressive emptiness no matter if there was an orgasm or not.
All the above compounded with emotional traumas from childhood plus stress of everyday life have contibuted to a range of side effects, such as stimulation difficulties, impotence, frigidity, lack of orgasms, necessity for assistance by dirty talk, porn, fantasies, themes, tools, masturbation plus prostitution and infidelity. Of course dirty talk, porn, fantasies, themes, tools, masturbation are all valid forms of sexual experimentation and diversity. There should be no judgment of them from a moral high point. The problem is when they become obsessive compulsive forms of expression usually to the exclusion of others.
Nevertheless, sexuality among any consenting adults should have no borders and NO segregation labels . Whatever causes sexual stimulation between consenting adults is absolutely fine no matter of their gender, age, race, and their sexual practices, fantasies or number of people participating and that includes masturbation and prostitution
What is out of the question is the lack of consent or manipulation for consent granting .Pedophilia, rape, abuse, blackmail and anything even remotely resembling those, is crossing the line. Pedophilia is the most damaging of all because it interferes with the Soul`s unfoldment in the human experience.
However having said that , just like there are no accidents, no diseases and no crimes without the prior consent of all the involved souls on both ends of the stick, there are no rapes or sexual abuses without the prior Soul designs of all parties, because very frequently Souls feel that they need to be punished and suffer or even be awakened and change direction. This view is meant by no means of justification of the actual crimes but instead as a tool of awareness and liberation from unnecessary suffering from victimization. Sexual abuse and murder are the most common events of violence caused and received. It has been a part of our human history fabric and Souls plug into that in order to manifest the experience they seek. The victims suffer but the aggressors suffer too, in a delayed mode but they suffer too. Sexual violence is significantly more detrimental than any other type of violence with the exception of murder. The problem with that type of violence is that entangles these souls in a much longer and more intense karmic interaction , having to play back and forth the roles of victim and aggresor.
Lets not get confused though. Just because there is a prior soul agreement between both parties, it does not mean that causing harm is absolved especially when it comes to conscious violence. WREAL considers sexual abuse as well as murder the most detrimental crimes on a soul level and recognizes that they need to be assigned prime attention by both education and justice systems. See under Justice section
WREAL intends to not simply legalize but also protect prostitution in order to be liberated from the chains of exploitation, crime, drug addiction, as well as the social stigma. It is a profession after all, providing a valuable service. All moral taboos about it are simply hypocritical.
Prostitution however should not continue as is now but be distinctly elevated. First of all both male and female teenagers should have the opportunity to go through a sexual education entrainment with “sex counselors” before or during the period of initial sexual interaction with their peers as well as having “refresher” courses later on.
Sex counselors themselves would undergo a sexual education which will contain not just empty, sleazy sex but all diverse expressions of it. They should have developed deep & subtle awareness of their body and the bodies they have sexual encounters with. Their sensitivity & awareness would promote them across the ranks of their colleagues. Having sex with people while we are full of ignorance, taboos, fears, unfulfilled desires is not simply wrong but detrimental. The sexual karma we accumulate on a soul level is heavy and distorts our perception of reality both in the human as well as the soul level.
We need assistance and we need to have respect for those who will assist us, not contempt as it usually the case with prostitution. Prostitutes’ contempt for the filthy pig clients and clients’ contempt for the filthy whores. WREAL intents to change that vicious cycle and demonstrate that sex is not what we have led to believe it is.
Because sexual energy is spiritual energy, the sexual experiences we have, determine our spiritual development and vice-versa our spiritual development determines our sexual experiences. So we ought to be grateful, attentive, sincere and respectful to both of them.
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