Detoxification is an essential function of every living organism in order to survive. It is based on homeostasis and happens automatically as the body regognizes the need for it and activates the relevant processes. However humans over the last century or so have gradually lost the capacity for instinctual detoxification, overloading our body and mind with extra toxicity unknown even a few decades ago and simultaneously losing the capacity to detoxify automatically. We therefore need a more targeted conscious effort to counterbalance it and obtain equilibrium.
The essence of a detoxification program is to recognize how our choices affect our being and choose consciously to take responsibility for these choices. The purpose is not to get rid of toxicity. This is denial of a part of us, which therefore cannot and should not be exorcised. It will keep coming back until we feel at peace with all the parts of our psyche.
The purpose of detoxing is to recognize the parts of ourselves that have served us in the past, so we can evolve from where we are now and choose to move onto a wider sphere of existence. The fact that these parts are no longer serving our current needs doesn’t mean that we should act irresponsibly, denying that we have needed them in the past or considering them to be alien to us. They are part of our consciousness and they need to be accepted, appreciated, respected and loved, so they can be released, not rejected and denied. Our sincere gratitude is the only key to their graceful evaporation and transmutation into light. In fact, the “toxic” energy accumulated inside of us doesn’t go away, it simply transmutes into a lighter form more useful to our current needs and choices.
The detoxification penetrates all levels of our being, most importantly our cellular system, and transfers vital information from consciousness that registers in the cells. It then becomes a point of reference, magnetically pulling the body and mind to a higher vibrational frequency.
There are many detoxification ways and methods devised over the years in order to remedy this although some date back to even antiquity. They basically fall in 2 categories:
The ones that involve or include eating and the ones that involve or include fasting.
Both categories may also involve breathing techniques (such as pranayama), skin detox (such as sweat lodges, sauna, herbal steams, bodywraps, mudbaths, organ detox (such as herbal concoctions, liver cleanses, kidney dialysis, colonic irrigation, sounds of mantras), purging and emesis, bodywork (such as massage, lymphatic drainage), movement (such as yoga postures, qigong, dance)
Although breathing techniques, skin detox, herbal remedies, colonic irrigation, massage and yoga can be quite effective detoxifying techniques, if combined with eating they lose the majority of their effectiveness. Eating is by itself a form of intoxication both in a physiological level as in emotional one and affects the overall vibrational rate of the person. It engages so many bodily functions in such a repeated frequency that effectively interferes and blocks any deep detoxification process, by sending the wrong signals to the brain.
Detox regimes and methods that involve and include fasting provide far better and deeper detoxification at all levels. Although probably the father of modern detox fasting has been Dr Irons since the 50’s, from the early 90´s fasting detox combined with colonic irrigation and herbal remedies became more structured based on Bernard Jensen´s and Richard Anderson´s systems and during the entire decade of the 90´s, people during their detox were releasing seriously dense matter and that detox has had an unmistakable consciousness transformation impact on them.
Since the late 90’s, detox fasting spread widely and became more mainstream but also became more shallow in its impact. People were fasting for either weightloss purposes or at the best for health maintenance reasons and because they felt good afterwords. Consciousness raising fainted out as reason. Obviously the results of those detox fasts were not as spectacular or transformative, reflecting the intention behind it.
Organ Cleansing Detox
These methods mostly include: kidney cleansing (via herbal concoctions or ozone EBOO dialysis), liver cleansing (via herbal, epsom salts & olive oil) , stomach cleansing (via emesis or salt), intestinal cleansing (via purging or salt), lung cleansing (via skin detox, saunas/steam baths, bodywraps, mudbaths or breathing techniques), blood cleansing ( via herbal concoctions, vibrational electrical stimulation), lymphatic cleansing (via lymphatic drainage massage, lymphasizing bouncing combined with shallow breathing), heart cleansing (via herbal concoctions or aerobic exercising) colon cleansing (via colonics/enemas/colemas or ozone insufflations). There are also other organ cleansing, such as ears, nose, eyes, mouth, penis, vagina, rectum. In addition there are energetic ways to trigger organ cleansing namely, acupuncture, yogic and daoist practices or using sounds, colors, light frequencies etc.
Although organ cleansing detox can be quite effective detoxifying techniques, if combined with eating they lose the majority of their effectiveness. Eating is by itself a form of intoxication both in a physiological level as in emotional one and affects the overall vibrational rate of the person. It engages so many bodily functions in such a repeated frequency that effectively interferes and blocks any deep detoxification process, by sending the wrong signals to the brain.
Fasting detox
Fasting has always been an essential ingredient of most spiritual practices since ancient times (as shown by Jesus, Moses, Mohammed and Buddha) and is based on the recognition of the body as the “temple of our consciousness.”
The body needs to be adequately prepared to sustain different levels of spiritual experiences.
Dense matter and lower vibrations need to be transmuted through light (prana), so that we can evolve.
Fasting is a form of healing and its main focal point is that when eating is stopped the body shifts into a state of detoxification. Cells start releasing unwanted toxic material into the bloodstream with the intention of excreting it via the elimination organs – colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and the lymphatic system.
Fasting goes gradually into deeper layers of detoxification. The first cycle is skipping a single meal.
“Hunger” occurs after 4½ hours, 9 hours, 18 hours, 36 hours, 3¼ days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, 6 weeks and so on.
The feeling of hunger is mentally -rather than physically- based, because we can intentionally bypass it. Long-term fasters, liquidarians and breatharians are living proof of this. After 18 hours the body stops producing gastric juices and the sensation of hunger magically stops. A critical point is the 36-hour stage, after which the actual cellular detoxification is activated and the lymphatic system starts moving substantial quantities of toxins. In one week of fasting, the entire bloodstream has usually been cleansed, to the extent that a person’s consciousness has allowed no more or less of what has been appropriate for the time being.
The detox process based on fasting accelerates healing on all levels. It is also essential to get desires into perspective and to drop all expectations, because they only interfere with the inner process, which is unique to each individual. The real work is unseen and it may not be felt or recognized for months. Usually what happens is the exact opposite of what is expected or demanded in a fixed way.
The real cleansing work is done by our consciousness, our inner healing mechanism.
Whatever supplements, herbs, water and so we may use during detoxification, are simply tools to provide the necessary nurturing and support to the body’s systems and organs as they go through the very intense detoxification process. Although that supplemental support assists and smoothes the detoxification process, in fact there is no real need for supplements after a few detox fasts, as the body learns to recognize the intention and becomes very efficient in detoxifying itself. Even toxins no longer harm the body if they are consumed occasionally, consciously, responsibly and without denial, ignorance or arrogance. It is a process of surrendering to and learning to trust our inner resources and wisdom.
Detox regimes and methods that involve and include fasting provide far better and deeper detoxification at all levels. Although probably the father of modern detox fasting has been Dr Irons since the 1950’s, from the early 1990´s fasting detox combined with colonic irrigation and herbal remedies became more structured based on Bernard Jensen´s and Richard Anderson´s systems and during the entire decade of the 1990´s, people during their detox were releasing seriously dense matter and that detox has had an unmistakable consciousness transformation impact on them. During the last 15-20 years, detox fasting spread widely and became more mainstream but also became more shallow in its impact. People were fasting for either weightloss purposes or at best for health maintenance reasons and because they felt good afterwards. Consciousness raising fainted out as reason for detox. Obviously the results of those detox fasts were not as spectacular or transformative, reflecting the intention behind it.
Purgation detox
It includes the cleansing of the stomach, small intestines and large intestine & colon. Its various practices have been part of both the Ayurvedic Indian and the Anciet Greek medicine systems. Its current surviving methods are the following 2:
Purging salt detox
It originates from old Indian practices is a form of purging and is based on drinking salty water in regular intervals through out the day which causes diarroea which is meant to continue until within several hours the eliminated liquid becomes clear as water. Then the cleanse is interrupted by eating a thick rice porridge to constrict the bowels from further elimination and dehydration. It is a very simple to do procedure and very effective in removing most contents of the small and large intestinal tract. However is a very shallow detoxification method as it does not remove intestinal plaque and due to its short length, it does not cause any cellular detoxification.
Magnesium Sulfate & Magnesium Oxide detox
They are of a similar effect detox methods to the sea salt one. All salts have a similar effect anyway but magnesioum sulfate has more prurgative effect and magnesium oxide adds to the detox the oxygen atoms release into the intestinal tract which they get absorbed by the bloodstream through the intestinal walls.
Colon cleansing detox
Different methods of colon cleansing have been practiced for thousands of years in different cultures. Colon cleansing has become more known lately during the last 50 years. It is based on colonic irrigation with water and optionally some added substances such as coffee, garlic, bentonite, flaxeed, hydrogen peroxide etc. It can be administered as a) a self administered “enema” which involves a 1.5-2 lit of water or b) a self administered “colema” which involves a 10-20 lit of water both based on gravity or c) a supervised colonic irrigation machine which also involves a 15-20 lit of water based on either gravity or pressure.
The colonic irrigation if not combined with fasting and other herbal treatment is also a very shallow detoxification technique and it cleanses only the colon- the lower part of the large intestine and not the small intestine or the stomach and all the other organs and systems related to it.
Diaphoresis (Transdermal) Skin detox
Intense Physical exercise of any kind that causes sweating as well as Saunas (normal or infrared), Steam baths, (plain or herbal ) and sweat lodges are the main detox methods although some detox can be achived with the so called herbal patches of the plantar of the feet or body suits that cause sweating.
The principle behind the skin detoxification is that the skin is an elimination organ linked to the lungs and can be a very powerful detoxification method. Sweat lodges have been practiced for hundreds if not thousands of years and aimed not only in physical detoxification but also spiritual purification and transformation.
It has been used in the Ayurvedic and as well as the Ancient Greek medicine called diaphoresis as detoxification method.
However there is an additional benefit of skin detoxification. In order for sweating to be triggered is necessary that the body temperature is raised sufficiently. That is what is called “artificial fever” and is a physiological response process that boosts the immune system and eliminates pathogens in deep tissue which can include even cancerous tissue. In fact the normal fever we experience is exactly the default activation of the same immune processs and it should never be interrupted with medication to block it as it prohibits the body from fighting the attack and then it forces the pathogenic attack into deep tissue.
Derivation (Flushing) Skin detox
Derivation is the drawing out of toxins through the skin by promoting the formation and eruption of blisters, pustules, abcesses and boils. A common substance is Cantharides Plaster, known as Spanish Fly, applied to the skin to draw out similarly hot and caustic pus and toxins by creating and ripening blisters, boils and pustules. Cupping is another derivation technique that utilizes suction to draw out stagnant blood and other humors. The term derivation refers to a very important therapeutic concept: that of diverting excess congestion away from one part of the body by drawing it out towards another distant part.
Diuresis (Urination) detox
Is one of the quickest ways to eliminate excess water, lymphatic congestion, edema, urinary tract and bladder infections, arthritis, rheumatism, eczema, among many others. It usually involves diuretic herbs that assist that elimination. These herbs may either stimulate circulation and metabolism by increasing the metabolic Fire or have an anti-inflammatory and detoxifying action on the organs and tissues, cleansing them of heat, choler and toxins. In either case the elimination through the urine relieves the system.
Urine therapeutic detox
Involves the use or urine, usually your own urine for drinking, massaging your body or using it on the eyes, ears and nose. A common auto-urine therapeutic practice is drinking the mid-stream of the first morning urine daily. It has been recorded in India for thousands of years as a successful immune boosting, detox and therapeutic method of chronic diseases.
Venesection (Blood letting) detox
It can be done primarily via a deliberate drawing of blood from a vein or using leaches. However a spontaneous nosebleed or a haemorrhoids surge are also natural defensive reactions of the organism to remove toxicity, excess blood congestion in the head or relieve the pressure of excess blood that would otherwise impinge on the liver or the heart, causing more serious problems. Its therapeutic use has been recorded in Chinese medicine, Unani Indian medicine as well as Ancient Greek medicine. Actually even Unani means greek is Persian & Arabic languages indicating that the source of this medicine back to Hippocrates.
Vamana Therapeutic Emesis (Vomiting) detox
It has been for thousands of years one of the 5 practices of the ancient Indian Panchakarma system of Ayurvedic medicine as a detox method for kapha related conditions as a preventive technique. It has also been one of the 6 purification methods of the Ancient Greek medicine.
Emesis is also a method used in drug and alcohol treatment programs with special emetic herbs to induce emesis. It is also part of the South American traditions of ayahuasca ceremonies and “vacuna de zapo” although emesis is not induced but caused automatically by default.
There are a couple of Thai Buddhist temples which specialize in successfully treating drug & alcohol addiction by using strong emetic herbs to rapidly detoxify the body.
It is an instinctive detoxification reaction for infants, for animals as well as humans in cases of poisoning, excessive consumption of alcohol etc
Unfortunately during the last decades it has been exorcised by modern culture which considers it a sickness (indicative of the saying “I am going to get sick” when feel like vomiting). The eating disorders or anorexia, bulimia and purging have demonized emesis even further caused it to be a taboo, therefore missing the benefits of a powerful practice.
Properly practiced emesis focused on detoxification and not related to eating disorders is a powerful tool.
Bodywork detox
Massages of most types if properly administered with specific focus on relaxation/release or stimulation/rejuvenation or particular ailment/imbalance would have a detox effect because they don’t simply affect the skin but also the main organs but most importantly engage all the bodily systems, muscular, circulatory, respiratory, nervous, metabolic, lymphatic, digestive, elimination.
Energy field detox
Working on the energy field instead of the physical body is another way to create a detox effect. Modalities such as Reiki, Pranic healing, Craniosacral balancing are among numerous therapeutic methods of the energy field which surrounds and penetrates the physical body. In fact any bodywork on the physical body affects our energy body and any work on the energy body affects the physical body. In terms of effectiveness though, it is the energy body that holds the blueprint of the physical body, so any work on the physical body has the goal of trigger healing on the energy body and any work on the energy body will have an unmistakeable healing effect on the physical body.
Breathing detox
Breathing techniques go back thousand of years, specially ancient Indian yogic traditions, usually known as pranayama. The subject is very long in regards to the numerous types, the effectiveness and the depth of these techniques to cover here but undoubtedly their detox effect is considerable as they engage beyond the respiratory, the entire set of all bodily systems and directly affect the neurotransmitter equilibrium.
Vibrational devices detox
They consist in devices designed to cleanse the blood, eliminate parasites, or stimulate directly or indirectly other physiological responses via electrical or magnetic pulses. Although their declared purpose may be specific,
WREAL believes that they way the work is by stimulating the thymus gland which controls the immune system. It is then the immune system that does the real work, because as WREAL says nothing outside our body can affect our body without our clear consent and that includes all therapies, all products & substances and all devices.
It is our own Soul that authorizes access to the immune system which then implements the approved changes. This is why certain therapies or certain substances work for some people while not for others or even with the same person at different times and circumstances.
The Soul filters what it considers essential for the manifestation of its path and does not follow necessarily what it would objectively be the healthier approach if it does not support the Soul path objective.
This is also the reason why nobody can actually heal anybody else, no matter how capable the healer is and how strong and clear his intention may be. It is the one who receives the healing that triggers and authorizes the healing to take place and the healer is the catalyst for that healing which the Soul of the “healee” has preapproved.
Oxygen detox
Basically any therapy that involves oxygenation of the body has in some form a detoxification effect due to the oxidation process. Oxygen therapies include stabilized oxygen, ozone, other oxides, H2O2, hyperbaric oxygen, and can be administered through any of the body’s cavities (orally, rectally, vaginally, through ears, nose,) transdermally or intravenously. The most effective ones in order of sequence are the intravenous ones of ozone and H202, followed by the hyperbaric oxygen chambers and then by the rectal & anal insufflations of ozone and finally by the transdermal ozone saunas. Sufficient tissue oxygenation holds the key in maintaining aerobic environment which prohibits anaerobic organisms or conditions including cancer to take hold.
EBOO- Blood ozonation detox
This is a very powerful blood detoxification process and probably one of the most intensive, aggressive and transformative methods available today. Unfortunately is was only used for terminal patients or patients with serious life threatening diseases and not as a preventive tool until WREAL emphasized its benefits and promoted it through its network.
It is called EBOO Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation & Ozonation and it consists in removing about 2-3 litres of blood (50% of total blood volume) from one arm, passing in through a special dialysis machine combined with ozonation that blasts with ozone the outgoing blood before it enters from the other arm. As the procedure is quite rapid and takes approx 60min to remove that blood quantity and reinsert it at the same time, at no point the body misses more than 300ml of blood. It is a spectacular technique where you can actually view how the blood exits the body is mostly dark, thick and carrying fat deposits while when it enters the body again is bright pink, with all impurities removed and full of oxygen. WREAL considers it to be a serious detoxification technique because it directly affects and cleanses the blood which communicates constantly with all the organs receiving and transmitting information from and to them, causing fundamental physiological and vibrational changes. An aggressive treatment of sessions every 2 or 3 days over a months period means
the entire blood stream has been ozonated several times over, while removing old unwanted information and reinserting new ones carried by the oxygen introduced into the blood.
This is important as the blood’s cells life span is 120 days, meaning that every 120 days there is not a single blood cell that existed before. However because blood cells as well as other cells “copy the habitual tendencies” of the remaining old ones, there is no change in the body or the mind.
When you successively bombard the blood with oxygen/ozone shifting the vibrational quality and proportion of the overall blood volume, it becomes a serious transformative tool that goes actually beyond detoxification.
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