WREAL declares itself a sovereign country based on intl waters in South Pacific. A tax free nation with its own passports, flag and virtual banking.
China, Norway, Russia, Brazil, India, and 13 more countries stash $1tril of their currency reserves with WREAL in a secret asset swap deal.
W$ becomes a reserve currency competing with the US$.
WREAL pioneers HoloSensory advertising, Quantum computing data storage in DNA
Lobbies foreign governments & controls major stakes & board members in multinationals.
Provides microcredit at no interest to 10s of mils people
The decision of WREAL to declare itself as a sovereign state in 2026 using an uninhabited island in international waters next to Samoa in South Pacific was an unprecedented political and financial move that allowed WREAL to exercise its economic power and transform it into a political power which attracted global financial assets in the range of $trillions which in turn allowed it to infiltrate even further the establishment and magnify its position inside and outside of it.
Exploiting a loophole in the international law governing international waters, WREAL picked a location which was not claimed or challenged by anyone and branded it a country – albeit virtual, because there were no installations or population inhabiting it.
The declaration of WREAL as a sovereign state by WREAL caused an unprecedented upheaval and triggered an outright conflict with the established political & economic order. However that political-economic order was not as unified as in the last few centuries. The financialization of the global economies since the late 70s started creating an increasing gap of coordination between economic & political interests but that did not become apparent until the aftermath of the 2008 crisis. The traditional alignment of money power and political power was crumbling since then, due to the crisis wiping out the middle classes that were the key electoral group, therefore threatening their political survival. The political apparatus started feeling forced to take decisions that were confronting big economic interests, restricting financialization growth. The economic interests’ apparatus responded by a series of coordinated speculative attacks staged initially against the EU which was the most vulnerable. Initially, it caused the markets to perceive a liquidity danger which rapidly was escalated into panic in the sovereign bond markets pushing interests into unserviceable levels thereby transforming it into a sovereign debt crisis. Started with Greece back in 2010, spread to the peripheral south Euro zone until the resulting recession and deflation reached the core Euro countries.
In 2016 UK voted for Brexit but its the failed negotiations with the EU on the terms of the “divorce” during 2018-2019 a new referendum was called and Britons voted in Feb 2021 in favor of the union with EU which was enacted the following year. Although by 2016 it seemed that Europe has started recovering, growth was slowly coming back and bonds were stabilizing, by 2019 there was a relapse and by 2023 the economic & cultural gap between north and south Europe was unbridgeable.
After EU struggled for more than a decade, the core European countries of Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Finland and Austria abandoned the Euro in 2026 and joined the NorthEuropean Dmark union. The clumsiness of the European governments dealing with the attacks while trying to politically survive was escalating the lack of trust by both their electorates and the markets and was spreading the panic.
The situation was not distinctively better on the other side of the Atlantic with US growing marginally while running out of tools to stimulate its economy. Although the 2016-2020 Trump government caused irreparable damage to the US economy, it managed with massive tax cuts and other sweeteners to repatriate the international companies` profits to the US (the sole victory in its agenda). That gave the breathing space to the goverment to utilize these trillions in order to buy more patronage, spend massively on the swing states and fool their electorates that things were improving, although the rest of the country was feeling the deceit. Nevertheless US elections were always decided by swing states gerrymandering – smart electoral redistricting and that was proven once again by having Trump winning the 2020 elections to the horror of everyone.
National opinion polls failed once again to grasp the importance of the swing states opinions which were distorting the national sentiment. In fact a few hundred thousand people on 19 critical counties counties in 6 swing states determined the outcome for the entire country.
The structural errors of the US economy as well as most global economies were not addressed. The emerging economies started slowing down especially since the repatriation of trillions of $ to the US, deepening the recession which in turn was deepening the emerging economies slowing down further. By now the interests of the political establishments and the financial establishments have drifted apart. The Financial Economic Order (FEO) In order to achieve its control over the political order, restricted lending feeding off a recession and kept their funds for using them in defensive actions and offensive speculative attacks in the bonds markets. The FEO deliberately sacrificed many trillions having its own assets shrinking globally but that did not matter in the bigger picture which was domination. Finally by 2025 the FEO`s domination over the political establishments in Europe, the US, Canada, Mexico, Australia and Japan was complete. Puppet weak coalition- based governments with fractured institutions and demoralized populations became easy to control and pass legislations reversing the anti-financialization wave, liberalizing economies further and centralizing economic power even further.
However even FEO interests were not fully aligned and coordinated. By the end of 2025 there were sovereign wealth funds from emerging economies and petro-states worth over $20 trillion, which have lost confidence in the traditional safety of the US$ treasuries due to its continued recession, falling stock market, stagnated real estate, falling commodity prices and after the Euro break up (which created a vacuum of 25% of the global currency supply which to some degree filled up the Dmark and Pound) were lacking options. Although they started gradually shifting away from the US$ (which initiated the currency wars) they could not abruptly flee the US$ without losing a great portion of their own portfolio in the process and on the other hand it was also too risky to place a major portion all of them in hedge funds due to the volatility of the global markets.
Coincidentally the appearance of the increasing strength of WREAL offered an interesting alternative to them to hedge safely while enjoy generous returns.
So in secret talks the UAE, Qatar, Kuwait, China, HK, Saudi Arabia, Norway, Russia, Brazil, India, Argentina, Thailand, Poland, Taiwan, S. Korea, Singapore and Venezuela treasuries which represented about $12 tril in foreign reserves came into an agreement with WREAL to place an undisclosed amount of funds, in W$ treasury bonds in their newly born state. (estimated close to $1 tril in 2026 but grown by 2028 at $4 trillion & by 2030 at $9 tri)
These bonds offered extremely attractive returns fully backed by its own worldwide assets that ranged from strategic shareholdings, real estate, gold & other commodities and multi-currency reserve holdings on the top of the WREAL . In the eyes of the world powers and decision-makers WREAL was running a `tight very disciplined ship` and was considered a blue chip corporate bond, which has now converted itself into a sovereign bond. Its self suffiency, its unique absence of debt while the entire world was drawning in debt has made WREAL a true net creditor company-nation.
However the biggest sweetener of all in that deal was that WREAL offered to secretly purchase theses US$ reserves exchanging them for their WREAL bonds value. It was the perfect deal because these central banks beyong the better returns were enjoying through the WREAL bonds, they were unloading their US$ holdings without disclosing these sales, while the secrecy of the agreement was preserving their value of the rest of US$ holdings.
The beauty of these deals were that those central banks sold a large chunk of their US$ reserves in exchange of WREAL backed assets , shareholdings, real estate, stakes in a range of industries and they have done it as a hedge or option. What that meant was that if the US$ was going to lose value over time they would be paid in WREAL but if it maintained its value or gained value over their own currencies or over the WREAL currency then they would paid in US$. That was the sweet deal proposal that WREAL made them and it was an offer they could not refuse. If US$ was going down they would hedge and win but also if WREAL was going down they could take over its whole pie which was solidly collateralized.
On the other hand WREAL gained tremendous power both financial, economic but also political. It has now become a true middle sized country and it could flex its muscle to affect the entire world way faster and deeper than could ever be imagined. From simply defending its position and assets it went into a full-fledged attack with the US$ and the Dmark, launching a series of speculative assaults against them and literally cornered the spot markets and eventually the forward contracts devaluing both the US$ and the Dmark, to the delight of the other economic powers China, India, Russia, Brazil. The more the US$ was losing value the more funds from these countries central banks were coming to its coffins in order for them to minimize the monetary losses. They knew that they would have to lose some money if they wanted to untangle themselves from the US$ plus test whether WREAL could “deliver the goods” so to speak.
Basically WREAL took a huge gamble to risk losing all its assets in case it failed to protect their value and consequently lose the new sovereign wealth funds as a result. That’s why the deal was so sweet for the Chinese and the others who conditionally deposited ever-increasing amounts in the WREAL bonds.
Of course FEO, which was fractured by conflicting interests among its members, although was not officially part of this arrangement, it was forced to accept it under the threat of an outright currency war plus the collapse of the global financial system. However it underestimated the resilience of the WREAL currency and economy and made the fatal mistake to believe that this arrangement would crash WREAL under their coordinated efforts. And that collapse would serve as a strengthening of the established order as the only alternative to be created by the vacuum of WREAL’s demise.
However now with Chinese and Indian funds at stake, WREAL was enjoying an unprecedented support plus that had in its disposal massive trillion $ funds allowing it to move any financial market in its favor and create cash returns for its bondholders and others. It also allowed it to do friendly and hostile takeovers of major corporations by being unbeatable in the premiums was willing to overpay to their shareholders. However the most important was that the control of that large size of the global markets and economies was giving it the chance to convert scarcity cash assets into WREAL denominated assets which were even more productive, stable and abundant and then recycle them back into the scarcity cash economy multiplied.
WREAL Central bank.
The deal that WREAL struck with the central banks swapping US$ reserves with WREAL backed denominayted assets (as a warrant to exercise in both directions) suddenly elevated WCB reserves to over $1.4 trillion by the end of 2026, of which nearly $400 bil were speculative profits from its assault against the US$.
The CreditGroup.
It now had the power to lend massively and take deposits acting as a banking institution based in Abundance
The FinancialTrading group & The ScarcityAcquisitions group.
The whole financial trading game took a whole new dimension. The liquidity of WREAL allowed it to corner every single market and amass not just absurd levels of profits but taking outright control of the most established companies either through shareholding acquisitions or hostile takeovers. This was the year that usual accounting stopped making sense. Within a single year WREAL has gained control of a sizeable slice of the global scarcity economy without calculating its many fold size of WREAL parallel economy which was now more consolidated than ever.
Although it was difficult to distinguish now what profits were made by which WREAL entity given the fact that Financial Trading, Acquisitions, Real estate and WCB trading all somehow merged up in order to take advantage of the synergy, WREAL has estimated that its total net worth (only in scarcity assets) skyrocketed to $1.1 tril . If WREAL assets were added to the total at the then exchange rate, the total net worth would be close to $3 tril.
The VentureAngel Group.
The immense liquidity that WREAL enjoyed attracted the best and most promising incubators, entrepreneurs, & AI ventures. It basically started monopolizing the AI scene and brain drained most high tech firms.
The RealEstateGroup.
The speed with which it started accumulating landholdings for ecofarming, solar & wind energy, tourist destinations & mining was unprecendended. Within 2 years became the biggest landholder in the planet
The Adgroup.
From 2026 introduced HoloSensory Advertising in public places. Qtech’s advanced algorhithms assisted in developing high-quality holograms which could be seen from any angle without distortion, bypassing both the use of lasers and photographic processing. Instead used refracting & diffracting light in the way morphos butterflies do it.
However HoloSensory advertising went much further than holograms. It integrated high quality sound fused with binaural beats and specific brain wave frequencies to stimulate certain brain states or relaxation, excitement, peace, visualization etc. Additionally, smell & taste were introduced and combined with the tactile experience of walking through or standing inside the hologram and “touching” the imaging experience. Smell was easy but taste needed quite a level of tweaking for a number of years. Initially taste was triggered through targeted smells giving the illusion of an experience of the corresponding taste. Later the nailing down of the specific energetic frequencies corresponding to different tastes facilitated the taste experience simply by opening the mouth and the specific energetic vibrations would go directly to activate the taste bud regions of the tongue in unique combinations.
The HoloSensory experience of being part of the Holographic environment and all its senses activated was truly powerful and it was a very desirable experience and still is, although now it has been used for very different purposes altogether.
After WREAL’s servers have been constantly and openly under physical ground attacks or aerial drone attacks WREAL negotiated with a number of African countries to situate its servers, deep underground right under their key military installations, making it quite hard for small commando teams to be able to enter and cause damage without risking an actual war. Well although war seemed far fetched in the beginning the years to come have proven everyone wrong. Anyhow WREAL with so much money to burn, African countries were bidding to attract WREAL’s favors.
On other fronts the Child Visions success led to a growing number of WREAL schools
Eventually the momentum which was created from Child Visions project led to the establishment of a range of “schools” of preschool and primary school ages for other non-orphan children.
Alternative Preschool Educators, Developmental Psychologists, Neurochemists, Psychobiologists, PsychoNeuroImmunologists, helped refine the curriculum, methods and tools to facilitate this education, primarily of trainers and then everyone being trained who was around these children. Example of techniques used in the children’s early years are Clairvoyance/ Telepathy/ Sound healing/ Color therapy/ Reiki/ Flower essences/ Aromatherapy/ Crystal healing/ Pranic healing/ Light therapy/ Harmonics/Shamanic healing/Cetacean frequencies/ Psychometry/ Feeling-Listening to animal,s plants and mineral kingdoms/
From the age of 3-4 the children in the WREAL communities were ready to share their experiences and gifts with other children, developing a direct & deep communication and interaction with as many other children as possible in the local and distant communities.
They invited groups of children to visit them in their campuses but also visited playgrounds, nurseries, preschools, schools, hospitals, orphanages, and other gathering places of children and inspired them by
offering to them brief meditation & yoga clases, dance & drama performances, hands-on & distant healing sessions, language lessons, cooking demonstrations, handicraft demos, animal & plant care etc and eventually training other children interested in any of those.
This interaction had been based on their own child –to-child trust and transmited valuable spiritual information among them.
They were gradually introduced to centering techniques such as Meditation/ Visualization/ Lucid Dreaming/ Yoga/ Pranayama/ Qi Gong. They explored expression through Art/ Drama/ Music/ Singing/ Dance/ Movement while been exposed to multilingual environment filled with Story telling/ Poetry/ Games/ /Educational tools
The children were supported and nurtured with Nutrition/ Homeopathy/ Naturopathy/Chinese Medicine/ Osteopathy/Cranio-sacral/ Rolfing/ Floating/ Biofeedback/ Holotropic therapy/ Alexander technique/ Reflexology/ Herbalism/ Hypnotherapy/ Kinesiology/ Massage.
Light & Sound devices, neurophones, flotation tanks, tuning forks, ozonation devices, herbal concoctions, sacred plants, crystals, essential oils, biofeedback devices etc are widely utilized to complement and enhance the children’s spiritual, perceptual and healing abilities.
The children over 6 were participating in all decisions of the schools` running, such as adult facilitators hiring, curriculum, administration, discipline. Learned to take responsibility and feel part of their own education.
Teachers were called facilitators as they were not teaching anything, they simply facilitating what the children chose to learn and the formats. Contributed ideas and facilitated implementation in tasks difficult for the children to accomplish. They were more of consultants/technocrats hired by a group in order to stimulate brainstorming and accomplish certain tasks more efficiently. They had equal vote as any of the other children and adults participating.
Education had been dynamic and primarily Projects-based , where a particular project was chosen to be implemented either within the school compound by inviting all the possible contributors and bring in the resources necessary for its completion or bring the school outside the compound into the location where an activity could provide better learning. That location might have been a neutral place or a place where another person/group could contribute his skills & experience with the children making available resources that would be extremely difficult to bring into the school and witness interaction in its real environment. Projects like constructing a building or a bridge utilized the opportunity to introduce children to all aspects of the project from plan drafting, importance of math calculations, computing, presentations, financing, negotiations, hiring, psychology, creativity in raising resources and minimize costs, sustainability, conflict resolution & mediation, working in groups and alone, taking responsibilities, volunteer motivation etc In a nutshell education about real life in all its aspects whereas every activity made sense and was understood how it contributed to the entire project. Children were assigned rotating tasks during the project where they could observe or participate in various aspects of the implementation.
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