Back in 2027
Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual SelfWorth become tradable commodities.
113 UN nations recognize WREAL
The African Embargos. WREAL flag bypass shipping blockades.
WREAL`s economy swells to $7 trillion becoming the 3rd richest country.
Early in 2027 WREAL, in order to secure international backing over the recognition of its newfound country, offered to the UN $20 billion as a tribute to the world and a contribution to the UN budget.
Obviously that transfer was forcing the UN to automatically recognize the legality of its claim both for ideological anti-US reasons plus for financial necessities because of its huge deficits caused by US payment shortfalls.
So WREAL became a legally recognizable country with its own flag, passports, social security schemes (health, education, pensions etc) ,open citizenship to all its multi million members globally, several banking institutions taking deposits, issuing loans corporate & micro and credit cards, insurance companies covering everything from health to maritime, mutual funds managing hundreds of billions and shortly trillions, a shipping fleet moving cargos, an airline linking most major South Hemisphere destinations and the entire country was operating mostly online or with a physical presence in certain offshore locations
By then WREAL has had an international influence and a large number of countries supporting it either for economic or political reasons and by the end of the year it was officially recognized by 113 countries although the vetos of US and European countries kept it short of a full fledged UN recognition.
However such a wide recognition allowed it free trade and travel and its tax free status appealed to small businesses, wealthy individuals and pension funds worldwide due to the credibility that WREAL was really sizable and was operating outside the established order and for that reason would not be subject to pressure and disclosure as it was always the case with small tax heavens elsewhere.
It also allowed small countries to park their hard currency reserves and protect their currencies while receiving more generous rewards in scarcity currencies and even higher rewards in WREAL currency for the countries that were opting for that. So WREAL was attracting funds from a wide range of sources for a wide range of reasons and thus was reinforcing it clout.
China had various reasons to directly or indirectly support WREAL , some of which domestic and some global. Domestically China was struggling to maintain a certain level of annual growth to create sufficient employment positions nationwide. The continuing stagnation of the developed economies has depressed the growth rate and increased unemployment across the country. However where China was failing dismally was in creating growth in the west and north interiors of the country. The poverty in the North and West was fuelling migration to the south-east cities but that was intensifying the wealth disparity in those cities. The situation was becoming increasingly precarious since the slower economic growth created giant miserable “favelas” full of unemployed people in the outskirts of the cities of the east and south. That in turn forced authorities to restrict further migration to the east and south, locking the north and west into an inescapable poverty. The entry of WREAL in the poor north and west created an alternative economy which minimized discontent and friction with the local authorities and that was serving the Chinese government in absence of any other better alternative to maintain domestic peace and relative prosperity in the least costly way.
Globally there has been a rising military tension with the US and Taiwan in the Pacific and the South China sea. That combined with the trade protectionist war with both the US and Europe and the undeclared but savage currency wars between the Dmark, British pound and US$ in the international spot and future markets where all parties were dumping and propping currencies in a futile and mostly self destructive manner, was drifting China apart from its allies of the last decade and needed new and strong allies like WREAL. In Africa for example China had common political interests with WREAL, where both parties have been increasing their influence – although in distinct ways – but commonly at the expense of the Western countries. The huge stakes that China had in Africa were underestimated by the US & EU when they launched their embargos and eventually militarily attacked African states through their NATO forces, mistakenly calculating that could rapidly crash their resistance and subjugated them into their sphere of influence. Instead they opened Pandora´s box triggering not only the African anti-imperialistic sentiment, but also causing the silent but detectable military support of China, Russia and Brazil and the exponential growth of WREAL´s economy all encroaching at the same time into their remaining influence and interests.
Political pressure and financial assistance threats against African countries started since 2024 was mounting during the last 3 years to force them to ban WREAL operations as well as trying to minimize Chinese influence in Africa. Some countries like Kenya, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco $ South Africa yielded to the pressure in 2027 but the rest pretended complying but took no real action, as such bans would cause social havoc among the poorest populations which due to WREAL activities, have seen their real trading power magnified extracting them from poverty. However the pressure escalated to the embargos that were imposed to Nigeria, Sudan, Mali, Tsad, Somalia, CAR, Tanzania, Mozambique, Senegal and Zaire towards the end of 2027. However the embargos proved to be a failure because a large number of important countries such as China, India, Brazil, Russia did not support that embargo because saw the weakness of the Western countries as an opportunity for a bigger influence and stronger voice and considered WREAL as an ally to that end plus that WREAL´s activities were pacifying the poorest layers of their populations providing something equivalent to social policies for which the governments and establishments in those countries found convenient to take credit for rather than crash it and risk social unrest.
In order to avoid direct confrontation with the US , these countries supported breach of the embargo by using ships carrying WREAL flag which now was competing with Panamanian, Liberian and Cypriot flags of convenience.
The other unpredictable factor in the economic sanctions imposed on the African countries, was the solidarity shown by the Latin American and Asian developing countries which defied the embargo and continue trading with Africa. That amount of trading was becoming increasingly in W$ as it was easier to bypass the embargo , something that strengthened even further the WREAL economy and made the African countries system even more independent from the developed countries than before. Eventually the only way for the developed economies to enforce that embargo was by military might and a blockade of the major ports and air corridors. That blockade escalated into the full fledged African Wars at the end of 2028.
The SelfWorth system started growing much further than Economic Self Worth. WREAL has been inviting people to honestly assess and quantify their self worth in every aspect, physically (state of health), emotionally (capacity or impediments to feel, to love, to enjoy), mentally (level of clarity, stimulation, creativity), spiritually ( level of peace, contentment, compassion, service).
A Physical Self worth profile could help someone i.e negotiate better insurance, being offered better business opportunities, being more attractive as an intimate partner or a friend and the competitiveness it was creating was prompting people to look after themselves better.
An honest Emotional Self worth profile was also providing a good indication to clients, traders, sexual and intimate partners, friends and colleagues with whom they are dealing and was also prompting people to better themselves and look after their emotional balance as essential part of their overall being.
An honest Mental Self worth assessment and a Spiritual Self worth assessment was serving all the above types of people in their interaction with them ‘motivating” people to better themselves.
Of course any attempts to deliberately misrepresent or mislead the public in their profile presentations was either warned or penalized through the feedback posting of others who have experienced the relevant characteristics in their previous interactions. These feedback postings as well were monitored for their honesty as the penalization could end up against the ones posting misrepresented comments.
A new concept called ShareIt was developed as an offshoot of the SelfWorth system. Over thirty years ago a book and a subsequent movie called Pay-It-Forward came along and it was revolving around a young boy´s vision on how to change the world by simply helping in a serious, concrete and unconditional way 3 people. The help would have to be challenging and not easy to offer by the giver. If these people appreciate it and asked the giver why he has done it for them or ask for a way to repay back that favor, the giver would then explain to them that if they appreciate it, they just offer it not back but forward to 3 others in the same way.
WREAL adopted the concept and gave it a new spin and focus and made it a part of its spiritual & social philosophy, building an entire movement around it.
Each person who wanted to participate in the Share it movement would have to make 3 offers, one to 3 people.
The 3 offers would have to be
– Unconditional (without self-credit, self-gratification, arrogance)
– Without expectations (of being appreciated, been received or that it would be passed on to others)
– Persist until all 3 times are received and acknowledged
The completion of that offering would be when they are received, acknowledged, appreciated and the question is asked why or how they can repay back the favor.
The measurement would be only the recognition of these 3 people, not the giver´s judgement or even general common sense. Purpose has been to inspire the receivers and elevate their perception of gratitude.
At least 1 of the 3 times would have to be utterly difficult for the giver, such as overcoming his worst fear.
ShareIt givers had to be WREAL members who have participated in the Donation system before and have donated unconditional DHES energy at least 3 times. The reason has been to prequalify the participants and maintain the integrity and unconditionality of ShareIT. WREAL structured a system to accelerate the spreading of the offerings. They had to be offered within a 3-month period.
Each giver and the 3 receivers would have to be registered. The receivers could also be registered after the sharing event but nevertheless had to in order to confirm the sharing. But the most intriguing action it took was to “penalize” the people who did not succeed in giving the 3 offerings within the 3 month period, by PAYING them in cash $27 for each failed receiver (up to 3) and then delete them from the system. Payment in cash and deletion from the system was considered a “punishment” for failing. Alternatively, the giver who wished to preserve and maintain the privilege until succeeding, could pay to WREAL $27 per month for each offering unfulfilled in order to extend its validity.
That system automatically transformed the concept into an honor system and gave it a supreme value, much more than money.
The key differences with the Pay- it- forward concept were that the intention behind the Share It was not how to help the 3 people or how to change the world but instead
– to detect the pain in oneself and the others
– to plug into the unconditionality and
– to help oneself liberate of his fears and isolation
Share It was developed as an offshoot of the SelfWorth system. In order to maintain the unconditionality of these 3 actions taken by the people sharing, WREAL set up an independent transparent online recording & review system monitored by the ShareIT members themselves. Besides the “penalization”, there has been no credit or other benefit direct or indirect associated with that giving either to givers or the receivers, so nobody would have a hidden agenda on why to engage in that.
WREAL Central bank.
Now that WREAL has proven its succes in the financial war with the US and Europe, and the exchange rates of US$, Dmark and Euro plummeting, central banks flooded WCB with US$ deposits. Although the exact amounts were never disclosed then and not even now, the extend of the WREAL activities financially, asset acquisitions, and trading, put the levels at the estimated range of $8-10 trillion.It has become the largest sovereign fund surpassing even China.The biggest fear of the US and the entire establishment at the time has become that WREAL may decide to massively dump their US$ treasury bonds which would destroy the entire financial system. WREAL has played with that fear not only against the US and Europe but also silently forcing China, India, Russia and Brazil to transfer to WREAL more US$ bonds, so that they don’t lose from an impending collapse of the US$
The overall net worth of WREAL jumped to $6 tril and its annual turnover for 2027 (now called GIP for Gross International Product) was estimated to be $7 tril making it effectively the 3rd richest country after US and China and ahead of India.
The FinancialTrading group.
WREAL for the first few years was treated as the pariah of the financial establishment and they tried unsuccessfully to stop it from trading. Now it has become a financial sweetheart and it decided to get listed in the Hong Kong, Sao Paulo & Bombay exchanges making available specific limited slices of its empire, namely a minority stake in the the holistic health & travel operations of Welll Club. It was more for test purposes rather than its need to raise funds. It wanted to examine the demand and identify which players will participate and the price levels. The Welll club was already a global brand and WREAL could not hide it anyway. Other parts of its empire it did not want to disclose publickly, although the countries who have purchased privately its treasury bonds have been provided the relevant information in order to secure their collateral.
The ScarcityAcquisitions group.
By now there was not any significant corporation that WREAL has not invested in, with strategic size stakes which allowed it either access to the important information or Board decisions
The VentureAngel Group.
The brain drain that WREAL was causing to the rest of the businesses, companies, academia and public servants accelerated. Most importantly the SelfWorth principle has expanded and deeped so much that the best people no longer wanted to work for the government, corporations or research facilities belonging to them. They would rather focus on their own path enjoying the freedom, support and rewards as self employed contracted freelancers that the WREAL platform was providing.
The RealEstateGroup.
WREAL has now become by far the largest property owner on the planet. Only large countries had more landholdings in their books but not productive or in use anyways. The utilization principles of WREAL made these property holdings a vibrant productive asset in contrast with the way real estate was considered till then.
The Adgroup.
During this year WREAL used extensively the adGroup as a platform to promote its own projects and activities rather than promoting others. It has obtained the access to a captive audience of hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It was a media empire knowing what its audience wanted, its preferences, its financial abilities, its record over the last few years.
It could now make easily available its Donation, its Welll Club memberships, its Wreal estate, its micro loans, its business loans and equity participation, its mutual funds, its insurance policies, its education & training options, its placement options, its SelfWorth opportunities, its alternative currency options.
The Judicial Board
role has shifted into becoming a judicial/Mediation organ for conflicts between members. It established global branches in order to deal with the massive demand and the committees were hearing cases and making judgments online through teleconferences taking into consideration in many cases the views of a prequalified local or global jury (people who have proven their ethical standards and impartiality based on their selfless actions in their communities or elsewhere).
Increasingly more and more children were acting as Judges, especially in complex cases, violent ones or sexual abuses.
WREAL was projecting that by 2029 most cases would be heard by children.
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