WREAL has returned Justice to its original concept and purpose. To remind to people the universal energy laws so they can be aligned and in harmony with them and with each other. To raise the spiritual awareness that we are not isolated humans but instead we are Soul reflections of the Universal source in a holographic manner and all our apparent differences are simply reflections of light giving an illusionary appearance of a range of colors
Judges in the JudicialBoards are only children (10-17y old for civil cases and 3-9y old for criminal cases) and are selected directly by the communities on a local, regional or global scale based on their demonstrated selflessness and unconditional service and are simply confirmed by the children Trustees. These children “Adjusters” as they are called, besides their demonstrated unconditional service, have enhanced psychic powers of clairaudience & clairvoyance as they need to determine where the cause of the imbalance is on a Soul level, in a similar way that medicine old men/women used to rule in more traditional indigenous societies.
WREAL expanded the judicial rulings which are called “Adjustments” by introducing the concept under which these Adjustments are made by the quarrelling or culprit parties themselves through a self-awareness process involving meditations, shamanic rituals and emotional healing. So rather than passing a sentence, they are given the opportunity to access their inner core and realize the unity. Of course the long conditioning of the human race requires time until changes are manifested. However in the mean time, sentences and rulings are not of a punishment type but instead opportunities to actively demonstrate empathy, compassion & unconditionality as a bridge towards Soul healing.
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