Money & Power
The entire human history has been a showcase of the craving for power and control of the elites over the masses and the enslavement of society in a variety of forms utilizing ignorance, superstition, manipulation, hope & fear, intimidation or brutal force. Economic control has always been the method through which power was exercised. Throughout the millennia not much has changed. The system has become more sophisticated but still reflects the same enslavement principles.
The power elites have had to evolve and allow societies to evolve along with them in order to serve their own self-interests better. Just like when global trading and then industrial revolution were serving better the power elites of those times, they also created a new middle class which has been growing ever since representing now about ¼ of the global population.
Although this class has been manipulated to serve the interests of the elite, it has recently represented a growing threat to that elite because its demands and its clout keep growing constantly and it has become increasingly more difficult to keep control of that growth. The emerging economies’ middle classes have more than doubled the world total in just 30 years and the even more rapid acceleration during the last decade has caused global havoc. Just printing more money in the developed economies was undermining the system itself because that money was either fleeing their economies or was recycling in speculative loops. The speculative money fever moved to the emerging economies undermining even further the developed ones destabilizing control.
A strange phenomenon appeared for the first time in history, whereas power interests were in conflict with money interests. Money itself had developed an existence of its own, no longer serving the elite to exercise power and control. Financial globalization became an independent supranational state with its own administrative apparatus, its own spheres of influence, its own means of action.
This artificial world state regulated by the IMF, the World Bank, the FED, the ECB, the OECD and the WTO became a power with no base in society, answerable instead to the financial markets & the mammoth business entities that run it.
International capital markets placed serious limits on state authorities to regulate their economies in such areas as interest-rate levels and capital flows.
The result has been that the government states in the real world became societies with no power base.
Money had become the enemy of most power centers and governments. Money was blackmailing governments forcing them to adjust decisions out of fear of economic collapse. Developed economies did not want money to flee and cause deflation and stagnation to them while emerging ones did not want it to speculatively enter and destabilize them by causing overheating and inflation. In order to avoid deflation developed economies kept printing more money and loosening monetary policy, effectively exporting inflation to the emerging ones. Of course the main purpose was speculating wherever the conditions were more suitable. Once it was no more profitable to raid and manipulate developing economies and markets money was going back to the developed ones. After this cycle was completed, were reversing the flow back to the developed economies, leaving indebted and destabilized the developing and 3rd world economies once again.
Currency exchange rates and central bank foreign reserves were so destabilized that the entire world was ready for a radical change and in need of trusting a system that could provide more stability.
However once the economies globally were stabilizing, the conflict between money & governments became more overt. Since 2016 governments started making decisions based on geopolitical basis rather than economic basis, frequently self-destructing. By 2021 though after the structural weakness of the global economies resurfaced, money was again in charge defining politics.
The entire human history has been a showcase of the craving for power and control of the elites over the masses and the enslavement of society in a variety of forms utilizing ignorance, superstition, manipulation, hope & fear, intimidation or brutal force. Economic control has always been the method through which power was exercised. Throughout the millennia not much has changed. The system has become more sophisticated but still reflects the same enslavement principles.
The power elites have had to evolve and allow societies to evolve along with them in order to serve their own self-interests better. Just like when global trading and then industrial revolution were serving better the power elites of those times, they also created a new middle class which has been growing ever since representing now about ¼ of the global population.
Although this class has been manipulated to serve the interests of the elite, it has recently represented a growing threat to that elite because its demands and its clout keep growing constantly and it has become increasingly more difficult to keep control of that growth. The emerging economies’ middle classes have more than doubled the world total in just 30 years and the even more rapid acceleration during the last decade has caused global havoc. Just printing more money in the developed economies was undermining the system itself because that money was either fleeing their economies or was recycling in speculative loops. The speculative money fever moved to the emerging economies undermining even further the developed ones destabilizing control.
A strange phenomenon appeared for the first time in history, whereas power interests were in conflict with money interests. Money itself had developed an existence of its own, no longer serving the elite to exercise power and control. Financial globalization became an independent supranational state with its own administrative apparatus, its own spheres of influence, its own means of action.
This artificial world state regulated by the IMF, the World Bank, the FED, the ECB, the OECD and the WTO became a power with no base in society, answerable instead to the financial markets & the mammoth business entities that run it.
International capital markets placed serious limits on state authorities to regulate their economies in such areas as interest-rate levels and capital flows.
The result has been that the government states in the real world became societies with no power base.
Money had become the enemy of most power centers and governments. Money was blackmailing governments forcing them to adjust decisions out of fear of economic collapse. Developed economies did not want money to flee and cause deflation and stagnation to them while emerging ones did not want it to enter and destabilize them by causing overheating and inflation. In order to avoid deflation developed economies kept printing more money and loosening monetary policy, effectively exporting inflation to the emerging ones. Of course the main purpose was speculating wherever the conditions were more suitable. Once it was no more profitable to raid and manipulate developing economies and markets money was going back to the developed ones. After this cycle was completed, were reversing the flow back to the developed economies, leaving indebted and destabilized the developing and 3rd world economies once again.
Currency exchange rates and central bank foreign reserves were so destabilized that the entire world was ready for a radical change and in need of trusting a system that could provide more stability.
However once the economies globally were stabilizing, the conflict between money & governments became more overt. Since 2016 governments started making decisions based on geopolitical basis rather than economic basis, frequently self-destructing. By 2021 though after the structural weakness of the global economies resurfaced, money was again in charge defining politics.
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