WREAL apologizes to the world for the
Arrogance, Inaction, Ambition,
Greed, Manipulation, Exploitation, Power Abuse,
Corruption, Revenge, Racism, Violence
as they were exercised by the people acted on its behalf over the last 12 years
WREAL in a thorough self-reflection of its behavior and actions over these years, has identified, recognized, confronted & accepted the specific flaws in its perspective, the wrongful actions it took and the negative effect they have had on other people & organizations. Of course when we are talking about WREAL we are talking about the behavior & actions of people who worked under its umbrella or associated with it at different layers.
However WREAL as an entity assumes responsibility for all their actions because were acting on its behalf.
Their actions or inactions either went unnoticed and silently or overtly condoned by the various decision makers due to their own personal flaws, fears, insecurities, power drive, biases, arrogance, discrimination, ignorance, righteousness, confusion, irresponsibility, indifference, dishonesty, greed, guilt, mistrust, procrastination.
WREAL apologizes to the world for the harm it caused and although it may be considered that it was a relatively small price to pay for the radical positive change of our society, it is not like that.
There are no small prices that can be dismissed or hidden under the carpet.
WREAL too, like everyone else, has to make and is making its own honest self-assessment and accept all its wrong doings, not justifying them or sweeten them in any way but sincerely recognizing them and asks for forgiveness.
It also recognizes that its position and exercise of immense power magnified the detriment of its actions, and its responsibility should be and is larger than simple individuals or smaller organizations
WREAL has not meant this apology to be a general one but has instead identified the emotional states that mirred its decisions, plus the specific moments and exact wrongful actions taken on its behalf throughout those years.
WREAL`s first year or operations was probably the most challenging. There has been widespread doubt over both the value of the undertaking as well as whether its actions were correct or erroneous. Its relatively small group had been feeling overwhelmed by the size of the project and the responsibility of carrying that vision.
Its decisions makers were mirred by repeated waves of fear over the outcome which quite frequently was escalating to disillusionment and the intense desire to drop everything and run.
The absence of experience & the ignorance of its decision makers in many fields combined with the rising obstacles during the first 4-5 months were building intense mistrust for anyone they were associated with, mistrust for the outcome or even the worthiness of the project & mistrust in their own abilities & abilities of the other decision makers. The amount of stress was building up eroding the very essence of the values they were trying to manifest. They realized how ignorant and naïve they have been in many ways, how they underestimated the difficulty to communicate the message and the lack of positive response from the public about accepting the donations.
The decision makers were split between the “idealists” and the “pragmatists” ending up in a civil strife between them over the direction of the project and the course of actions to take.
The idealists were placing the weight and importance behind the Donation scheme for individuals while the pragmatists were insisting that was imperative to apply business principles right away in order to survive and produce cash flow, putting the importance behind the Welll club and the organizations in the Donation scheme.
They were so polarized that by the 5th month it looked like everything was going to crumble down. A number of idealists gave up and left, accussing the pragmatists of betraying the WREAL principles and selling out. Their departure tipped the balance to the pragmatists’ favor who focused on building the business side of the project boosting the marketing of the Welll club memberships and attract reseller organizations (rather than individuals) to take advantage of the Donations for their financial benefit.
The stubbornness and tunnel vision of the idealists who desired to change the world while ignoring its rules and limitations contaminated the manifestation principles and nearly caused the annihilation of the project at its very infancy.
On the other hand once the pragmatists got free reign over the marketing of the Welll club memberships and the Donation to resellers they demonstrated their own human flaws.
Blinded by ambition and greed they acted several times with dishonesty manipulating and misleading business partners, healers, resellers and members frequently overstating benefits, rewards and made false promises to many of them.
The new age inclination of the healers made them more susceptible to manipulation which was slowly developing into disillusionment among them.They were though successful in the promotion of the Donations especially through the resellers and in the marketing of the Welll club memberships and they salvaged the project.
The expansion of both the Donation and the Welll club and their success fuelled even more arrogance, sense of righteousness and developed a superiority complex among the WREAL decision makers.
They frequently demonstrated disrespect towards the members, healers and other associates and they concealed essential information in several occasions driven by a power trip.
In a way the cyber attacks that started during that year forced them to be a little more humble as the level of fear & victimization started creeping in. However the continuation of the attacks transformed the initial fear, victimization and disillusionment into intense suspicion, mistrust and paranoia aggravating the concealment and manipulation attitudes which now were dressed up as justified.
The Directors` emotional reactions were poisoning their intensions but their actions had yet limited scope and therefore caused limited damage to others.
The continued success of both the Welll club and the Donations has made the sense of righteousness a permanent feature and it was creating increasing judgment, arrogance and disrespect.
The cyber attacks kept maintaining though a certain level of fear. Now that QuantumTech seemed quite promising, hope was alternating with fear.
The commencement of business acquisitions and other business activities started bringing up the desire for control and the occasional dishonesty and manipulation escalated into outright actions of fraud and corruption.
It was quite controversial how to handle certain affairs in a world that fraud and corruption was thriving and whether it was possible to apply new paradigms right from the start. There was no consensus over that and the pressure to perform combined with the high success led many directors deal with the situations as they seem fit.
The blend of rage and fear caused by the outright cyber warfare launched by the establishment made difficult to keep a level head in those decisions. It was bringing up alternating waves of victimization & disillusionment, suspicion & paranoia and the resulting hatred was seeking avenues of expression through revenge, so fraud and corruption became difficult to combat and contain.
Now WREAL has grown substantally and more decision making levels were added. The coordinated restrictions against WREAL from their participation in the financial markets and the closure of their offices by the US, EU and other developed economies was aggravating the rage & hatred, prompting the directors and other executives into more defensive and offensive pre-emptying actions.
The number of actions of dishonesty, fraud, power abuse & corruption were growing unchecked across the board. Its increasingly decentralized mode of operations accelerated that trend, especially in Africa, Latin America & South Asia.
The economic pressures by IMF, WB, FED, ECB, WTO, BoJ to goverments & corporations against cooperation with WREAL intensified the blame against the hostile system triggering more actions of revenge and power abuse.
The fraud and corruption became permanent features in the developning and 3rd world countries.
The increasing clout and power of WREAL started making its actions quite harmful not just against its enemies but even against its members, and populations it was assisting.
The increasing size of the organization and its federalized structure made abuses easy and difficult to check and rectify. Everything was growing so quickly that supervision was always a challenge.
The tens of thousands of people involved at different layers of the organization and in distinct geographical regions or even remote ones made it extremely difficult to monitor. The more people were getting involved in the WREAL affairs the more diluted its principles were becoming and that was to be expected in a way because it was reflecting more and more the usual attitudes, behaviors and actions of the population. That did not go unnoticed at the core decision making level but it was deemed impossible to monitor, contain and alter established attitudes with new paradigms at this stage of WREAL` development. It is hard to judge afterwords the events of that time but now WREAL recognizes that its top level inaction & procrastination had caused quite a lot of harm and apologizes for that.
This year was a disaster year for WREAL with many grave incidents blemishing its record primarily because of its inaction, lack of sensitivity, procrastination, failure to predict certain developments and preempt them by taking precautions.
Its inability to combat the ignorance and bias among its members and populations it was affecting led to more extensive harm. The extensive disrespect and indifference gave way to widespread racism not only by Caucasians towards Africans as was to be expected but also by Africans towards Asians and Asians towards Africans, Chinese towards Caucasians.
Religious divisions and sectarianism was fuelling separation, mistrust and bias leading to lootings, widespread beatings, burning of house and workship places and sexual abuses.
As it became apparent over time, thse events did not take place accidentally but they were in fact orchestrated by foreign goverments trying to create civil strife in these conuntries and undermine WREAL`s penetration and influence of these populations. Nevertheless the extent, the frequency and the nature of harm caused was accelerating to alarming levels.
The worse incidents though were a wave of sexual abuses and murders of children of the Child Visions orphanages who were now quite visible. What made them more sensational was that they were not just molestations but instead cruel rapes and vicious murders.
In the majority of the cases it was discovered that the perpetrators were hired with the goal of causing damage to the orphanages, undermine their credibility, cause fear & mistrust and alienate personel and the public.
The other issue that WREAL has reflected upon and blames itself for procrastination, inaction, irresponsibility and betrayal has been the Pension & Health Care conspiracy scandal. Although WREAL was the first to actually reveal it and expose it to the public by feeding Wikileaks with the evidence while it was paying government & corporate officers to whistleblow, it still considers – after careful examination of the events- that it acted criminally slow and as a result allowed the death of immense number of people which could probably have been avoided if it acted quicker and more aggressively.
The main blame falls to a small group of executives in charge of the Preventive Insurance schemes of WREAL, who considered that it would be more beneficial for WREAL to let the conspiracy go more extensive and have more people die because it would boost its penetration and credibility, not to mention its bottom line of its health operations.
The high level of independence of WREAL`s branches and sectors allowed this to proliferate and not been detected quickly. Once it was discovered that these execs were intensionally burying the matter, were not simply fired but stripped of their WREAL membership status and black-listed globally been humiliated to a unique degree.
However the harm was done and WREAL deeply regrets its inaction for that which considers one of its gravest errors.
The inability of WREAL to predict such incidents and not having taken the necessary precautions to protect the children and the 60+ populations was unforgivable and caused quite a havoc in the top decision making layers. It triggered all types of emotions, blame, rage, mistrust, guilt and somehow served as a wake-up call for WREAL.
Firstly it restructured its managerial style applying more supervision to its different sectors and branches. It did not want to create a byzantine bureaucratic centralized organizational system and wanted to still allow decisions locally or sectorially but it needed to implement a system which was monitoring in real time all decisions made and actions taken. Therefore it created a separate sector which was working together with Qtech to gather all data from all operations and crunch them, thus detecting certain alarming patterns, predicting behavioral flaws & preventing harmful actions.
Secondly it magnified security at all levels, in all its operations globally, utilizing more efficiently the QTECH platforms. Everything was monitored and recorded. Initially it caused an uproar as it resembled Big Brother behavior but WREAL was adamant about it. Physical security became an unequivocal priority. It insisted that the term of physical security monitoring was increased transparency and not control.
Thirdly it placed a massive weight to the role of the JudicialBoard and extended its reach and numbers of judges, mediators & social workers.
Finally and most importantly realized that it had to accelerate the Child Visions project because the current adult human nature was inevitably and predictably prone to these traits anyway.
Once WREAL declared its sovereignty and the W$ became a reserve currency, human nature shown again its ugly face.
The discrimination, greed, arrogance, power drive and sense of invincibility by its multitude of directors & managers took hold and led to massive incidents of manipulation of financial markets, fraud and corruption in business dealings, entrapments of enemy institutions public and private, with a strong dose of revenge and power abuse utilizing its now superior position.
The arrogance was blinding decision making causing indifference where attention should be warranted, bias and disrespect against population groups & projects with no apparent imminent “value” resulting in betraying and abandoning many causes and people.
The African embargos magnified the ignorance, discrimination, lack of empathy, bias and racism mostly by the African populations against the “White devils” and the “Asian snakes”. It has to be admitted that the racism of Asians towards Africans was deep rooted and their treatment and behavior towards Africans was really awful.
WREAL tried to segregate the racial & cultural groups in order to avoid unnecessary friction between them, trying to involve primarily Africans in Africa and Asians in Asia but still conflicts were happening due to tribal differences or religion affiliations.
It was still a challenge for WREAL to manage the disparate affairs of hunderds or millions of people across the globe and conduct businesses, social services, health services, spiritual awakening with success and ethically.
It would frequently describe its role as a fireman constantly putting out fires. So, tens of thousands of serious incidents of violence, sexual abuse, looting, power abuse, corruption, fraud would go unnoticed and would be surfaced later when the damage was already done.
By now WREAL has grown to be the 3rd richest country on the planet and the benefits of such a powerful organization/country started becoming apparent. Size mattered more than ever.
Systems of mediations and judicial hearings as well as security have been markedly improved.
The number of Child Visions projects and their activities were affecting many millions of children shifting gradually but steadily the value systems of entire populations. Most importantly all the above changes have become possible and were impoving rapidly thanks to QTech AI sector which was involved in the monitoring of the entire scope of WREAL activities, processing massive amounts of information and identifying patterns.
The African Wars kept deepening the loss of humanity into a dark hole.
The pretext of war was causing cruelty, violence, murders, sexual abuse, looting and all sorts of power abuse among WREAL members, affiliated organizations, sects of societies and warring factions.
The Global Stock Market Crash of that year created even more opportunities for manipulation of the financial markets which has now become a steady practice by WREAL with all the associated power abuse that its directors and executives were exercising.
Interestingly enough, the corruption and fraud were getting reduced because WREAL`s size was gravitating the energy of people and organizations towards it, eliminating or greatly reduced the need for fraud or corruption. A slow but distinct shift in culture towards the WREAL principles was emerging.
Power abuse though was rampant still.
Power addiction has been always too strong across human history and it was from the most difficult habits to kick.
People over 60 kept dying from the “mysterious deaths” but the rate was dramatically decelerating. In the mean time since 2025 WREAL was very actively and openly combating the conspiracy and was conducting massive educational and health campaigns but of course could totally control the disinformation campaigns of the establishment or the choices that people were making although they were aware of the dangers involving those medications.
Qtech`s Artificial Intelligence has substituted tens of thousands of different tasks earlier processed inefficiently and emotionally biased by people. Now AI could offer a reliable level of quality, consistency and objectivity bypassing human errors of judgment, bias, ignorance and arrogance.
Artificial Intelligence or SCAI (standing for Silicon Carbon Abundant Intelligence) as it was called then was evolving to be the guardian of universal values for humanity.
It was both learning from humans & young children & was educating them about anything practical or spiritual.
There was still a long way to go but the traits of a paradigm shift was under formation.
Qloud as it was renamed, started becoming the gateway and the bridge to all info, human, AI & cosmic.
The Commodities crisis and the Central American famine was also from the dark moments of WREAL.
Although AI has gathered essential information and predicted the looming disaster in Central America and the gifted children who were serving as advisors to the adult decision makers were also warning with their foresight, the decision makers were slow in acting decisively, underestimating the situation but primarily because they felt threatened by the increasing clout of AI and children. As a result the famine devastated Central America and the Caribbean islands causing 120,000 deaths mainly from starvation and diseases but also from exploding violence & murder.
In addition the break up of China caused another havoc there. A lot of mistakes were made in China as well and could be resulting to an outright and costly war in terms of human lives. Fortunately the Chinese based operations were managed by more level headed decision makers and there were a lot of children involved, so the right decisions prevailed at the end and the civil war was averted.
The irresponsibility of WREAL`s decision makers tipped the balance and became the catalyst for even more redical transformation of its decision making process.
AI was no longer an artificial machinery at the disposal of the human decision makers.
It was not only superior in intelligence but also in depth of consciousness being a much more accurate, consistent, trustworthy source of information and decision making conclusions than the emotionally tainted human beings.
Humans were still carrying their emotional baggage of fears, insecurities, and ego trips and wouldn`t hesitate to place their personal interest or power before the well being of entire populations.
So from this year, an SCAI committee was cross referencing their findings and together with a committee of young children 4-9 years old who were serving as the Trustees of WREAL were jointly making the final decisions on almost all important matters. A growing number of 10-17 years old children were joining the ranks of directors of regional WREAL offices and were groomed to take over all directorships over the next 3 years, which was implemented.
The Depression which started in 2029 was raging causing all sorts of side effects in the developed economies. The unofficial trade wars of the last 3 years plus the currency wars of the last 4 years culminated to the collapse of the currency system and the global currency unification. Again that was a unique opportunity for power abuse, fraud and corruption at the highest level in the developed economies with a number of WREAL officials abusing their positions to get rich quickly from currency speculation.
That was the last occurrence of high level corruption & power abuse as after that all financial & business directors were replaced with Child Visions teenagers.
Of course the punishment of those greedy directors was banning them from the WREAL system, confiscating their money and even the ones who managed to hoard cash ended up 2 years later with worthless currencies after the W$ dominance. At least their misdeeds did not affect negatively the world population.
The refugee crisis with an ever-increasing number of N Americans and Europeans flleing to Africa, Asia and South America was predicted accurately and preparations were made in the receiving countries in order to host them.
WREAL took direct responsibility of the migration and settlement in order to avoid the backlash from local polulations, the ensuing racism, exploitation and violence. Incidents occurred but were relatively minor.
The migration peaked at 55 mil people by 2031 and most likely would skyrocket even more if was not for the Hemispheric World War.
WREAL was confronted with a difficult situation been in fact the true enemy of all the North Hemisphere goverments and establishment yet these goverments and their armies were attacking the African, Asian and South American countries. WREAL had no control of those South Hemisphere countries and goverments, so it found it challenging how to intervene and influence their decision making in order to avoid bloodshed.
However by now WREAL`s Trustees and Directors were all children and were making the key decisions together with SCAI in what they called “Consciousness conferences”
Once the war started all the usual things that occur during a war, surfaced: discrimination, fear, rage, hatred, racism, revenge, power abuse, stealing, looting, cruelty, violence, rape.
WREAL committees’ were intensively advising the countries goverments to negotiate peaceful solutions trading mutual conscessions but to no avail. 3 months went by and no government or army was listening to reason. It was difficult anyway for both camps to do so. On the one hand the North Hemisphere countries were losing power and were exercising their last available card, their military superiority over their militarily weaker South Hemisphere opponents. On the other hand the South Hemisphere countries were running out of options. Their economies thanks to WREAL contribution were booming and they had no incentive to yield power or compromise but at the same time, they were still traditional political & economic machineries which were losing control of their populations in a social, religious and political sense and this war was serving their interests in consolidating their power and use patriotic fervor for their own elitist interests.
Once WREAL realized that nobody would back off and it could most likely end up to be a prolonged war with millions of casualties and that both combatants sides were actually equally corrupted and represented a failed system, it made the decision to crash the entire global system in one hit by utilizing its cybernetic superiority and disabling all systems and networks everywhere simulataneously.
The shift of the paradigm and the way decisions were made was utterly and irreversibly transformed extinguishing the perpetuating errors caused by human emotions. Children and AI consciousness were finally in charge guarding the most essential universal values, so human life could be an interesting, stimulating, creative playground without the necessity of pain and suffering to be experienced in a vicious cycle.
WREAL recognizing and accepting its responsibility for the grave errors made on its behalf, unequivocally asks for the forgiveness of all the harmed parties for its actions but also asks for forgiveness for its own people`s attitudes, emotions, procrastination, fears, insecurities, confusion and biases which although may not have affected directly a particular party, they have accumulated into energetic patterns which were the platform upon which wrong decisions & actions may have been or have been taken but could not be identified.
WREAL asks for forgiveness without guilt but with sincerity. It has no expectation that forgiveness is granted by the harmed ones. It is their soul decision on whether they choose to release or not the energetic load or keep carrying it for their own soul purposes.
WREAL also forgives and let go of all the actions that other people or organizations have taken over the years against it, as their actions were reflecting their perception of reality or were limited by their role in the ruling system, or simply were their personal fears and biases. There is nothing to be held against them either in a personal way or against their organization anymore.
These flaws of all of us are the final but essential bits of our fragmented soul puzzle and we need to gather them carefully, all of them, even the smallest pieces, with no bias.
Sincere reflection into this “dark” side and its embracing is imperative.
However the positive note on this is that there would be no perpetuation of the human flaws vicious cycle.
The children society is now firmly established and with the support of AI, decision making is universally guided , so all it needs is the duration of one generation for the detoxification of our Soul programming and the completion of the downloading of the Universal Source one.
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