Currency Wars & Global Currency Unification (GCU).
$R replaces $US, Yuan, Euro, Dmark, Yen, Pound, Brazilian Real, Indian Rupee, $A, $S, $HK.
The North Hemisphere Depression.
Millions of N. Americans & European Refugees flee to Africa, Asia & Latin America.
The GCU and the R$.
The decision of the sovereign funds of Norway, China, UAE, Qatar, Singapore, Russia, Brazil, India, (which amounted to over $5 tril) since 2026 to gradually reduce their US$ reserves away from the US$ towards WREAL$ bonds has been a fatal blow primarily to the US$ and Sterling but also to the Dmark and Euro. The undeclared currency wars that have been affecting the world economy since 2025, erupted officially in 2030.
Since 2026 the Dmark kept rising in value against the Euro as well as the US$ & the Sterling. It was more or less stable against the Japanese Yen & the Chinese Yuan. The Chinese Yuan has been steadily strengthened against all major currencies especially against the US$ and Sterling. The Sterling kept losing ground towards all currencies but after the Euro break-up and the secession of Scotland it went to tatters.
The simultaneous trade wars and commodity wars hurt the US and European economies much more than the Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, Russian and Indonesian and the potential benefit of a lower exchange rate of US$, DMark, Euro were offset and unutilized. The full-fledged currency war launched by everyone against everyone was absurd and lasted 2 months before negotiations brought an agreement of creating a unified currency.
The China break up exacerbated the currency wars with the Yuan being attacked from the US & EU. That rapid exchange rate fluctuation in combination with the loss of its territory, army and power threatened to destroy China and by sequence deepen the global depression even further. The Chinese government realized that had to react rapidly and boldly and threatened to dump its US$ and Dmark treasury reserves and convert them into WREAL bonds.
That threat became the magic catalyst that forced all the major powers to negotiate and sign the famous Global Currency Unification GCU treaty brokered by the IMF using its SDR as the basis for the new currency launch. The agreement created a unified currency to counter-weight the common enemy being the WREAL$ currency.
The new global currency was decided to be called R$ indicating in its initials the global weight of Chinese Rembimbi, Brazilian Real, Russian Rubble, Indian Rupee, and the various $ – US$, Australian $, Canadian $, Singaporean $, HK $, NZ $. The Euro, Dmark and Japanese Yen were not mentioned due to their smaller weight each.
It was amazing how quickly shifted the alliances between WREAL and China, India, Brazil & Russia. The dramatic developments of the China’s split up and the CGU created a whole new power structure.
Suddenly the 4 countries realized that WREAL was their real enemy as what it represented to the status quo was much more dangerous that the hegemony of the US and EU. It was a shocking revelation to them, while they have been in denial over the last 2-3 years although the signs were obvious. However it was too late now. WREAL was very well established and would not be threatened financially as its scarcity currency reserves could crash the entire CGU, its financial trading could crash one market after another and its international control of major corporations could not be counterweighted. Its ability to lobby and protect its interests were unparallel.
The Depression
A recession was in fact looming in the developed economies since 2020 but was masked by distorted economic data and massive money printing. Its official declaration in 2027 was inevitable and it simply confirmed a known fact. It caused a recession of varied degrees in the developing countries and certain 3rd world regions. The degree of severity of the crisis that experienced each country varied according to its dependence on the “scarcity cash” economy and the level of external sovereign debt and trade deficit to the developed world or IMF. African, South American and Asian countries that had adopted a higher proportion of WREAL transactions in their production, financial & trading systems domestically & internationally, fared much better.
However the main reason behind the declaration of the Depression was not economic rather than one of the silicon based binary sequence computing system meltdown.
The increasingly condensed silicon architecture reached the critical size of 5 atoms across which caused electrons to leak out due to the uncertainty principle and the majority of the computer systems suffered a short circuit and crashed with infinite amount of data vanishing forever and vital functions of the economy were in disarray.
Several technological breakthroughs initiated by Intel seemed initially that would be able to salvage the 5 atom barrier by designing circuits on 3 dimensional basis rather than 2.
However that was not sufficiently tested and it proved unstable causing unpredictable errors in an era where the quantity and speed of information had multiplied tremendously, so the tests of the last decade were obsolete. At the same time the quantum bit architecture of WREAL was flawless and was continuously gaining ground as preferred platform. Quantum architecture is not just a technological improvement, it reflects how the cosmic energy flows.
The rumour that behind that computer systems breakdown was WREAL could never be confirmed and is still debatable. However taking into consideration that WREAL was in fact battling with the entire establishment for years and was now capable to exercise its might, is not so unimaginable.
The Refugee crisis
The Crises of the previous years, the borderline deflation of an entire decade, the trade embargos, the currency conflicts, the stock market crash, the commodity crisis, followed by the Depression affected so deeply the populations of the developed world specially the urban ones.
They were wiping out their assets in real estate and financial markets, wiping out their savings due to the devaluation of the European currencies and US$ during the currency realignment of GCU, wiping out their employment & businesses and without having the ability to go back to the basics and grow their own food and barter trade, led them to a desperate state.
The only survival avenues left to them was to either form armed gangs and attack supermarkets, banks and other large businesses or flee and migrate in lands where they heard of better living prospects.
The younger ones were leaning towards aggression while the older ones towards fleeing.
The state of emergency that was declared in US and EU during the Wars and the Depression to try to control looting and crime made it difficult for the majority of the population to opt for armed robberies as a sustainable solution, so migration was the best option. Migration became a mass exodus of tens of millions of people mostly middle aged or elder, who kept abandoning Europe and N. America and heading southbound to South America, Africa and South Asia.
These were the regions where was still possible to live of the land and utilize everyone´s skills in an alternative system that bypassed the presumed necessities of the developed world based on the scarcity of cash.
WREAL communities, schools, businesses, self employment all seem too attractive to disregard and simplified the choice between hope and the desperation of their own countries.
WREAL Central bank.
By the end of 2030 the WREAL currency (W$) became the dominant currency of choice in most local & global financial and trade transactions and the WREAL economy reached 80 tril W$ vs 120 tril W$ of the old economy.
Child Visions & WREAL schools.
The success of Child Visions has given a huge boost to the establishment of WREAL schools at all educational levels. Naturally, the most dynamic and successful schools have been the ones inside the WREAL communities where every aspect of life is learning 24 hours a day and where the creativity has been abound by the utilization of WREAL$ instead of scarcity cash. So in 2030 there have been, 25,800 schools worldwide of which 2,367 inside WREAL communities with a children population of 2.3 mil. If we calculate the number of summer school programs and after-school-care programs over the last decade, the total number of children impacted exceeds 100 mil. That definitely makes it the largest children education group of all times. Close communication between the schools across the globe with exchange programs have stimulated a cultural interaction and a number of globally created projects undertaken by children alone.
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