The RealEstateGroup – REG
Started as a section of the Acquisition group, it became a totally independent group. The concept of real estate before WREAL came along , meant immovable property such as land, buildings . Real estate values, just as other financial products were manipulated by an artificially inflated value promoted by the ruling classes and adopted by the middle classes aspiring to their increasing wealth before a crisis would ensure a price drop which was always hurting the most naïve middle class or the lower classes unable to afford it anyway. Property was mortgaged, 2nd mortgaged and converted into exotic financial instruments to finance other acquisitions or to cover liabilities and the entire society from individuals to mutual funds and government bodies used this practice to an extreme, which was one of the main reasons for the double-dip recession and the near collapse of the financial system in 2008-2013 which crippled the growth of the developed economies.
WREAL´s value system reset the concept of “REAL” shifting it to the WREAL system valuation whereas property assets was not increasing or decreasing due to demand and supply factors but rather based on its usage and trading objective. Wealth in the WREAL system was not accumulated by acquisitions but by usage method. It was not about what you own that was going up or down in value but about how you use the resources that you had in your disposal that was creating that value increase or decrease. So property that was held privately or by WREAL was revalued according to its usage irrelevant of its real estate value registered at the local offices or the “open market” values. Individual or Corporate property owners who preferred to still hold in their names their titles, if they wanted to trade within the WREAL system they were getting a constant reevaluation of that property depending on how was used thereby enhancing or reducing its WREAL value. They were also signing a caveat registered on the property title that was blocking any sale, lease, transfer to non WREAL parties before they clear all pending debts to WREAL or any of its members that have been transacting with them.
Of course that was not a popular method for property owners who were not in tune with the WREAL philosophy, although some could see that they could gain benefits by trading with WREAL for a limited time period. The majority of property owners though were given the option of outright trading their property against some WREAL related asset or debt or credit instrument held directly by WREAL or any of its members. In that way they were maximizing its value in comparison to a normal cash sale. WREAL was actively seeking and acquiring such properties that had some strategic value to intertwine with other operations and because it was able and willing to offer in kind more value than the cash value, while in fact it was costing it less, it could expand its property holdings and recycle it back, sometimes through the scarcity cash economy and sometimes though the WREAL economy.
Just like in the health and travel industry WREAL has managed to use its barter trading system to acquire access & control of resorts, spas, travel agencies, transportation providers and then package & sell these services for scarcity cash or WREALs, it has done something similar with the real estate
By 2025 The speed with which it started accumulating landholdings for eco-farming, solar & wind energy, tourist related destinations & mining was unprecedented.
By 2027 WREAL has now become by far the largest landholder on the planet. Only large countries had more landholdings in their books but not productive or in use anyways. The utilization principles of WREAL made these landholdings a vibrant productive asset in contrast with the way real estate was considered till then.
In 2032 The abolishment of ownership at all levels, eliminated real estate’s old definition and necessity and the same conversion invitation was offered to real estate holders as with business assets holders to convert their holdings into WREAL$ by 2034 before their value was erased.
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