WREAL´s meteoric success – as to be expected, was rapidly perceived as a threat to the economic & political system and
Triggered a long series of conflicts, cyber-attacks since late 2021,
Legal & judicial maneuvers to force it closing its N American and EU offices in 2022-2024,
Financial restrictions to ban it from the financial markets from 2023-2025 and
Political & Economic pressures since 2024 waged by the World Bank, IMF, FED, ECB, WTO against corporations & governments co-operating with WREAL.
info graphic No 4
In 2026 WREAL declared itself a sovereign country situated in international waters at an uninhabited South Pacific island near Samoa, issuing virtual citizenships & tax free zones & benefits. info graphic No 5
The conflicts escalated into the African embargos of 2027,
The African Wars & the Global stock market crash of 2028,
The Commodity crisis and the Caribbean & Central American famine of 2029 and
The Currency War & GCU (global currency unification) of 2030.
info graphic of the above in 1 global map No 6
The 3-year Depression of 2029-2031 and the mass refugee exodus of over 55 mil N Americans, Europeans & other developed nations migrating to South America, Africa and parts of Asia during those years, resulted finally to
the Hemispheric World War of 2031 with the developed nations on the one side (mostly in the northern hemisphere) and the developing and 3rd world countries on the other side- with a few exceptions.
info graphic No 7
After 350,000 deaths in 4 and a half months of warfare, most developed countries` governments collapsed and the economic and financial system as we knew it then, has irreversibly melted down.
WREAL won the war with no weapons or soldiers by simply using its cybernetics superiority.
By the end of 2032 the WREAL currency (W$) became the undisputed dominant currency of choice
in local & global financial and trade transactions
The WREAL economy reached 280 tril W$, while the old economy shrank to 70 tril.
Over 40 tril of that old economy “scarcity cash” has been held in reserve & traded by WREAL.
WREAL projected the elimination of all “scarcity cash” by the end of 2034
The world economy GGP is estimated to balloon to 700 trillion W$ in that year.
The eνents 2020‑2032
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WREAL ‘S Apology to the world6 September 2018 - 10:00
Today in 20326 September 2018 - 10:02
SUMMARY of 2020-203215 January 2019 - 06:25