The power of Money
Virtually all humans believe that money holds a power over them & rules their decisions, priorities & lives in general. The perceived difficulty in obtaining it & sustaining it and the difficulty in deciding how to dispose it better, spending it, saving it, investing it, managing it for others, receiving it and giving it has become the centerpiece of our civilization for many centuries and with the introduction and increasing spread of money as a currency, that difficulty has been intensified as it now days rules almost all living related transactions not to mention financial & economic transactions.
In the old days people could produce and use directly what they needed and barter the excess with what they could not have otherwise. The standardization of the economies and the role of money appeared to help provide all that people needed providing a liquidity in the trading of goods & services but it caused an unseen effect which even now it escapes detection. It robbed people of a large part of the value of that trading because of the logistical cost it added to the movement of all products & services which was added on their sale value.
Eventually that logistical cost became the major power tool used by all people & groups who controlled that logistical flow, whether that was farming landholding, means of industrial production or means & flow of information.
Initially the various political/economic systems´ need was exploiting the masses and keep them in poverty and ignorance. Eventually global trading & Industrial revolution focused in creating semi-privileged classes within their own territories to be able to purchase their high-end products & services while at the same time imperialism focused in exploiting and keeping in poverty other geographical regions while raising the standard of living of their own countries citizens for the same economic reasons. Outright ancient slavery was replaced by the feudalistic version of it and then the imperialistic one which created the trading middle class and recently the information slavery.
Now days developed countries’ economic systems revolve around a large middle class which is enslaved to that economic system in a subtler yet more sinister way, by creating a value system of dependence on things that is hard to be replaced or challenged and they all rotate around the need for acquisition, preservation, consumption and investment of money. The entire education and workplace environment as well as the majority of human relationships are determined by the value of money directly or indirectly. In developing countries the same values are what people aspire to and the poorer 3rd world countries are trapped into a painstakingly long process towards the same goal.
Everyone believes that he needs the money and the more one can obtain or has, the better his life is or will be.
Its value and importance has reached idolized proportions. The amount of fear and worry about its difficult or uncertain acquisition or loss and the greed about that acquisition, augmentation and preservation has in fact converted it into a totem, one with magical powers over us.
Money has become responsible for everything good & evil in our lives, ruling our emotions, physical health, mental clarity and spiritual peace. Its possession or lack of it appears as been solely able to create or resolve the most serious problems in our lives.
Our entire life is about money or better is an expression of money.
So in our glimpses of clarity we realize that this is absurd and need to liberate from that slavery of money. However a little later we confront the same inner and outer conflicts with it and we are trapped all over again.
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