On Karma

Karma is a concept well known in the eastern Asian traditions…

On Human emotional harvesting

We are programmed to react in very specific ways to any kind…

On Laziness & Honesty

There is a human reaction that resembles laziness. It has elements…

On Suffering

It is well understood that suffering is the result of unfulfilled…

On Hope & Fear

We have a major misconception about fear. We believe we are afraid…

On Desire vs Enjoyment

Desire relates to the pursuit of enjoyment. Whether this enjoyment…

On Expectations & Judgment

It is quite significant to examine the expectations we have about…

On Power & Control

Our success in assessing control of a situation is totally illusionary.…

On Guilt & Blame

There is a fundamental belief that we all people share and runs…

On Love

There is a huge misconception about love. We are led to believe…