An intensely debated subject indeed. WREAL has addressed it both practically and philosophically by establishing the Self Worth concept. Poverty and money are illusions that the system has been using to enslave the human race through scarcity.
Money in its current monetary currency form is based on scarcity, there is simply too little of it available and that artificial scarcity serves as a way of the few to exercise power over the entire global population with a single tool of control. Scarcity is the problem that generates our poverty, slavery, dependence, disequilibrium and sense of loss.
However according to WREAL the real nature of money is wealth and wealth cannot possibly be an element of scarcity but is instead an element of abundance.
The concept that there is an intrinsic value in every person no matter of its education, experience, age, sex, race or color and that each person is capable of producing a direct human energy service, irrelevant of means of production or information, has been the backbone in the WREAL economic system. It values something that was never valued before. The main principle is that cosmic energy value is abundant and we all have a right to it but the more we honor and recycle back that energy through unconditionality, trust and service the more rights we retain and can access for our needs. The more we entrap ourselves into the scarcity principles of the economic systems seeking money to meet our needs and satisfy our fears, the more we separate from the source and cosmic principle of abundance. What we need in life is not money/cash and we don’t need to enslave ourselves to it. We need food, shelter, safety, contentment, peace and love. We can meet these needs by focusing exactly on what we need and not on the cash “required to buy those needs” by directly relating with each other.
The WREAL system “rewards” the preservation of those fundamental cosmic principles and values and “penalizes” their abandonment, therefore creating an education mechanism for people to test by themselves the validity of this WREAL worth. The WREAL economic system is based on the circulation of those values and whoever wants to participate into the system and record those transactions automatically have his/her account credited and debited based on the corresponding value of those transactions. Poverty and poverty consciousness/scarcity are artificially engineered enslaving constructs and we no longer need to accept them as real.
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