WelllClub nets $1.7bil profit and Financial Trading bring another $2.7 bil.
WREAL booming in Africa, Asia & South America.
Economic pressures by IMF, WB, FED, ECB, WTO, BoJ to governments & corporations against cooperation with WREAL
Children’s role in society
That was the year during political pressure and financial assistance threats mounted against African countries and African based companies and progressed till 2026, trying to force them to ban WREAL operations.
The pressure was exercised either through such bodies as the WB, ECB, FED, BoJ or goverments of US, EU, Japan or large corporations based in the western world to their trading partners and goverments in Africa.
Some countries like Kenya, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco and S. Africa yielded to the pressure but the rest pretended complying but took no real action, as such bans would cause social havoc among the poorest populations which have seen their real trading power magnified, extracting them from poverty. However the pressure escalated to the embargos that were imposed to Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Mozambique, Senegal and Zaire in 2027 which eventually led to the African Wars of 2028.
Pressure was also exerted against Latin American countries of which the Central American and most Caribbean ones as well as Colombia yielded to the pressure, but the rest of the South America saw the weakness of the developed economies as an opportunity for a bigger influence and stronger voice and considered WREAL as an ally to that end plus that WREAL´s activities were pacifying the poorest layers of their populations providing something equivalent to social policies for which the governments and establishments in those countries found convenient to take credit for rather than crash it and risk social unrest.
In Asia there was a mixed picture. The Arab countries due to their cultural gap between Islamic finance and the ideological distaste of usury combined with the mistrust of US and EU lined up supporting WREAL even in countries such Saudi Arabia and Emirates where the migrant Asian populations were increasingly restless. East Asia like Japan and South Korea sided with the US –EU.
Russia, Singapore, China and India for similar reasons to South America sided with WREAL . Malaysia, Indonesia for ideological reasons sided with WREAL as well.
Of course that was a gradual process over the course of 3-4 years starting in 2024 till reached the climax in 2027 with the African embargos.
In the mean time WREAl was growing financially and politically across the globe.
While WREAL has converted the Donation membersip into an open one with no limited number of vouchers, the growth rate to individuals somehow slowed down but the organizations found it more attractive than ever, due to the generous benefits available to members which they were passing on to their member network.
By the end of 2024 the Donation membersip base has reached 42mil individuals and 165,000 organizations (with another 70-80 mil individuals networked through them).
WREAL controlled (outright or via joint ventures) a stable of holistic health spas in resorts worldwide including the franchised ones which reached 675 in total.
The Welll Club membership sales and other network sales generated $1.3 bil profits.
The new big earner has been the new type of insurance which was launched experimentally at the end of 2022 and was focusing on consulting, training & prevention. It capitalized on its massive global memberships of Donations & Welll Club, its wide spectrum of holistic health spas, its franchises and MLM network and promoted and sold a range of services to individuals, employers companies, hospitals, doctors and even insurance companies.
It rewarded health and sickness prevention and “penalized irresponsible sickness” as it was calling it,
utilizing a similar system of the WREAL$ value when you acquire it vs when you dispose it. Basically it was a training method to value health and devalue disease by making the choice of health cheap and the choice of disease expensive. Made people aware of their responsibility of the choice they had and made.
Suddenly the articles on “Health in its right dimension”, “Disease & Healing” and “Intoxication’s necessity” that WREAL had published back in 2020 which went unnoticed at the time, now made all the sense.
The BarterExchange
As the numbers of Donation membership, Welll Club memberships, and the Welll$ and WREAL$ were skyrocketing, WREAL acquired a number of other Barter systems and consolidated them under QuantumTech control and it was renamed The WREAL Exchange
The WREAL Central bank
Its reserve ballooned to $1.9 bil although during the year it had to sacrifice $300 mil to defend the WREAL and some African countries currencies
The CreditGroup
extended $1.2 bil during 2024 to 2.3 mil people. Most of the loans were in the range of $300-600 and their duration 3-6 months. The default rate was around 5%, so in fact the money lent was less than 500 mil but it was recycled about 3 times during the year. WREAL did not charge any interest rate as its costs were negligible bypassing transfer fees by using its financial arm and mobile transfers in cooperation with mobile banking operatos who wanted to expand their customer base and potentially sell them their other services.
The FinancialTrading group
Its successful financial trading record has made it a respectable force to be reckoned with.
Its success attracted investment capital from diverse sources across the globe, by organizations, funds and wealthy individuals who did not trust the major Wall Street firms neither the sterile online platforms. So WREAL started handling other people’s money and rewarded them not simply with successful trades and generous returns but a range of other fringe benefits through its WREAL network. From now on its trading actions were instantly followed by other major players and hedge funds. In that way it could move and corner any financial market multiplying the impact of its own investment. It became the Soros or Berkshire equivalent. No restrictions by the exchanges were able to block its trades which anyway were camouflaged and sliced down to thousands of smaller trades which made it difficult to ban but the sheer volume was still detectable by the other traders to follow.
Financial trading activities for its own account or on behalf of others generated a massive $2.7 bil profits out of which $1.7 bil was deposited in WCB to serve as a defense shield against currency speculation attacks orchestrated by central banks. The other billion was reinvested in strategic firms.
The ScarcityAcquisitions group
Its business acquisitions now included sizable stakes in AI firms both blue chip and emerging, specially in deep machine learning, cloud storage, solar storage, as well as in financial brokerages, major consultancy firms & auditing firms with government & corporate contracts, shipping & logistics firms and airlines. Objective was not financial but decision making influence and early or priviledged access to key information.
The Adgroup
The benefits that the few people who have dedicated the time and effort to consistently engage in that viewing, they would “resell” some of these benefits like wholesellers, to others who had a much shorter attention span (on a customized basis relevant to their interests).
Basically the principle behind it was that everyone is interested in certain things and is willing to pay attention in what interests him but there was a need for additional direct tangible incentive.
Instead of mass advertising where the message is mostly irrelevant to potential or actual viewers, the key is to break down sections of the public to such small slices and identify what their interests are. Facebook, Google, Amazon and Ebay have been working and perfecting that trend for many years but the closest they have got was in identifying people’s interests and buying habits better. All these efforts though were revolving around identifying peoples interests and buying habits in order to influence those habits as closely as possible.
Still nobody was rewarding people directly for paying attention no matter whether they purchased something or not. Nobody had converted attention time into a commodity. The WREAL’s Adgroup introduced that factor, that every second of attention has an actual value and attention spent needs to be compensated by an equal value received.
Of course initially the concept was ridiculed- who cares if someone has nothing to do except paying attention but buy nothing? We care about the ones who want to buy our products/services or our clients` products advertisers would say.
WREAL was saying that instead of having advertisers pay all that money to the media empires, the media buyers, the advertising companies, they could instead take that cost and distribute it directly to the public, starting from who would professionally register those benefits offered and redistribute it to smaller packets/customized groups with a shorter attention span in exchange for a smaller financial benefit who in their turn would do the same to an even smaller group until finally would reach the final consumer through a personal referral recommendation rather than impersonal advertising.
It is like building a closed circuit MLM system with a final end being the consumer and every leg of the network gets a cut of the total pie allocated to promotion. Critics would ask what is the difference between what is happening with a traditional adverting system? The difference is that you take the same cost and spread it across a very wide platform to hundreds, thousand and hundreds of thousands of people rather than concentrate it through a handful middleman (media & ad companies).
The “energy savings” and the increased trust and loyalty developed, make all the difference in sustainability of a product success rather than having millions to billions spent on ad budgets to temporarily boost sales and be undone after weeks or months when the competitors would launch their campaign and shift loyaly wich would need another round of campaigning to recover it back and lose it again. Instead the quality and satisfaction of a product’s use generated through a personal referral would eventually be more sustainable and cheaper way for producers to sell their product.
Although it seemed quite quixotic to the ad industry, there was only 1 way to prove the point by actually quantifying the money spent with the sales results and profits made. Initially only smaller companies and organizations were using the system and after when their success started becoming obvious, it was attracting increasingly a wider portion of the small & mid size businesses and organizations worldwide.
Children’s role in society
During 2024 WREAL published online some articles in regards to children’s proper role in society which was now attracting attention as WREAL was globally visible. Here are the most controversial ones:
Childhood is not an age definition, it is a spiritual state of Being
WREAL believes that Childhood is not just an age definition, is primarily a spiritual state of being, across all cultures, across all history and across all species.
It represents purity, innocence, playfulness, joy, enthusiasm and is even astrologically linked to the sun, light and empowerment.
Younger children simply possess it by default and gradually lose it during their continuing exposure with adulthood.
To be frank though, is not just the values of the adult world that are responsible for that loss. There are also factors of bio-chemistry, hormonal and neurotransmitter changes that consolidate this change.
Adult values developed through society are part of an overall programming which includes these biochemical changes.
If however detect & capture this biochemical state and develop a value system around this childhood state while encouraging and entraining children to sustain this childhood state while they still can and transmit it to as many other young children, we may be able to shift the overall level of contamination of this childhood state caused by adulthood.
Childhood revolves to a significant degree around play. A trait that is stronger during the early childhood years and gradually fades out with age. This cannot be accidental or irrelevant.
There may be biochemical reasons that instigate the need for play OR it may as well be that play itself instigate the biochemical changes observed in childhood.
The definition of childhood represents
OUR most
uninhibited, creative, passionate, satisfying, loving, enthusiastic, free, empowered, joyful, being in the moment state of being.
Isn’t what defines us as human beings in our most empowered state?
Isn’t what we should be aspiring to be?
Isn’t what we should treasure inside ourselves & in all children who already possess it?
Life is child-prioritized
The usual misconception which all adults have, that children when are born, don’t know anything and need to be taught about life by the adults is so gravely flawed.
Children come to this human dimension because they choose on a “soul level” or another dimension, to do just that.
They have designed a very clear path that incorporates the 2 fundamental choices
- a) the key people they will interact with b) the key experiences they have chosen to have in this human dimension.
It seems that the human set of “cosmic constitutional laws” governing the priorities and overriding principles of the human dimension, place absolute priority to the young children’s fundamental choices for a number of years probably around 6 or 7 during which the “circumstances” of their lives are “set-up” in an almost “hypnotic” fashion, to ensure that their chosen circumstances have a sufficiently fertile environment for the experiences to be manifested now or later.
The adults surrounding the children have actually been somehow”disabled” from interfering with the creation of the chosen environment by the children. Their individual adult needs are temporarily voided or placed on a secondary priority and none of the events or circumstances they choose or have prechosen can possibly interfere with the destiny of the children during their first few years. The adults` lives are placed on an automatic pilot serving as a supportive mechanism for the manifestation of the children’s fundamental environment which would serve them later to manifest their path.
Although these adults think they have consciousness and control of the circumstances affecting these children, they don’t have any more other than the one that each of these children has predetermined to be crucial for his/her development.
The children already have factored-in all the circumstances and events which will be taking place in that life before they even start it. All the support, all the obstacles all the traumas have already been prechosen by each child’s Soul dimension before entering this human dimension and during its early childhood, they are protected by unpredictable events and circumstances that may derail their fundamental path unfoldment.
Children and their proper role in society
For all the above reasons WREAL´s vision has been to initiate and facilitate the emerging of a child-focused culture.
A culture that identifies children as being the closer link between our souls and the Universal Source.
A culture that encourages and supports child-like creativity and spontaneity.
A culture that trusts children to heal and lead our civilization.
According to WREAL´s philosophy, in terms of spiritual life and evolution, children aren’t simply equal to adults, they actually have a much greater potential than adults to heal and to teach us how to deal with the ongoing global vibrational shifts. We desperately need them to show us the way, because they know. They mirror our Soul (our inner child). Our inner child knows too, although until now it has been quite a painful experience for adults to allow full-uninhibited expression of their inner child.
Every child has an infinite wisdom in a body with just a little human experience.
The role of each adult is to recognize and respect that wisdom and assist the child to grow and gain human experience without losing the connection with the infinite wisdom.
The only thing an adult can teach a child is about human experience, nothing more. Everything else is already known to the child.
The child, however, reflects that infinite wisdom, reminding the adult what is essential and how to avoid becoming lost in the human experience.
Children are the purest reflection of life in human form.
Every time we approach children with respect, we gain access to the vastness of cosmic wisdom.
Our children are not “our” children.
They are not extensions of our ego-self and our illusionary desires, hopes and fears.
They are independent, fully developed souls with their specific evolutionary journeys.
Our ignorance and arrogance interferes with their soul’s purpose.
Children don’t need our twisted, selfish, arrogant sense of “love”. They need our respect and recognition.
Only the respect and recognition of their soul can activate our deep, unconditional sense of love.
We can only love them to the extent we love and respect our inner self, our inner child.
Children have always been the most harmed, oppressed, exploited & helpless class of human beings
We as adults constantly cripple children‘s confidence, creativity, passion and free spirit out of ignorance, fears and insecurities, but pretend we want them to grow into independent, self-confident, powerful adults.
No wonder our human evolution has been so slow until now. If we could only get a momentary glimpse of our adult world through their eyes, to see what they see and feel what they feel. We would be shocked, our lives radically and irreversibly transformed.
Children are the key to the evolution of our species.
Children need to learn human experiences to serve their soul’s evolution.
Adults need to remember why they have been learning their human experience.
Adults are lost children who have no chance of evolving unless they get in touch with their inner child and help other children not to become lost.
We adults have to prove to children that we are not mean and cruel by nature, but that we are simply lost and we recognize that. We need children to help us recover our inner wisdom, which they can access more easily and directly. We need to encourage them to forgive our stupidity and not feel hurt anymore by our ignorance and arrogance.
We need to create a space where learning is natural, uninhibited, effortless and fun and flows in all directions: adults teaching children, children teaching adults, children teaching children. Teaching, however, has to be in the form of humbly sharing our experiences, rather than transmitting objective knowledge.
In terms of education, life itself is the vehicle of education. By nature, children are curious, creative and intelligent beings. Not recognizing this fundamental fact simply indicates our limited trust of life.
We can support children in order for them to learn basic, fundamental ways of self-learning.
We must trust their intuition and follow their rhythm, learning what they consider essential, interesting and immediately useful. No matter what we think is useful, children will only learn what they consider useful.
Everything forced on them will be forgotten quickly, perhaps needing to be learned again at a later and more appropriate time. However, we are so sure that we know what is best for them that we fail to listen. Our arrogance and mistrust has a poisoning effect on their soul’s and our soul’s evolution.
Children learn not simply through their parents or teachers, but through all adults and children surrounding them. What these people do and how they feel about life sets the foundation for learning. Children choose and blend role models and information that are most appropriate to their evolutionary needs.
Education has always been a control tool of the ruling systems directed at the populations they wanted to rule. Initially by the mere exclusion of the masses from it and gradually by the careful structuring of it as a training system of raising entire generations that adopt and replicate the values chosen by the ruling system, so subtly, that the populations themselves consider the education system and content as normal and not even suspect any manipulation whatsoever.
WREAL made it its mission to expose that manipulation and free children and adults from its enslavement.
The WREAL model schools introduced a series of extraordinary education methods.
First of all education starts from infancy with the focus to awaken, strengthen and encourage infants and toddlers to remember their innate spiritual identity and discover all the subsequent abilities for heightened sensory and extrasensory perception, psychic abilities, close & remote healing . Most importantly discover the “sound of truth”.
According to WREAL as well as ancient Indian spiritual practices, shamanic traditions and other later discoveries,
truth has a vibrational frequency to which we can be attuned. With that foundation, children are able to listen to their own truth as well as distinguish the truth of others and pointing it out.
That has been the basis of ethics from WREAL as it is not distorted by societal morality rules but comes directly from the source connecting the individual with the cosmic truth and their own.
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