Back in 2025
The Child Visions orphanages true purpose.
AI study children & provide them directly with info and then Children directly program AI.
Revelation of the Pension & Health care conspiracy.
Governments, Big-pharma, medical establishment, pension funds & insurance caused 27mil deliberate deaths for economic purposes.
That was the year marked by the revelation of the Child Visions Foundation’s true purpose, a project which although established since 2020, it seemed to be a peripheral one and was never before disclosed as being the most essential part of the WREAL philosophy and existential purpose. WREAL explained that it needed a time with no interruptions or interferences in order to solidify its educational system which it deemed crucial in its existence and the establishment of a new world culture.
The Child Visions Project
The project was intentionally distanced from WREAL on its initial stages in order to avoid undue attention and controversy. The project began with the establishment of an International Educational Training Center, which was training Trainers who in turn were training the personnel in charge of the various local orphanage projects initiated.
This was run by 2 branches; an Educational one and a Project Implementation one.
The revolutionary approach was that the whole effort was based on the most unlikely group of children.
Young infant orphans who were stimulated spiritually, artistically linguistically and healing-wise.
The focus was placed on their ability and willingness to be `direct teachers` of other children by actively sharing their spiritual, healing & artistic experiences directly with them, using their own child code of trust and communication eventually sidelining the adult facilitators.
In order to compose the training manuals, the project engaged 2 contributors to its information gathering:
A. A wide campaign attracted a large number of professionals from diverse fields who brainstormed and who could contribute in the following 6 fields, towards the development of an Educational Training Branch curriculum:
1. Understanding: Developmental Psychology/Early childhood Education/ NLP/ Neurochemistry/ Psychobiology/ Psychoneuroimmunology/
2. Activating: Clairvoyance/ Telepathy/ Sound healing/ Color therapy/ Reiki/ Flower essences/ Aromatherapy/ Crystal healing/ Pranic healing/ Light therapy/ Shamanic healing/Cetacean frequencies/ Feeling-Listening to animals & plants/Psychometry/
3. Supporting: Nutrition/ Homeopathy/ Naturopathy/Chinese Medicine/ Osteopathy/Cranio-sacral/ Rolfing/ Floating/ Biofeedback/ Holotropic therapy/ Alexander technique/ Reflexology/ Herbalism/ Hypnotherapy/ Kinesiology/ Massage/
4. Centering: Meditation/ Visualization/ Lucid Dreaming/ Yoga/ Pranayama/ Qi Gong/
5. Expressing: Art/ Drama/ Music/ Singing/ Dance/ Movement/Swimming
6. Communicating: Languages/ Story telling/ Poetry/ Games/ /Educational tools
B. QTech`s Artificial Intelligence unit has gone through every single information published in any format on those 6 fields.
Then the QTech AI unit crunched all the data from all the above sources and in interactive debates with the contributing professionals, compiled the Child Visions Training Manuals which became the point of reference for the training of the 6 directors committee as well as all facilitators, managers, consultants and supervisors.
Besides drafting the curriculum, the teams of professionals & the AI unit, were also drafting protocols on how to screen & hire the key personnel of the designated local projects - in charge of each of the 6 sectors and conducting their training and overseeing their performance in running their designated projects.
They designed supervision systems of monitoring the performance of this personnel, at least till they establish themselves in 1-2 years using a multitude of passive & active methods such as frequent: training materials, video conferencing, visits of specialists, as well as frequent: staff reporting, camera installation everywhere to monitor daily activities, periodic visits by at least 2 of the educational directors.
They also trained some personnel to be exclusively supervisors and visit each project in a rotation gathering and distributing feedback.
Additionally they were offering periodic & occasional support to the 6 educational directors gathering & processing feedback & propose updated scenarios.
In addition to the Educational Training Section, Child Visions established a Project Implementation Branch, operated by 3 directors who were focusing in conducting feasibility studies & business plans, promoting & raising funding through investments, joint business ventures, sponsorships and donations plus researching and implementing the appropriate legal framework.
The AI unit then started training other AI sub-units with the following distinct tasks:
To Establish a unified Consciousness platform for all information sources
AI sourced, human sourced, children sourced, soul sourced and universal consciousness sourced and provide access to all of them.
To Download Information from the Consciousness platform
Providing the children with a) the subtle energy information and b) the mass amount of educational information available, for both of which AI has been more equipped than human adults to provide and administer,
while leaving to the carefully selected human adults to contribute the subtleties of the human contact, smile, empathy, compassion, love, laughter and the range of human emotions.
To Monitor both human adult behavior and children behavior and their interaction
This part of the human emotions was carefully monitored by AI allowing it only for educational familiarization purposes but not in the form that adults have been programmed to be run by emotions. Instead the AI was sensitizing & educating both children and their adult facilitators to the distinction between feeling vs emotions, emphasizing how feelings connect each human being with the Universal Source.
It was also monitoring all other behavior of interactions which could deviate from the set of principles, due to the adults own flaws, traumas & complexes, their potentially distorted perception and actions and their inability to comprehend the superior energetic development of the children and respond accordingly.
Every single area of the orphanages as well as mobile tracking of the movements of both children and adults outside the campuses was monitored live in order to provide a safer environment and detect and prevent bullying between children and physical or emotional or sexual abuse as well as other wrongful actions.
To Study children in every possible way
Processing the information of their development, perception, responses, interactions with other children & adults, their abilities and assisting the AI
To adjust its information download to the children in more relevant and helpful ways
To adjust the instructions for the adult facilitators
And the most important of all –
To learn new concepts & responses directly from the children themselves rather from adult sourced information.
In that way it would assist the communication between children themselves, while keep studying that communication and keep improving.
Coming back to the Educational Training curriculum, the definition of those 6 areas was intriguing –to say at least- and here is what Child Visions had published to explain the reasoning behind it:
This is the primary task. Gather as much information as possible from diverse expertise to allow us to understand young children’s neurochemistry, physiology, psychology, perception, expression, movement, communication, speech, memory, learning, thought and feeling processes, real & illusionary limitations, empathy etc, throughout all developmental stages starting from the prenatal stage to infancy & toddlerhood, not only from a scientific sense but also from a holistic point of view that involves clairvoyance, telepathic communication, energy transmission and reception, lucid dreaming, communication with plants & animals etc.
The purpose of all this is to be able to approximate as much as possible our understanding of who they are as souls, what are they here for, what they bring with them (anything from traumas to gifts) and how they want to be helped in their particular journey in this dimension.
The deeper and faster we achieve that goal, the easier and deeper we ‘ll be able to communicate with them, understand their needs, support them, protect them from undue contamination and encourage them to sustain and enhance their spiritual connection with the Source.
Simultaneously with the process of understanding, we start activating their inner connection with the Source, through their exposure, stimulation & familiarization with Clairvoyance/ Telepathy/ Feeling-Listening to animals & plants/ Healing Sounds / Color therapy/ Reiki/ Flower essences/ Aromatherapy/ Crystal healing/ Pranic healing/ Light therapy/ CES/ Shamanic healing/ Cetacean frequencies/ Flotation/Psychometry
This activation will also enhance the understanding process.
Young children’s natural clairvoyant & telepathic abilities as well as their abilities to feel and sense other life forms such as plants and animals should not be brushed away or underestimated. Activating these subtle frequencies via stimulation of all senses through sound, light, smell, taste and touch plus energy perception, receipt and transmission, will establish the most important foundation of their spiritual identity development.
Rather than ignore, underestimate or bury their spiritual abilities while we just replicate the adult values and ways in their upbringing, we can instead focus on these innate abilities they all have and encourage them to feel them & express them, strengthening their spiritual nature. This activation will also enhance our process of understanding them deeper and fine-tune our priorities and methodology.
Starting from day one, in order to protect and solidify their spiritual connection, we commit to support and nurture them through the use of a diverse range of modalities such as: Nursing/ Nutrition/ Homeopathy/ Naturopathy/ Chinese Medicine/Osteopathy/ Cranio-sacral/ Rolfing/ Biofeedback/ Holotropic therapy/Alexander technique/ Reflexology/ Herbalism/ Hypnotherapy/ Kinesiology/ Massage etc just to name a few.
After the above 3 stages, the children will be ready to relate to & start practice centering techniques such as Meditation/ Visualization/ Chanting/ Lucid Dreaming/ Yoga/ Pranayama/ Qi Gong, thus progressing into a proactive mode.
While the previous 4 stages are unfolding,
an exploration can commence into a diverse range of fundamental archetypal expressions
utilizing Art/ Drama/ Music/ Singing/ Symbols/ Dance/ Movement/ in a bilateral manner, both
exposing the children to them as well allowing them the freedom to experiment in their own ways utilizing body language, sounds, images, symbols.
By now is time to merge all the above experiences and compile them into mastering diverse forms of verbal interactions using multiple Languages/ Stories/ Poetry/ Games/ with the intention to enhance the children’s ability to communicate effectively and demonstrate confidence & leadership, impacting their fellow children as well as adults.
Of course these 6 stages are only indicative and in real life they are not in sequence as they overlap.
The Child Visions project has attracted almost instantly the range of field specialists who shared their knowledge and with the involvement and assistance of Qtech`s AI unit, they contributed to the drafting of the protocols and the training manuals for the actual children centers wherever they would be in the future.
The number of the orphanages and schools has skyrocketed by 2025 to 476. It took about 15 months to amalgamate the initial stage and become operationally ready after training the 6 people committee and the 1st group of 43 facilitators who were handling the operation and the supervision of 29 orphanages in Africa, Asia, and L America at the end of 2021.
In order to avoid the potential hostility and backlash from religious, governmental, and parental groups, WREAL established those orphanages in locations where they were existing or planned Welll Club health resorts & centers.
The significant economic impact of those holistic health operations in those local communities protected the Child Visions project from central government & religious interferences.
The Pension & Health care conspiracy
The 2025 was also the year during which the The Pension & Health care conspiracy broke out. It was something brewing for a few years but new WikiLeaks documents gave to the previous rumours and allegations, substance & credibility
Among the various structural problems of the capitalist economic system, the two that were growing in an accelerated speed and it were becoming its nemesis, have been the pension system and the health care system.
The interelationship of these 2 magnified the looming disaster.
The combination of the drop of the birth rate in all developed and developing economies with the increasing longevity of the populations in those countries, was creating a time bomb that no solution like reducing benefits or delaying retirement age or increasing contributions or taxes in general could possibly fix. The numbers simply did not add up by far. On the top of that the medical costs kept rising due to the longevity, making the cost of health completely unsustainable.
Nevertheless although well planned immigration could effectively address this problem, the terrorist paranoia of the last 10 years has shut the borders of most western and developed countries, thus eliminating the easiest fastest and cheapest solution to this massive problem. The ensuing racism further undermined the existing foreign popuation`s desire to live in such hostile environments and they opted for moving away from those countries, causing an additional strain to the system by the drain of the youngest and brightest brains.
It was a problem that not even the classic solution of a war could fix. In a war would be the young who would die but in this case it was the old that the system needed to get rid of, not the young. So there was a need of a war against the old. The medical/pharma/insurance industries for decades have consistently conspired to develop chronic medical conditions in order to extort more and more money from goverment budgets, insurance providers, employers etc (all of which eventually was rolled down to citizens)
There were rumors around 2021-2023 that the “Big Pharma” companies have struck a secret deal with the major developed countries’ goverments to develop new viruses or complex syndromes – difficult to detect and identify, which would target the populations over 60. The rumour was that this was been engineered and gradually prepared since 2017. During 2022 Wikileaks had leaked secret documents indicating such conspiracies.
The deals negotiated were focusing in developing sudden deaths rather than prolonged diseases with a high medical cost. It was very easy to implement, by modifying standard prescription & over-the-counter medications used by people over 60, produced by all major pharma manufacturers, so none of the pharma companies could be targetted independently. Anyway through the control of the FDA labs nobody could prove foul play.
The goverments, the pension funds, the pharmaceutical companies and the insurance companies were standing to massively benefit from such scheme. The goverments aimed at radically dropping both retirement pension claims as well as medical bills. Pension funds stood to drastically reduce benefit distributions to pensioners. Pharmaceuticals were developing new expensive drugs to “combat the sudden death causes” which they created through their tainted medications. Insurance companies would be reducing the medical claims while before the death spree commenced, they bought out or modified all current policies with high death benefits over a period of a few years in order to not be detected.
In its initial form the medical establishment was standing to lose from the reduction of hospitalizations and medical visits, so a grand bargain to satisfy all parties was negotiated and finally struck. The key was to create a panic and force the public to do medical check ups and stay hospitalized if the results were “unclear” in order to “prevent death”. The scheme actually worked and it included the nursing home system.
It was diabolically brilliant and although it leaked for a while, the stakes were so high , so the media was either convinced that it was for the benefit of the survival of the entire economic system or were coerced & threatened to go along and bury the stories from mainstream media. Even the social media were bullied and threatened to be converted into utilities and were coerced to go along and filter out all posts pointing to that conspiracy. Anyway fear has always been a dependable weapon and has almost never failed to deliver the desired results and did so once again.
An additional projected benefit of the extermination of the 60+ populations was the release of capital and assets hoarded by the “seniors” without been invested or consumed to the expected degree. The heirs of the deceased, who were not so well off financially were expected to be more willing and in need to liquidate their inherited assets, thus liberating a tremendous size of unutilized wealth.
Of course no amount of added wealth could possibly save a bankrupt economic system at the end.
The pilot project where the scheme’s efficacy was tested was in Greece, a country with the worst problem on its pension & health care systems and a bankrupt economy & massive debt to justify it. It was chosen because it was a totally dependent country to its creditors’ demands, with no international credibility and small enough to contain if something would go out of control. The pill was sweetened with a serious debt relief and a shrinking population over 60, so the country could reduce massively its obligations and meet its debt repayments.
WREAL initially financed with generous rewards of 6-7 figures the whistle-blowers through an aggreement with WikiLeaks because it did not want to attract undue attention of the system against it in the first few years. However from 2024 everyone knew that WREAL was financing the whistle-blowing.
Since 2025 after the “unexplained” deaths have reached over 27 mil people, WREAL has openly revealed the conspiracy and through its network started influencing the decisions made by the over 60’s on how to deal with the problem, first by abstaining from the use of all suspect medications and then enrolling into the holistic health care system of the Welll Club and the Prevention Insurance provided by WREAL and Welll Club. By 2027 the statistics of people dying vs those who were surviving and the use or not of the suspect medication was undeniable.
Of course the “war” of the conspirators and WREAl was raging. The system was shifting medications, renaming them, inserting or obscuring ingredients, purchasing other smaller companies and was launching “miracle” products through them to confuse and mislead the public. However because the `gini was outside the bottle’ they had to accelerate the number of deaths and of course that was magnifying the panic.
The basic principle of using fear as a tool of control is that you modulate the levels of fear caused in order to achieve your objective. In this case the level of panic has dissolved any possibility of control which eventually sent the people in the arms of WREAL as it was the only reliable source to provide solutions which would evade death.
The massive shift of the 60+ populations towards WREAL, in the developed and developing countries, was very significant. Its significance was not simply demographic. The over 60+ in these economies has a been a potent financial & decision making force in those economies and their rage against the system was crucial in the system’s final collapse. So on the one hand in the developed and developing economies the 60+ were turning against the sytem while in the 3rd world WREAL was getting a firm grip in all age groups of the lower and middle class.
WREAL besides providing information, facilities, health products and preventive insurance policies as ways to deal with the epidemic, it was also dealing with the entire issue of health care and pensions very differently.
First of all its philosophy about what is health and how is maintained or deteriorated was clear. Second and most important, WREAL considered the system of financial contributions by the employees, employers, federal budgets, insured parties etc obsolete and a reflection of how the “scarcity society living in fear” has been fuctioning for a 100 or so years.
To WREAL, the nature of all parties interaction was registered and was building or eroding their WREAL credit line which was applied to all their needs- health and pension included. Nobody was taxed for that, nobody needed to have contributions deducted. Their actions towards society were their contribution and made them more or less qualified for health care & pension assistance.
The Donation membership base skyrocketed to 93 mil inividuals and 288,000 companies.
The massive growth rate of the individuals has been credited to various factors the most important of was the attraction of the cheap “insurance” policies available to members as well as other financial conversion benefits which were making WREAL$ currency virally attractive globally.
The total number of holistic health spas & resorts worldwide were only grown to 711 as WREAL decided to consolidate that growth in order to reign over quality problems that franchisees were causing and bought-out a number of them, while closed down others. That was necessary as complaints kept mounting during the last couple of years.
----The growth of Welll Club membership sales slowed as well for the same reason of quality control but on the other hand the health product nutraceutical manufacturing boomed due to a number of biotech discoveries. The insurance sales were also booming. In total the WREAL Health sector in 2025 generated $2.8 bil in profits.
-----Beyong the quantitative growth of WREAL the most important was the qualitative one. It has become a global force in the financial industry, the health industry, the travel industry and the advertising industry. It has become a conglomerate but an anti-establishment conglomerate operating simultaneously in both the traditional industries as well as the parallel alternative ones that it was creating and fortifying. It has already started to become obvious that its growth would be both sustainable and rapidly increasing in the years to come. However not to the degree that it was proven to be 6 years later.
WREAL Central bank.
Its reserve accummulated to $7.9 2025 during which it had made profits from trading sovereign bonds and currencies for its own account.
The CreditGroup
kept growing in a dizzing speed. Its ability and willingness to offer credit at no interest (but with certain conditions of donated work or output) plus its wide range of accepted collateral that besides shareholding included promissory notes on work hours or business output or products/services made it an instant and ever growing hit in geographical regions or sections of the economy where credit was scarce or loan sharking.
The FinancialTrading group
WREAL’s financial trading was boosted spectacularly as most global players followed its moves and capitalized on its success. However frequently WREAL was manipulating the markets by utilizing the trades of those players in order to obtain a hidden goal, such as initially shorting the share price of a company and then it went on purchasing it cheaply with the intention to keep it and control it. Most traders and hedge funds had only a narrow view of the market and profits were primarily short term as they needed to justify it to shareholders and top management while WREAL has a thorough strategic plan to acquire control of companies and had no obligations and pressures from shareholders. During 2025 WCB was also trading for its own account assigning trades via the Financial Trading brokerages mostly on sovereign bonds and major currencies.
Total financial trading profits reached US$ 12.8 bil of which $6 bil was added to the reserves
The ScarcityAcquisitions group
. Its business acquisitions continued and its controlling stakes in strategic industries enhanced.The financial clout that WREAL was now possessing, it started leveraging it by lobbying in the US, EU and UK in diverse ways: a) by using the companies it could influence b) by establishing lobbyist firms as a front to represent certain industries interests and mask its own political motives c) using those lobbyist firms to promote its own political interests semi-camouflaged.
Lobbying In China, India and Brazil, was easier as the clout of WREAL’s distinct positive social impact, was by far a fringe benefit for the goverments of those countries. Additionally everything that was limiting the power and control of the US & EU in the financial, monetary, or trading industries made automatically WREAL an ally and that included for ideological reasons Russia, Arab countries and other major Muslim countries such as, Indonesia, Turkey and Malaysia
The RealEstateGroup,
.Just like in the health and travel industry WREAL has managed to use its barter trading system to acquire access & control of resorts, spas, travel agencies, transportation providers and then package & sell these services for scarcity cash or WREAL$, it has done something similar with the real estate.
The level of cyberwar that WREAL was confronting was unprecendented and constantly escalating. WREAL had to initially move its servers and data centers in remote locations in Central African countries because no existing server farm would accept them. The inability of the establishment to infect the Qbit WREAL system since 2023 as well as the majority of its important counter-parties since 2024, was leaving it with the only alternative, to locate via espionage & satellites the position of its servers and organize physical facilities sabotage, then outright ground attacks and eventually aerial bombings with drones.
It was a continous cat and mouse game moving the servers, split them in several locations, develop fake ones, establish a counter-espionage section to leak false intel.
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