The Commodities Crisis.
The Central American Famine.
China`s break-up into SE and NW.
Beginning of the 3-year Depression.
Children Judges use their pineal gland tuning for rulings.
Virtual Reality is used in crime prevention.
The accumulation of the developed economies stagnation, the uncertainty caused by the prolonged recession, the failed warfare, the stock market losses and the absence of hope in conjunction with the weak governments and the shrunk FEO financial might, initiated officially the “3 year Depression” although the term has been debated a lot. Based on the performance of the developed economies since 2008 they have been mostly either in anaemic growth or recession, deflation and stagnation ever since. Every little increase on any GDPs was mostly due to the inflationary QE of the FED, BJ and ECB plus all other central banks which was still failing to cause sufficient inflation or any at all, to such weak economies. It has been said frequently that WREAL would be crashed by the system into pieces if it was launched in an earlier decade when the system was robust and unified and the populations under wide spread illusions about their real prospects. But the 2020’s were WREAL´s decade, destined to grow and expose the frauds and vulnerabilities of the entire political-economic and social system.
While the depression was deepening, the global upheaval was continuing during 2029 with the main new events being: the break-up of China, the Commodity crisis and the Central American & Caribbean Famine.
It was a chain reaction triggered by the already fragile trade scene suffering from the trade wars of US-EU- Japan against China, India & Brazil. These trade wars were exacerbated by the currency wars that destabilized trade even further and combined with speculation on certain commodities in the future exchanges, shot most commodity prices to absurd levels without any fundamental market justification. This triple simultaneous crisis of trade, currency and commodities caused a dramatic price hike, massive hoarding and unimaginable shortage of food globally but the regions that were hit harder than any, were the North & West China and the Central America including Caribbean.
Central America and the Caribbean in contrast to the South America and Africa had neither resources nor the market size to be self sustainable and the African conflict and the embargo has squeezed them in the middle between the North America and the developing countries of South America.
The Central America was a region where WREAL was banned and was under the firm control of the US, so when the crisis hit, people had no alternatives and were depended solely on foreign aid which was not arriving on time, not in the right places, not in sufficient quantities and with no sufficient supervision to avoid the hijacking of the supplies by the corrupt armies & drug cartels which were effectively running these countries. Everybody underestimated the situation until was out of control. The lack of food and basic supplies evolved into a full fledged famine and cholera epidemic.
WREAL intervened promptly in the commodities markets shorting prices and causing their steep decline trying to stabilize food prices but of course due to the panic and the hoarding, it took months before food prices stabilized and over 120,000 people died from hunger and diseases in Central America & Caribbean during that time.
The China’s break up
The N &W China break-up was a very predictable outcome. The accumulated misdistribution of wealth was already a time bomb ready to explode. The explosion of commodity prices, shoot up food prices, heating and transport. The mistrust and hostility between the 2 regions and an unusually cold winter forced a large number of young hot-blooded hungry peasants seeking work to cross the “prohibited borders” without migration permits causing panic to soldiers who without updated orders started shooting them. Of course the government tried to contain the damage but it was too little, too late. NorthWesterners got organized, got armed by raiding military compounds and took over all the logistical administrative local government apparatus. During the previous years, local government autonomy has been ceded to them by the central government to avoid further social rage escalation as they did not accept any Southeasterners to rule them as slaves as they claimed. US has secretly funded activist groups in order to inflame the situation and accelerate the conflict. Although economically the power was firmly based in the S&E, the army was an institution traditionally filled by the poorer peasants of the NW who had no many options available. When the even paltry salaries they were receiving were being stalled due to budgetary and logistical difficulties, made the majority of the armed forces hostile to the central government. So when the NW seized control of its territory, the Chinese central government lost control not only of that territory but also lost at least 2/3 of its army, which was necessary in order to regain that control. That made military intervention out of the question. So Chinese government assumed that by forcing a trade, transport and communications blockade to the NW, would submit them rapidly. That’s when WREAL saw its network and influence skyrocketing in the NW China as it provided an excellent alternative and has already gained the trust of the local populations over the last few years providing practically the main social net in that society.
As could be expected that was the end of the honeymoon between WREAL and the Chinese government which increased the pressures to WREAL to leave the NW. However the threats of economic sanctions, dumping of WREAL bonds held by China, joint ventures cancelations among many others, would in fact be more damaging to China rather than WREAL which by now had firm economic control of assets, investments, reserves, corporations, commodities etc in all currencies plus its own, across the globe, was exercising political control worldwide and had firm support of hundreds of millions of people of whom has changed their lives for the better when everybody else failed to do so. WREAL was not anymore an enemy to crash or underestimate and after repeated negotiations a treaty between WREAL and SE China was struck so that both parties can refrain from any economic hostilities against each other.
The SelfWorth system
In the majority of cases no direct reciprocation was demanded or even expected. Once the 2 parties agreed on their assigned WREAL units value, it was recorded into the WREAL system, crediting and debiting the parties. That gave the ultimate flexibility to people seeking whatever they needed and offering whatever they had to offer.
People could freely offer their “weaknesses” into the system. They lent their diabetes to a nutraceutical manufacturer, leased out their depression to a herbal plantation farmer, rented short-term their fear to a skydiving operator, mortgaged their anger to a dancing studio, auctioned their obesity to health resorts, sold their mistrust to a meditation retreat.
So everything was of value although eventually values were transformed based on the availability of choices presented. When a concoction of sublingual supplements could reverse diabetes, the person had the choice to embrace the new possibility or not, someone could still opt for depression although a simple herbal tea taken 2wice a day for 3 months could shift the neurotransmitters equilibrium, a person after a skydiving experience may have chosen to overcome his fears or not, a person ruled by anger may have discovered that creative expression through dance could liberate her from anger or perhaps not, an obese person could choose to maintain and enhance the benefits experienced in a health retreat or not, one could still choose to hold on to mistrust in life although his meditative experience has unfolded a wider set of options. The manufacturer, the farmer, the skydiver, the health resort, the dance studio, the meditation instructor were ‘paying” the participants with their products-services and the “weaknesses” were gaining publicity, so there was no value lost but rather enhanced.
The JudicialBoard
WREAL has brought Justice to its original concept and purpose.
To remind to people the universal energy laws so they can be aligned and in harmony with them and with each other.
To raise the spiritual awareness that we are not isolated humans but instead we are Souls which reflect the Universal source in a holographic manner and all our apparent differences are simply reflections of light giving an illusionary appearance of a range of colors?
Judges in the JudicialBoards are mostly children (10-17y old for civil cases and 4-9y old for criminal cases)
They are selected directly by the communities on a local, regional or global scale and are simply confirmed by the children Trustees.
These children “Adjusters” as they are called, besides their demonstrated unconditional service, have enhanced psychic powers of clairaudience & clairvoyance as they need to determine where the cause of the imbalance is on a Soul level, in a similar way that medicine old men/women used to rule in more traditional indigenous societies.
WREAL announced that the concept would be expanded in the years to come by introducing the concept under which the judicial rulings which are called “Adjustments” are to be made by the quarreling or culpit parties themselves through a self-awareness process involving meditations, shamanic rituals and emotional healing. So rather than passing a sentence, they are given the opportunity to access their inner core and realize the unity.
Of course the long conditioning of the human race requires time until changes are manifested.
However in the mean-time, sentences and rulings are not of a punishment type but instead opportunities to actively demonstrate empathy, compassion & unconditionality as a bridge towards Soul healing.
A hugely magnified form of social service.
Another highly controversial social issue has been Crime. Of course crime is a very general term that includes everything from simple petty theft, burglaries, corruption, white collar crime, violence, terrorism, war among many others. However crime cannot possibly be dealt with because the entire structure of the social, political, economic and cultural system is flawed and intentionally perpetuates what it supposedly trying to deal with.
According to WREAL, the types and frequency of crime reflect exactly the profile of the specific society where that crime occurs. Crime is not a side effect of society`s function. It is a mirror of society. We fail to see it because we are all in denial. If we could pay attention we could learn a lot from crime, it could be a tool of awareness.
Instead, the system uses crime for its own ends, making it an essential integral component of its own survival, intentionally preserving crime in order to install enough fear to the populations it controls and build a significant economic activity around it through need for products & services of protection, law enforcement, judicial apparatus, crime organizations of all sizes, recycling of the crime proceeds through the economy.
Therefore WREAL insists that unless the entire fabric of society shifts, is a futile battle. Everything in society needs to be addressed at the same time. But even if all social ills of society disappear, there would still be a time period of `detoxification` until all humans settle to a new reality.
So on the one hand WREAL works on making the necessary changes in all parts of the system while trying to implement methods to deal with continuing crime, especially violent one
It has been working on experimental forms of “adjustment”, such as
utilizing Virtual Reality as a tool of protection of human life in case of murders and sexual abuses.
Psychic clairvoyants, mostly children, have been training Deep Learning AI Conscious networks, called SCAI
(Silicon Carbon Abundant Intelligence) for years in order to determine the energetic patterns that lead to murders and intercept them in space-time before occurrence – somewhat like that old movie called “Minority Report”.
However instead of using this interception for control of humanity or for police enforcement or financial gain, the focus is in having the AI technology preempt the actual event by projecting a virtual reality script to the involved parties without altering the circumstances.
Instead overlaying the VR over the actual people,
so that the “event” occurs unchanged in Virtual Reality rather than Human reality.
None of the participants would detect the difference because it would appear totally real and would not alter the sequence of events or the energetic and emotional charge associated with the murders or sexual abuses.
The only crucial difference would be that nobody would actually humanly die or been sexually abused, giving an opportunity for the entire karmic event to be “adjusted” without the irreversibility of human death or abuse and in that way break the karmic cycle that human experience is trapped in, due to the Soul agonizing search for equilibrium that creates a never-ending disequilibrium.
WREAL has been working on that since 2025 but once this information was first revealed in 2030, WREAL has been asked to comment whether it would also be applied towards other types of deaths like fatal accidents or fatal diseases and preserve human life under all circumstances.
WREAL has answered that most likely it won’t apply this technology to other forms of human death that don’t involve a Soul-to-Soul interaction. The reason WREAL gave is that it believed that
Souls choose to have their human projection terminated by a disease or an accident but is still their decision and nobody should interfere with those decisions.
However In the case of realized murders (not attempts) as well as sexual abuses or rapes, although these events cannot possibly manifest without the consent of all involved souls, still the energy disequilibrium that it causes, creates a strong ripple effect across the Soul dimension and
traps these souls in a deep karmic loop of “blame & guilt”.
That energetic shock makes very difficult for the Souls to overcome and clear and get tangled in a vicious cycle. The energetic damage caused to all Souls involved in murders and sexual abuses is severe and perpetuates the illusion of separateness from the Source. That is something that can be avoided without interfering into the Soul decisions about their own experience.
Is like a severe traffic accident of 2 cars colluding where both have an airbag. You can still crash with the other car and have the full experience of the crash but nobody dies. It’s a near death experience where you can revisit and reexamine and release the energy that led to that strong desire to kill or sexually abuse the other person in the other car as well as the other person to reexamine why he wanted to be killed or abused by another.
Both can release unresolved energetic patterns this time and be liberated from it all, rather than tangle in repeated attempts to kill each other in future crashes.
Truly has nothing to do with preserving human life but instead respect the Soul journeys and focus in facilitating and accelerating Soul evolution.
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