The missing 6th Chinese element
In Chinese philosophy and medicine the theory of the 5 elements, wood, fire, metal, water and earth is its fundamental backbone for thousands of years.
So the “discovery” by WREAL, of the missing 6th element which it named “Heaven” represented by the Pericardium & Triple Warmer meridians, shifted the landscape of not just Chinese medicine but health in general. Most importantly stimulated strong associations and linked principles of ayurvedic medicine, astrology, physics, mathematics, sacred geometry, astronomy, chemistry and caused a revolutionary wave of new thought & research confirming the hexagonality of the universal energy laws and has been approaching towards the long awaiting Unified Theory.
The nature of the universe, of matter and of energy flow is hexagonal/triangular or divided in 12 components. The 12 astrological signs, the 12 Greek gods, the 12 months of the year, the 24 hours of the day the 60 min per hour and 60 sec per min, the hexagonal star tetrahedron, the star of David, the hexagonal pure water/snow molecule structure, the 144 sacred number and a large number of other principles are based on that. Part of this 12ness are the 12 energy meridians which according to the thousands of years old Chinese medicine, flow every 2 hours from one meridian to the next. . Blood also flows 12 times daily through the eyes every 2 hours and all blood cells live for 120 days.
However, the obvious question which should have been asked a very long time ago is: why the pair of the Pericardium and Triple warmer meridians doesn’t have an element to represent them like the other 10? How is it possible that their flow of energy that connects Kidney (water element) and Gall Bladder (wood element) goes unnoticed and deserves no role or explanation? How come it was never considered that these 2 meridians may represent a missing 6th element? We can observe that Fire & Wood elements are yang like, expanding elements while the Water & Metal are yin like contracting elements. What if the harmonizing Earth energy is actually bipolar consisting of 2 elements?
A pair of Earth & Heaven would better explain and complement the life interactions as both been essential to the life process both physically as well as spiritually symbolically. Isn´t the father Sky and Heaven always what all cultures and religions refer to as the complement to mother Earth? Why would the Heaven being such a fundamental part of all spiritual life, has been missed in the wheel of elements although it is actually represented in the Pericardium & Triple Warmer meridians? The existence of the 6th element would complete the hexagonal nature of life as it has been described in all traditions throughout history. All energy in the manifested universe is hexagonal not pentagonal.
So if this observation is accurate, why would such an obvious as well as important fact has been missed for millennia by the oldest, wisest, most researched & experimented, detailed, precise & comprehensive medical system of our civilization? Why it has never been at least even mentioned or debated if not recognized and integrated in its principle and applications? It is so fundamental in its nature and importance that is hard to believe that was simply missed by error. It must be either a knowledge obtained but hidden for protecting it from ignorance & misuse or hidden for more sinister reasons for preserving ignorance when its power was recognized. Simultaneously we have to remember the weight of the tradition and accumulated scriptures may have been intimidating for any researcher, professor, doctor or student to challenge such a dogma given the traditional hierarchical nature of the Chinese culture for thousands of years where criticism, challenge of innovation have not been encouraged. However whatever the real reasons behind that secrecy, it is has been time to challenge and investigate in depth that theory as it holds tremendous importance to both the medical/health as well as the philosophical terrains and it has caused a review of millions of texts & reinterpretation of a massive range of past conclusions.
CHARTS 2 & 3
The organ that Heaven rules is the brain, the corresponding sense being the mind and the corresponding taste the astringent (which by the way is already recognized as the 6th taste but without correspondence). The 6th element position in the wheel of elements could only be after the Water and before Wood, opposing Earth and creating a Control sequence with Metal & Fire. The 6th element new addition although it leaves intact the control sequence of Wood-Earth-Water , it has thrown out the assumptions of control of Metal over Wood and Water over Fire, creating the intriguing possibility of Metal-Heaven-Fire control triangle and its interconnection with the other triangle via the earth-heaven polarity. Of course this is just the 2-dimensional geometric reality we can perceive. In fact energy moves in circular motions so the link between the 2 triangles is in the midst of that circular motion (representing the void and probably the REN and DU meridians as the unseen equilibrium governing it all, been an invisible 7th point although not an element)
The position of Heaven opposite Earth has repositioned Fire into opposing Water and Wood opposing Metal which makes sense and probably explains the antagonism of Water with Fire and Metal with Wood much better than its control theory. The theory was also reinforced by the position of Pericardium & Triple Warmer in the meridian cycle sequence where establishes its triangularity and hexagonality with the other meridians.
The 6th element is related to freedom or liberation. It is the detachment from all the earthy, the known, the familiar. Activating the pericardium creates a resonance with the other 2 upper organ meridians, the heart and the lungs completing the upper triangle.
In order to feel the love / joy (heart) as well as feel the suffering/sadness (lungs) of the human condition we need the freedom/liberation (pericardium). Then their fusion brings a reality of detached compassion & wisdom.
The recognition of the suffering of the human condition and the recognition that we are not necessarily bound to it -if we choose not to- brings a sense of joy and relief. The deeper the suffering is felt, the more freedom for joy and love it generates.
Just as the Earth balances the expansion/passion of Wood and the contraction/withdrawal of Water, in the same way Heaven balances the expansion/joy of Fire and the contraction/sadness of Metal.
In the meridian cycle the sequence is
Expansion (GB, L), Contraction (LU, LI), Balance (ST, Sp),
Expansion (H, SI), Contraction (UB,K), Balance (P, TW).
It is interesting that expansion is followed by contraction in order for balance to be attained. It could be that balance could be as an intermediate state between expansion and contraction but is not.
In the Creative element cycle though the sequence is different.
Expansion (Wood, Fire) is followed by balance (Earth) and followed by Contraction (Metal, Water) and finally followed by Balance (Heaven)
In the Control element cycle the sequence is.
Expansion (Wood) – Balance (Earth) – Contraction (Water) and then
Balance (Heaven) – Expansion (Fire) – Contraction (Metal)
Of course these apparent differences don’t take into consideration the 3-dimensional reality but describe
a 2-dimensional sequence that does not accurately describe the true energy movement. It is the lack of the 3rd dimension that has caused this distortion believing that the sole element of balance is Earth ignoring that in a 3 dimensional reality it has depth that links it with Heaven.
Anyways, WREAL has maintained that it is not important to have a philosophical debate about it. It is though very important to revisit and update the medicinal and therapeutic approaches from the different interactions between 5 and 6 elements.
WREAL also indicated that the therapies addressing the yin elements of Wood, Earth and Water, corresponding to Liver, Spleen & Kidneys plus the associated Muscular, Digestive & Cardiovascular systems and are not affected by the 6th element.
The consideration of the 6th element though does affect the yang elements of Fire, Metal and Heaven, corresponding to Heart, Lungs and Brain plus their associated Nervous, Immune-Lymphatic and Endocrine-Glandular systems.
Also WREAL has been claiming that the accurate name of the Metal element (due to its close association with both water and earth), should instead be called Mineral. The importance of minerals in the earth habitat as well as the human body is frequently underestimated. Minerals are essential for cellular communication and are a hybrid element (suspended solid particles swimming in liquid). Perhaps that what was its original meaning in the distance past and was distorted with language translations but is important that the association is more accurately made. However it decided not to insist on its name change as it would cause even more upheaval without any significant reason, because the nature of Metal or Mineral is the same anyway.
Obviously all that has caused an uproar in the Chinese medicine circles and stirred a wider controversy across the entire health arena. It has stimulated intense research across different medical & health fields on how to approach conditions affecting the sympathetic-parasympathetic nervous systems, the auto-immune conditions and the endocrine malfunctions and how closely linked among them those 3 systems have been. Great strides have been made in Neuro-Immunology and the identification of the importance of neurotransmitters in how these 3 systems interact. Extensive research has been already done on the pineal gland`s master role and its control of hypothalamus and pituitary as well as the thymus gland been the core of the entire immune system.
It has brought clarity of the importance of the Lymphatic detoxification system as key to immunity.
Health has elevated its focus from the lower survival systems of Muscular, Digestive and Cardiovascular to the higher transcendental Nervous, Immune-Lymphatic and Endocrine-Glandular systems, which actually control the previous 3.
Health has started shifting from biochemistry to neurotransmitter based immunology. The study of neural networks and how they affect every single bodily and energetic function has already been producing valuable discoveries.
The pineal stimulates the hypothalamus which then stimulates the pituitary to produce neurotransmitters which trigger both the Central Nervous system and the Glandular- Endocrine system
These 2 systems meet at the thymus gland triggering both the Immune system and the rest of the Endocrine system.
The medicine of the future wouldn`t be pills to affect the organs but energetic transmissions to improve the master glandular function, which then trickles down the pyramid to the immune system which then takes care of everything else.
There is an interesting correspondence between the 2 distinctively different ancient traditions of
Astrology and Chinese philosophy/medicine.
The creative cycle of the Chinese medicine elements wheel follows the sequence
Fire – Earth – Metal – Water – Wood.
Interestingly enough this is the same sequence of the first 5 astrological signs
Aries – Taurus – Gemini – Cancer – Leo
The identical nature of these pairs Aries & Fire, Taurus & Earth, Gemini & Metal, Cancer & Water, Leo & Wood
from 2 entirely different traditions is striking. Of course the 6th astrological sign Virgo corresponds to the missing 6th element Heaven.
The next 6 signs Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces are actually corresponding to the first 6 signs at a higher impersonal energy octave, as well as the same 6 elements in the same sequence..
Here is a more detailed correspondence
ASTROLOGICAL HOUSE | 7TH | 8TH | 9TH | 10YH | 11TH | 12TH |