The WREAL Economic System
Each human is transferred from the universe a quantity of an electromagnetic energy that the human body receives in order to stay alive & well. That same energy contains a credit of daily economic worth, to sustain the practical aspects of the human life – just like oxygen necessary to breathe. The more we honor and recycle back that energy through unconditional, trust and service, the more abundant & “wealthy” we become with more rights to access for our practical needs.

SelfWorth as Commodity
The value of each person´s worth (whether was acting alone or as a part of a group) became a tradable commodity, which was assessed & quantified by the laws of demand & supply like a stock or bond. That commodity could then be traded in a “human capital marketplace” and gradually could be bartered, auctioned, discounted, invested, lent, borrowed, mortgaged, leased, placed on option, insured, donated, by a variety of instruments involving both W$ & scarcity currencies.

Employment vs Self Employment
The energetic relationship between employer and employee has always been one of mutual exploitation ,fear, mistrust, lack of giving, lack of commitment, lack of appreciation and lack of responsibility. The WREAL concept radically alters that diseased relationship with one of mutual freedom and responsibility by all parties involved by converting every individual into a self-employed freelancer, independent contractor, consultant, businessman with an online identity & profile

Defining and Calculating Economic Self Worth
There is an intrinsic value in every person no matter of its education, experience, age, sex, race or color and each person is capable of producing a direct human energy service.. “Supply creates its own demand”. Assume that we are born every day with a daily economic self-worth of 1,188 WREAL$ (US$1,188 back in 2020).That value diminishes depending on how we use it. We may donate it in some form, or use it personally or invest it productively for the common good or convert it to cash

The world for thousands of years has been based on the belief system that when we are born we are nothing, know nothing and worth nothing. Now let`s dare reverse that belief system about our worth and consider that each human life since its birth has an inherent worth, a gift of Life itself, an amount of energy that can fluctuate depending on how wise, appreciative and sharing we are in its utilization.

WREAL´s economic philosophy
The illusion about money is not about its importance but its nature which is wealth. Wealth cannot possibly be an element of scarcity but is instead an element of abundance. The ancient greek word for money is χρῆμα which has the meaning of usage & originates from χρέος which means debt, meaning that you use something which is not yours and you have to give back.

Self- Interest vs Society´s interest
. Money became a self-serving entity providing no service to society or even the individuals. The financial sector of all economies was bloated in both good and bad times creating housing & financial markets bubbles and was determining the fate of the entire economic system. Individuals cloned the same illusionary principle of self-interest.

Financialization of the Global Economy
The slowing growth on the real economy in US in the early 70´s created a large capital surplus and financialization become its only outlet out of stagnation and via neoliberalism and deregulation of the industry became a viable option artificially determining demand and supply forces and crippling the real economic forces. The inability of the capitalist system to produce inflation was causing serious alarm, indicating that the economies were moving in unpredictable unchartered territory

Money & Power
Economic control has always been the method through which power was exercised.
For the first time in history, power interests were in conflict with money interests. Money itself had developed an existence of its own, no longer serving the elite to exercise power and control. Financial globalization became an independent supranational state with its own administrative apparatus, its own spheres of influence, its own means of action.

The power of Money
Virtually all humans believe that money holds a power over them & rules their decisions, priorities, & lives in general. It appears difficult to obtain it, sustain it, use it and affects our emotions, physical health, mental clarity, spiritual peace. Ancient slavery was replaced by the feudalistic version of it and then the imperialistic one which created the trading middle class and recently we live the information slavery.