The CreditGroup – CG
In the first 2 years of its operations WREAL was paying and receiving interest in scarcity currencies or WREAL currency – although the interest paid in WREAL was many times higher depending on the type of transaction. During 2022, interest was gradually eliminated and replaced by rewards based on the value generated by the type of transactions. Accepted collateral, besides real assets has been including stakes or shares in any size of business, but most importantly promissory notes of work hours or products or services offered by the borrowers.
The CreditGroup initially has been solely extending lending but has been closely working with the Venture Angel group, the Scarcity Acquisitions investment group, The real estate group and the Financial Trading group whenever necessary. It has been monitored by the WCB.
From 2021 to 2023 has extended $320m in micro loans to 490,000 people
During 2024 extended $1.2 bil to 2.3 mil people. Most of the loans were in the range of $300-600 and their duration 3-6 months. The default rate was around 5%, so in fact the money lent was less than 500 mil but it was recycled about 3 times during the year. WREAL did not charge any interest rate (but with certain conditions of donated work or output) and allowed partial repayment in WREAL$. It was bypassing transfer fees by using its financial arm and mobile transfers in cooperation with mobile banking operators who wanted to expand their customer base and potentially sell them their other services.
In 2025 the CreditGroup expanded its lending to mid-size businesses and became very successful. Its wide range of accepted collateral that besides shareholding included promissory notes on work hours or business output or products/services made it an instant and ever growing hit in geographical regions or sections of the economy where credit was scarce or dominated by loan sharking. It also launched also WREAL$ micro-loans to individuals and small businesses with repayments fully in WREAL$. That doubled the loan volume to $2.6 bil extended to 3.9 mil accounts (individuals and businesses).
In 2026 allowed full convertibility of all loans and repayments to either local currencies or WREAL$ which made the loans even more attractive. The business loan sector, the WREAL$ lending and the convertibility between W$ and other currencies boosted its volume to 11 mil accounts and $15 bil turnover
From 2027, It had the power to lend massively and take deposits acting as a banking institution which was based in its newly formed country of WREAL Abundance. No CreditGroup financial records were published after 2026 since WREAL merged all its entities financial records .
The CreditGroup, in 2032 has become obsolete, as SelfWorth values and activity automatically determines the needs of everyone, so no credit would need to be extended.
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