What Is the WREAL World
A MEMORY of the FUTURE events of 2020-2032 leading to the establishment of
a new economic, social & political system
based on Universal spiritual laws
with the assistance of Quantum computing AI
while have everything overseen by gifted children
You may consider this as a science fiction novel. But what if is not?
What if it is an actual documentary?
What if it narrates the real details of our society as we experience them in a parallel dimension?
What if we actually live in that reality, part-time?
The information shared here is far too specific to be invented mentally out of thin air.
It exists somewhere. It is more like memories rather than dreams.
We don’t wish that this could be our reality. We know that it is. In a parallel universe but it is still us making the decisions at any point.
Our purpose is to sensitize you the web visitor, to that possibility, so you create a bridge between these dimensions.
We want to inspire you to reflect, question, explore, engage and interact.
You can then select the dimension you choose to identify with and that will gradually become your reality.
Because there are many intersecting points between these dimensions in which you can effortlessly change direction towards your chosen reality.
The eνents 2020 – 2032
Back in 2020
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2021
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2022
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2023
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2024
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2025
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2026
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2027
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2028
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2029
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2030
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisBack in 2031
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisWREAL ‘S Apology to the world
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisToday in 2032
6 September 2018/by Yorgo PapadakisSUMMARY of 2020-2032
15 January 2019/by Yorgo PapadakisLorem Ipsum is simply dummy tndustry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy tndustry.
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