The AdGroup – AG
For the first time advertising has become an activity to be chosen by the consumer rather than subjected to against his will. Additionally has radically transformed the traditional role of media, because the ad exposure is voluntary and the benefits from the advertiser are passed on directly to the viewer who is paid for his visits, referrals, subscriptions, loyalty , thereby transforming advertising into a desirable and economically beneficial activity for viewers and even more for subscribers or members. It has taken the simple practice of advertising TV channels, internet channels, public locations where the viewer consciously chooses to view the advertised products but gains nothing from that decision to another level, where the viewers in TV channels, internet channels & public locations audiovisual ads where the viewer consciously chooses to view the advertised products is directly compensated for a) his viewing activity b) his loyalty c) his retention level d) his referrals e) his affiliate status level and that compensation has been taking place in a variety of instruments ranging from scarcity cash, WREAL credits, lotto prizes, business opportunities etc.. People can choose “adwith” or “adwithout” options with distinct benefits for adwith ie. Adwith subscriptions either reduce the cost of a paid service (which was more or less a known practice) OR pay an additional financial benefit if the service was customarily free of charge. Also the introduction of special ad-only channels in TV, radio, internet, public locations has been rewarding people for their active viewing.
The novelty concept was that the relatively few people who have dedicated the time and effort to consistently engage in that viewing, they would “resell” some of these benefits like wholesalers, to others who had a much shorter attention span (on a customized basis relevant to their interests).
Basically the principle behind it was that everyone is interested in certain things and is willing to pay attention in what interests him but there was a need for additional direct tangible incentive.
Instead of mass advertising where the message is mostly irrelevant to potential or actual viewers, the key with WREAL Adgroup has been to break down sections of the public to such small slices and identify what their interests are. Facebook, Google, Amazon and Ebay have been working and perfecting that trend for many years but the closest they have got was in identifying people’s interests and buying habits better. All these efforts though were revolving around identifying peoples interests and buying habits in order to influence those habits as closely as possible.
Still nobody was rewarding people directly for paying attention no matter whether they purchased something or not.
Nobody had converted attention time into a commodity. The WREAL’s Adgroup introduced that factor, that every second of attention has an actual value and attention spent needs to be compensated by an equal value received.
Of course initially the concept was ridiculed- who cares if someone has nothing to do except paying attention but buy nothing ? We care about the ones who want to buy our products/services or our clients products advertisers would say.
WREAL was saying that instead of having advertisers pay all that money to the media empires, the media buyers, the advertising companies, they could instead take that cost and distribute it directly to the public, starting from who would professionally register those benefits offered and redistribute it to smaller packets/customized groups with a shorter attention span in exchange for a smaller financial benefit who in their turn would do the same to an even smaller group until finally would reach the final consumer through a personal referral recommendation rather than impersonal advertising.
It is like building a closed circuit MLM system with a final end being the individual consumer and every leg of the network gets a cut of the total pie allocated to promotion. Critics would ask what is the difference between what is happening with a traditional adverting system? The difference is a) that you take the same cost and spread it across a very wide platform to hundreds, thousand and hundreds of thousands of people rather than concentrate it through a handful middleman (media & ad companies) b) you achieve much better penetration/relevance and c) much better loyalty and consistency.
The “energy savings” and the increased trust and loyalty developed, make all the difference in sustainability of a product success rather than having millions to billions spent on ad budgets to temporarily boost sales and be undone after weeks or months when the competitors would launch their own campaign and shift loyalty which would need another round of campaigning to recover it back and lose it again. Instead the quality and satisfaction of a product’s use generated through a personal referral would eventually be more sustainable and cheaper way for producers to sell their product.
Although it seemed quite quixotic to the ad industry, there was only 1 way to prove the point by actually quantifying the money spent with the sales results and profits made. Initially only smaller companies and organizations were using the system and after when their success started becoming obvious , it was attracting increasingly a wider portion of the small & mid size businesses and organizations worldwide
From 2026 The AdGroup introduced HoloSensory Advertising in public places. Qtech’s advanced algorhithms assisted in developing high-quality holograms which could be seen from any angle without distortion, bypassing both the use of lasers and photographic processing. Instead used refracting & diffracting light in the way morphos butterflies do it.
However HoloSensory advertising went much further than holograms. It integrated high quality sound fused with binaural beats and specific brain wave frequencies to stimulate certain brain states or relaxation, excitement, peace, visualization etc. Additionally, smell & taste were introduced and combined with the tactile experience of walking through or standing inside the hologram and “touching” the imaging experience. Smell was easy but taste needed quite a level of tweaking for a number of years. Initially taste was triggered through targeted smells giving the illusion of an experience of the corresponding taste. Later the nailing down of the specific energetic frequencies corresponding to different tastes facilitated the taste experience simply by opening the mouth and the specific energetic vibrations would go directly to activate the taste bud regions of the tongue in unique combinations.
The HoloSensory experience of being part of the Holographic environment and all its senses activated was truly powerful and it was a very desirable experience and still is, although now it has been used for very different purposes altogether.
From 2027 WREAL used extensively the AdGroup as a platform to promote its own projects and activities rather than promoting others. It has obtained the access to a captive audience of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It was a media empire knowing what its audience wanted, its preferences, its financial abilities, its record over the last few years.
It could now make available its Donation, its Welll Club memberships, its Wreal estate, its micro loans, its business loans and equity participation, its mutual funds, its insurance policies, its education & training options, its placement options, its SelfWorth opportunities, its alternative currency options
In 2032 The Adgroup, was renamed “the InformationGroup” as its function was no longer to try to promote and sell stuff but allow a display of honest information to become readily available through a variety of information channels. WREAL has announced that it will also be dismantled after 2034 and its functions would be assimilated by the SelfWorth which would cover all activities including information uploaded and accessed through the “Qloud”
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