How are Food, Sex, Emotions & Beliefs linked
The choices we make in our lives in terms of the vibrational frequency band we choose to operate within, are mostly sustained by our choices and attitudes towards food, drink, sex, emotions and beliefs.
What is the purpose of food in our lives? To be able to stay alive and functioning as living beings we need solid food and drink goes the most widely belief saying.
Humans have been programmed to this belief system, so every 4 ½ -5 hours we experience a sensation that we have learned to interpret as hunger which we need to satisfy by eating some quantity of solid food.
If we delay that satisfaction, the levels of dopamine rise, increasing our stress and prompting us to seek satisfaction. When we finally eat, our levels of serotonin rise as well, creating an equilibrium obtained exactly in the same way and with the same chemistry as with any addiction. Frequently young children resist that addiction by refusing to eat or doing it under extreme pressure but eventually with age succumb to it.
The withdrawal symptoms of not been able to satisfy hunger are physical weakness, emotional irritation, mental confusion and they start in approx 4.5 hours after the last normal solid food meal and peak over the next 9 hours – which represents approx. 2 missed meals. If we consciously or accidentally skip 3 meals in a sequence, which would usually include going to sleep too, the sensation of hunger all of a sudden subsides or disappears and the body automatically shifts into what we call the “fasting mode”. It’s a common experience to the people fasting that don’t experience hunger although have been without solid food and with barely diluted juices for many days, weeks or even months.
If hunger was a real necessity, as it has been believed, then our body would react in a consistent way placing that necessity and threat of bodily harm beyond any other consideration. So what purpose serves eating solid food then?
It is all about vibration frequencies.
We as a species choose to operate in a certain frequency range and we need to sustain that choice by using food, sex & certain emotions in a regular manner in order to sustain the maintenance of that frequency.
However we can always choose another frequency to operate on or alternate frequencies and that experience melts down the solidity of the belief systems been built around food, sex & emotions.
But what food has to do with sex anyway? They are very closely linked with each other.
Long term fasting (abstaining from solid food) for 6 months or more, for example eliminates the physical and emotional craving for sex and ejaculation (at least for men) although mechanically the function of the sexual system remains intact. Women after long term 6 months of conscious fasting or after long term anorexia they lose their menstrual cycle and their shift in their hormonal balance drops the craving for ῾clitoral or vaginal ejaculative” sex
However full body orgasmic sex, without ejaculation may be experienced if is not accompanied by “penal or vaginal ejaculation”.
It then takes 7 days of consistent solid food eating to reestablish that sexual craving and reset the body and mind.
Its ironic, it takes 6 months to kick the habit but only takes 7 days to relapse, is like a single drink for an alcoholic after months or years of abstaining.
Emotions are also linked to food and sex and they serve the same purpose of sustaining a certain vibrational frequency zone by their periodic activation. Sometime we may wonder why we have digestive or elimination problems, even though our eating habits are relatively or even remarkably healthy. We may need to consider our emotional choices and mental attitudes – anger, fear, mistrust and so on – and their effect on our physical bodies. Destructive emotions and thought patterns form dense vibrations that interfere with the free flow of life. It is not simply food we ingest, it is also emotions and beliefs.
Fear, worry, anger, sadness, pride have stronger grounding effect than hope, trust, acceptance, joy and we are programmed to experience them in a steady periodic fashion either erratically or by locking our lives in certain predictable circumstances to generate them. They are part of the overall intoxication process that we experience and our attitude and reaction to them determines their intensity, duration and level of entrapment. They are part of life and we can feel them all, without suppression, guilt of judgment because our denial will perpetuate their strength and further their impact
No more Guilt or Suppression
We are all familiar with the battles to achieve optimal health, optimal weight, optimal emotional balance and so on.
Why we seem to be so powerless in controlling and directing our lives in these areas?
Let’s choose any nutritional system that we feel comfortable with: combination diet, fish and chicken, Chinese, raw food, lacto-vegetarian, macrobiotic, vegan, fruitarian, liquidarian or breatharian. Identify this choice as the main diet for a period of time. During this time WE DO NOT SUPPRESS and DO NOT FEEL GUILTY ABOUT cravings for “prohibited” food and drink.
We simply write the craving down and allow ourselves to satisfy those cravings for 1 or 2 days, without barriers or remorse.
We can acknowledge and satisfy the part of us that craves, treating and rewarding its neediness, for just those 1 or 2 days.
After that “junk food day”, cleanse the body with a fast of 1-2 days (with perhaps the support of enemas, colonics and psyllium if possible). Then we can go back to our chosen diet. In this way there is no suppression, no guilt and no abuse. We bring our eating, fasting, cleansing and emotions into consciousness, reducing unnecessary toxicity.
By enjoying our choices, we reduce the cravings, which are associated with self-denial.
We feel empowered to choose, rather than feeling enslaved by constantly satisfying cravings or being trapped in a rigidly healthy diet. Acknowledging, appreciating and loving our whole self.
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