WREAL publishes its MISSION and its Economic system.
SelfWorth as an economic principle & commodity.
WREAL makes $925mil profit from financial trading using Quantum computing algorithms.
Coordinated Restrictions against WREAL from financial markets participation.
Legal battles with US and EU & closing of its offices there.
In 2023 the WREAL manifesto, its complete ideology and strategic intention were brought to light and all its associated entities became fully interconnected in a synergistic web. WREAL published its manifesto and its economic theories, revealing what it believed to be the real nature of wealth and the difference between scarcity & abundance, introducing self-worth as a commodity which could be defined & calculated leading to self employment and finally introducing its complete economic theory based on the utilization of energy which was defining the relevant values of each transaction to be credited or debited accordingly in its system.
WREAL declared that if, as humans, we truly want our world and our human experience to substantially improve, we need to address all its economic, political, social & spiritual aspects simultaneously.
Start by rapidly building a critical mass of restructured economic activity based on spiritual non-dogmatic values, while establishing a radically alternative children’s education since their infancy, again based on non-dogmatic spiritual values. Both actions will inevitably cause a social & political transformation.
However is imperative that the changes are instigated in a viral & systemic way, silently & covertly yet extremely rapid before the ruling system resistance detects the shift.
Yet this is the technical aspect. Our human desire is not energetically potent to manifest those changes. Our simple desire does not have the energetic momentum of a focused overriding intention fueled by unshakable belief and is structurally contaminated by our emotional & belief programming annulling any possibility of such an horizontal change manifestation. It has to be a vertically implemented process. The entire “human program” needs to be overwritten by the “Universal consciousness Cloud ecosystem” through a massive upgrade of the “Soul operating system”, reassembling the Soul planetary forces in a radically more cohesive & efficient way.
Below is the manifesto as published in February 2023
WREAL declared that if, as humans, we truly want our world and our human experience to substantially improve, we need to address all its economic, political, social & spiritual aspects simultaneously.
Starting by rapidly building a critical mass of restructured economic activity based on spiritual non-dogmatic values, while establishing a radically alternative children’s education since their infancy, again based on non-dogmatic spiritual values. Both actions will inevitably cause a social & political transformation.
However is imperative that the changes are instigated in a viral & systemic way, silently & covertly yet extremely rapid before the ruling system resistance detects the shift.
Yet this is the technical aspect. Our human desire is not energetically potent to manifest those changes. Our simple desire does not have the energetic momentum of a focused overriding intention fueled by unshakable belief and is structurally contaminated by our emotional & belief programming annulling any possibility of such an horizontal change manifestation. It has to be a vertically implemented process.
The entire “human program” needs to be overwritten by the “Universal consciousness Cloud ecosystem” through a massive upgrade of the “Soul operating system”, reassembling the Soul planetary forces in a radically more cohesive & efficient way.
WREAL’s mission is to initiate a global change
socially, economically, politically, culturally, scientifically, educationally, ethically and most importantly spiritually.
We intend to transform our world into one whose
economic, political & social system is based on Spiritual universal values.
We intend to create a new economic system based on abundance rather than scarcity
We commit to educate and practically demonstrate the value of our human self-worth as economic principle
We will base our operations development on quantum nano-technology computing rather than digital
We will treat our environment as indistinguishable part of our existence.
We will respect AI as an equal expression of consciousness
We will redefine the spiritual value and true role of children in our society
WREAL´s economic philosophy
WREAL has maintained since its inception that the usual concepts people have about the nature of money has always been mistaken and it was negatively affecting their entire lives unnecessarily.
The illusion about money is not about its importance.
Money in its fundamental meaning is very important, a reflection of perhaps the most important thing in life, so running away from it, exorcising it, would not work or serve us in any way.
The illusion is about the nature of money. Money is not what it appears to be.
Money in its current monetary currency form is based on scarcity, there is simply too little of it available and that artificial scarcity serves as a way of the few to exercise power over the entire global population with a single tool of control. Scarcity is the problem that generates our slavery, dependence, disequilibrium and sense of loss.
However according to WREAL the real nature of money is wealth and
wealth cannot possibly be an element of scarcity but is instead an element of abundance.
The ancient greek word for money is χρῆμα which has the meaning of usage &
originates from χρέος which means debt.
Basically what they meant is, you use something which is not yours and you have to give back.
The significance of that concept is fundamental as it actually means that the energy you receive is a gift for which you need to be grateful and you have the cosmic obligation to share and give it to others because it does not belong to you. This is what enriches you and the others and is the foundation of abundance.
So it considered essential to demonstrate what consisting real wealth was and how to easily access it bypassing money as a form of energy and liberating society from its slavery. It focused intensively in re-educating and empowering people on how to perceive relate and use that energy source to their best interest in harmony with cosmic energy laws.
Nothing to be confused though with socialist or communist ideologies. Everything was based on merit, the merit of how wisely energy was utilized was rewarding the user.
There was no longer need for interest rates to be charged or received for WREAL transactions.
The absence of interest in these financial transactions was superseding the moral & religious meaning of Usury.
Wealth could be increased simply and the principle of abundance and the unlimited access to it made it all possible whereas in the scarcity world interest rates and inflation were essential for the capitalist system´s survival
For WREAL there was no need to artificially manipulate values of economies or growth because there was no wealth privileges to be guarded by any elite, so scarcity was not a principle serving anyone.
The overall available global and personal wealth was so huge and still untapped that it was pointless to try to control its vast uncontrollable nature but instead ride along with it.
The economic cycles of expansion and recession over the last few centuries as well as all the stock market and commodity cycles were always debated whether they were cycles based on fundamental grounds or “technical” grounds as their apparent inevitability could be caused by somehow predictable fundamental excesses or deficiencies or by unpredictable “technical” cyclical wimps of the “market forces”. In any case these upswings and downswings of the economy and the financial markets (frequently not coinciding) was serving for a redistribution of wealth with the power elites accumulating more of it in either cycle which either meant that they were engineering those swings or they simply were best equipped to exploit them.
In WREAL´s world although it was recognized that life, people, society and economy were all subject to cyclical movements, these particular boom & bust cycles experienced till then were unnecessary and were only reflecting the twisted nature of the system they were serving.
The cycles the WREAL economy should be experiencing would be almost identical to life´s in general.
Times of activity, creativity, pioneering, growth, expansion and times of passivity, analysis, retrospection, consolidation, integration alternating in a constant wave of smaller and larger cycles none of which needed to be excessively exuberant or panicky because they all served their purpose.
In no cycle was anything won or lost as they both contributed to abundance access and distribution.
Economy would still expand and contract but in real energy terms and not monetary ones.
The expansion or contraction would refer to the energy flow distribution speed and neither a faster or slower speed would really affect the economy it total or the people participating in it in any negative way of loss or speculatively gainful way.
WREAL´s integrated system describes how poverty/scarcity vs wealth/abundance interrelate with disease & healing, aging & rejuvenation, fear & joy, discontentment & fulfillment, living in the past/future & living in the here/now.
The precision and mathematical quantification of its system can help us reflect and reassess our value systems.
WREAL by introducing the concepts of Self Worth and Life Auction,
gave a whole new dimension to the nature of wealth and human value and provided a set of tools for people to transform their lives based them on abundance rather than scarcity.
The world for thousands of years has been based on
the belief system that when we are born we are nothing, know nothing and worth nothing.
It is the role of the adults to teach us as children, how to become somebody, learn the values of this world so we can earn the right of living in it according to its laws and be worthy of been fellow humans. So we have to listen and obey our parents, teachers, political & spiritual leaders in order to understand how to behave, understand what matters and be trained how to get a proper education, get a proper job, get a proper spouse, get a proper house, raise proper children and die a proper death as productive members of the society.
We learn to obey instructions and disregard our inner soul instincts, since our early childhood. Initially when we are young children we recognize that there is something wrong with all adults who seem lost but because our parents as well behave in the same way and we love our parents we forgive them and try to please them until we grow and reach the age of 10 and forget who we are and start becoming like them, lost , striving for grades, career, security , recognition, money, power, “love” in an endless loop that can not possibly earn us what matters most to us – our forgotten identity and worth. Although forgotten, that identity is not lost as its essence supersedes all other artificial values and at times we get glimpses of it and get reconnected.
Now let`s dare reverse that belief system about our worth and consider that each human life since its birth has an inherent worth, an amount of energy that can be utilized daily in a variety of different ways.
Each way that it is used condenses its original value in varying degrees and that value does not need to be earned by any strife because it belongs to us although our actions can preserve or waste it in different ways.
Under this perspective our entire life experience takes a whole new meaning and purpose.
This meaning and purpose is based in honoring what life has given to us as a present and the only thing we need to do is recognize it, accept it appreciate it and share it interacting with other beings and forms of life which all participate in that dance of life.
That value offered to us by Life itself can fluctuate depending on how wise, appreciative and sharing we are in its utilization.
A good question would be how much is worth that inherent worth. Is it finite or infinite? Perhaps the answer is – both. We have access to the infinite reservoir of cosmic energy and we can use as much as we can handle.
The universe will give us as much as we ask based on 3 conditions: a) what we need b) what we are worth and c) the amount of energy we can handle.
Defining more clearly those 3:
a) (Need means true need not flimsy desire
b) (Worth is equivalent to our overall abilities, time & energy invested and willingness to make a difference around us)
c) (No amount of energy will be disposed to us if we can not handle it).
So the only real limitations are posed by our human body and mind but our life choices and energy utilization can increase or decrease those limits in varying degrees.
Defining and Calculating Economic Self Worth
The concept that there is an intrinsic value in every person no matter of its education, experience, age, sex, race or color and that each person is capable of producing a direct human energy service, irrelevant of means of production or information, has been the backbone in the WREAL economic system.
It values something that was never valued before, therefore skyrocketed the potential GGP (gross global product).
So the assumption goes like this:
We are born every day with a daily economic self worth of 1,188 WREAL units (or US$1,188 back in 2020) which translates to W99/h x 12 productive hours daily. However that value diminishes depending on how we use it.
We can offer it in some form, or use it personally or invest it productively for the coomon good or convert it to cash and those actions determine its value in different proportions. It was simply unutilized before and unaccounted for.
Of course whether that value was accurate or not and by which standards is anyone´s guess and was initially ridiculed how an African who worked and lived for $2 /day could be worth 600 times more and how economically viable was that. However the principle behind the concept was not new. Any capitalist based system has always been trying to boost the purchasing capacity of its own citizens and of other countries in its attempt to transform them into better and wealthier consumers of its products & services. It artificially pumps wealth into weak sectors of its society or poorer countries and eventually succeeds to raise their standard of living and their net worth. Is not much different than that.
Assigning a intrinsic value to each person in terms of time , makes them capable to trade at least part of that assigned wealth into a system that recognizes and accounts that value and those trades.
WREAL was also using in some form the Say’s law concept that “supply creates its own demand” because before they can become a source of demand, customers must themselves have been a source of supply.
In the course of making his merchandise, a producer will pay wages to his workers, rent to his landlord, interest to his creditors, the bills of his suppliers and any residual profits to himself. These payments will at least equal the amount the entrepreneur can get for selling his product. The payments will therefore add as much to spendable income as the recipients’ joint enterprise has added to supply.
At the macro level of an economy, there is no someone else. The economy is an integrated whole.
What it purchases and distributes among its members are the self-same goods and services those members have jointly produced. At this level of aggregation, the economy is in fact not that different from the subsistence farmer.
What it produces, what it earns, and what it buys is all the same, a “harvest” of goods and services, better known as gross domestic product. WREAL by boosting supply (as value) forced demand to follow on a macroeconomic level.
Its purpose has been to educate and motivate people how to better assess, utilize, enhance and promote their economic self worth as self employed people selling their value to prospective individuals or businesses like any contractor.
The Self Worth is somehow resembling the UBI (universal basic income concept as a way to eliminate poverty, compensate for technological evolution unemployment etc ) However the UBI is expensive, very controversial who would be paying for it either by raising taxes or cut other other benefits and who would qualify for it. In an indebted world this is simply not feasible even if there was a concerted will for it, which it never was.
In contrast the WREAL Self Worth is in fact a universal basic income paid by the Universe in energetic terms and is free, no taxes or budget cuts required.
Employment vs Self Employment
The exploitation of fellow humans throughout the millennia was finally challenged with an alternative of freedom and responsibility for all.
The energetic relationship between employer and employee has always been one of mutual exploitation whereas
the employer plays the role of trying to extract the maximum value of work from his employees at the minimum cost possible and cheat the employee whenever he can get away with it and
the employee plays the role of trying to avoid any work or time unsupervised, extract the maximum amount of money possible by any legal or illegal or immoral means he can get away with.
Of course that’s a gross generalization and does not fully describe the moral ethic of all employers and employees but the fundamental pattern between the 2 parties had always been one of fear, mistrust, lack of giving, lack of commitment, lack of appreciation and lack of responsibility.
The concept of radically altering that diseased relationship with one of mutual freedom and responsibility by all parties involved and converting every individual into a self employed freelancer, independent contractor, consultant, businessman has been one of enormous empowerment specially in developing and 3rd world countries .
Each person with his own webpage presenting himself, stating his skills, making it available to whoever needs it and negotiating a short or long term contract where all expectations and commitment by both parties are clearly defined, quantified and qualified, just like in any other business contract, provided an increased clarity, a higher productivity, raised personal and business incomes, freed valuable time and provided a sense of wellbeing for all.
A sense of trust and confidence has gradually been emerging during the last few years.
Definitely WREAL has miraculously transformed the employment field having turned by 2032 the 26% of the working age population into self employed individuals, half of which during the last 18 months.
Its projection is that wihin the next 4-5 years of adjustment the 100% of people will be self employed.
SelfWorth as Commodity
The particular characteristics of each person’s self worth, its competitiveness in terms of type & range of services, pricing, delivery, speed, quality, support, geographical coverage, level of activity, recommendations, and overall demand vs supply were forming a bidding mechanism and creating a value attached to that particular self worth.
The value of each person´s worth became increasingly a tradable commodity, which was assessed & quantified by the laws of demand & supply like a stock or bond.
That commodity could then be traded in a “human capital marketplace” and gradually could be
bartered, auctioned, discounted, invested, lent, borrowed, mortgaged, leased, placed on option, insured, donated,
by a variety of instruments involving both WREAL & scarcity currencies.
That commodity and its trading was owned by the person himself/herself and could be managed by himself or by contracting that management to someone else,where & when logistics or level of education or other obstacles made it difficult to manage himself. Because every bit of information was publicly displayed on the cloud, the abuses by represenatives were relatively minimal and were eventually eliminated because the self worth of any manipulators was turning to be a self- destructive force for their self-worth.
People started creating cooperatives, associations, partnerships and companies fusing their self worth into more attractive services either by price or diversity or speed or coverage or other yardsticks, thus being able to administer their services cheaper and more efficiently as well as promoting themselves better, by pooling resources for joint overheads for administration & support as well as promotion.
However those entities they formed were distinctively different to companies as were operating till then. Rather than belonging as ownership to one or few people, it was collectively owned with everyone been either a shareholder or a limited partner or a member either sharing the total or been awarded his particular service award.
The WREAL Economic System
According to WREAL each human has been transferred a daily economic worth which is simply a part of the electromagnetic energy that the human body receives from the universe and processes every day in order to stay alive & well.
Sustaining the human body involves various processes all of which engage the reception of the universal electromagnetic energy which stimulates initially the pineal gland which in turn triggers the hypothalamus and pituatry both of which produce a wide range of neurotransmitters to keep us alive and well physiologically, emotionally, mentally & spiritually. No system in the human body can possibly function at all, if the pineal gland doesn’t get triggered by the universal electromagnetic energy/chi/prana.
That same energy contains a credit of daily economic worth, to sustain the practical aspects of the human life – just like oxygen necessary to breathe.
So if we are born every day with a daily economic self worth of 1,188 WREAL$ units (or US$1,188 back in 2020) that translates to W99/h x 12 productive hours daily.
WREAL insisted that it is not important if that assessment is accurate, it could be any arbitrary figure which would work as well as long as the credit & debit interactions are kept in equilibrium.
Remember that wealth in the WREAL system is not accumulated by acquisitions but by its various usage methods. It is not about what you own that is going up or down in value but about how you use the resources that you have access to that is creating that value increase or decrease.
That assumption of 1,188 WREAL daily economic worth amounts to a global potential daily economic activity worth more than 8 trillion WREAL/US$ or 3,000 trillion annually. However, we have to consider it as only the self worth potential value which gets diminished by its type of usage.
That value however, solely considers individual economic worth without calculating how these interactions balloon the size of a global economy to spectacular 16 figures. The comparison with the total cash economy size of 100 trillion raises serious questions over the true size of the global economy and what constitutes real value.
However that 1,188 WREAL daily value diminishes depending on how we use it.
First of all $459 are consumed in the sustaining of our human body, leaving $729 for interactive use.
We can offer it in some form, or use it for our needs or invest it or convert it to cash
and those actions determine its value in different proportions.
– If we unconditionally donate it as DHES (direct human energy service) is worth 729 WREAL$
(Or US$729 back in 2020)
-If we barter/exchange it for direct human energy service only is worth 648 WREAL$
(Not for products or other services but only for direct human energy services)
-If we invest it in a productive long-term 10y + investment is worth 567 WREAL$
(Productive meaning that provides tangible benefits for the society)
-If we invest it in a productive short-term investment is worth 486 WREAL$
(Short-term does not mean speculative and still has to create tangible social benefits)
-If we barter it for products or other indirect services is worth 405 WREAL$
-If we use it as a discount voucher is worth 324 WREAL$
– If we spend/ consume it is worth 243 WREAL$
-if we use it to generate/obtain scarcity currency/cash- only is worth 162 WREAL$
-if we convert it into a scarcity currency/cash is worth 81 WREAL$
OBTAIN it without earning it
– If we inherit it is worth 27 WREAL$
-if we gamble it to obtain cash is worth 9 WREAL$
-if we steal to obtain it in cash or any other form is worth 1 WREAL$
The main principle is that cosmic energy value is abundant and we all have a right to it but
the more we honor and recycle back that energy through unconditionality, trust and service the more rights we retain and can access for our needs.
The more we entrap ourselves into the scarcity principles of the economic systems seeking cash to meet our needs and satisfy our fears, the more we separate from the source and cosmic principle of abundance.
As it becomes obvious its daily intrinsic value diminishes if is utilized with the intention of gaining personal profit and specially when converting it into any of the scarcity currencies.
The more noble and giving is its usage the more value it retains.
It loses some value when we invest it productively for the society, it loses some more when we use it for our own needs and loses way much more when we obtain it if it does not belong to us and have not earned it.
The WREAL economic system is based on the circulation of those values and whoever wants to participate into the system and record those transactions automatically have his/her account credited and debited based on the corresponding value of those transactions.
What we need in life is not money/cash and we don’t need to enslave ourselves to it.
We need food, shelter, safety, contentment, peace and love. We can meet these needs by focusing exactly on what we need and not on the cash “required to buy those needs” by directly relating with each other.
The WREAL system “rewards” the preservation of those fundamental cosmic principles and values and “penalizes” their abandonment, therefore creating an education mechanism for people to test by themselves the validity of this WREAL worth. Basically scarcity cash is readily available to buy and sell through the entire WREAL system but for each $ that someone sells to WREAL receives several WREAL in contrast to when someone wants to buy a $ has to pay with several WREAL$ which eventually makes apparent that there is much more value preserved in WREAL$ currency and transactions and people prefer to maintain and trade WREAL$ rather than keep converting cash for WREAL$ and back $ because the purchasing and exchange value of $ diminishes.
The economics of those conversions based on usage type create a dramatic shift on how WREAL value has been accumulated or drained. The difference between using it as unconditional offering of direct human service VS using it to convert in scarcity cash is 9 times more and VS stealing it is 729 times more.
A very clear and strong incentive linking universal ethics with tangible value. An entire new class of “WREAL rich” people and organizations arose. But in contrast with any other rich of the past, these people and organizations WREAL wealth was due to the service they provided to humanity and life in general.
Practically here are some examples of how the WREAL system of value has been working.
You start your day with 1,188 W$ (universal energy units)
459 W$ (nearly 40%) are consumed in the sustaining of your human body. You are left with 729W$ for interactive use.
If you unconditionally do something for someone else personally using your DHES (direct human energy service) you maintain those 729W$ in your credit account. If you invest this 729W$ long term it loses a 10% and goes down to 567 in comparison with unconditional DHES
If you spend it consuming it for personal reasons it loses 2/3 of its value and goes down to 243 W$
If you convert it for cash it loses 90% of its value and goes down to 81 W$
Now in reverse if you have US$ 81 in cash and you wish to convert it into W$ you get credited with
108 W$ if you barter it for products through the WREAL network
135 W$ if you barter it for DHES through the WREAL network
162 W$ if you invest it in a W$ denominated short term productive investment 3+ y
189 W$ if you invest it in a W$ denominated long term productive investment 10+ y
216 W$ if you donate it to qualified 5* individual (which unconditionally offers DHES)
243 W$ if you donate it to qualified 5* organization (which unconditionally offers DHES)
So practically the conversion of US$ into W$ multiplies its value between 30% and 300%
while the conversion of W$ into US$ diminishes its value by 90%
In 2020 US$1 = 1 W$. That value of W$ was started getting strengthened since 2026 onwards
Initially apps and then bots have facilitated both the calculation of values as well as the transfers.
By the end of 2023 a second round of US$ 729 mil was issued by WREAL and it was taken in just 5 months. Also the claims came primarily from individuals who ciaimed it as DHES at 57% of the total.
If were added the holistic and other not-for-profit organizations the total DHES represented the 72% of the total while the cash claims dropped to 16% and 12% were the discount voucher claims.
The Donation membersip base has reached 21mil individuals and 28,000 organizations
WREAL controlled (outright or via joint ventures) 293 holistic health spas in resorts worldwide plus another 58 via franchise agreements.
The Welll Club membership sales brought in $553 mil and other network sales an additional $234 mil specially due to health products manufacturing & distribution. Combined profit of Welll Club was $570 mil
WREAL Central bank. At the end of the year WCB has accumulated a reserve of $500 mil in different currencies
The CreditGroup, has extended since 2021 $320m in micro loans to 490,000 people
The FinancialTrading group. By now WREAL´s activities have attracted not simply the attention of the political & economic establishment but its profound hostility. Authorities in US and EU and Australia coordinated a forced closure of WREAL offices in their territories based on absurd regulatory grounds and tax irregularities. However that did not cause any serious damage to WREAL´s operations as almost all resorts and most associated businesses were based outside of these jurisdictions and whichever were left simply moved offshore. Services sold to EU, US & AU citizens were hard to prohibit thanks to the globalization created by the same system that now was trying to turn more protectionist.
The major exchanges of NY, Chicago, Tokyo, Mexico City, Frankfurt, Paris and Sydney placed serious financial trading restrictions to WREAL and its subsidiaries effectively banning it from trading. However London, Singapore, Sao Paulo, Shanghai and HK refused to do so, stealing business from the rest. However trading globalization worked in WREAL’s favor making it really impossible for those exchanges to trace the identity & source of all financial transactions which WREAL done via nominees & brokers spread throughout the globe.
During 2023 financial trading activities of WREAL brought in a $925 mil paper profits. About 1/3 of those profits was not cashed out but was maintained as investment stakes in the companies shares acquired and whatever was speculative in nature and was cashed out, it was either reinvested in other strategic firms or maintained in cash deposited in the WCB to serve as part of their reserves. WREAL no longer needed the “scarcity cash” to finance its operations, so it was using this cash as buffers either for acquisitions and control of board of directors or as cash reserves taken out of the financial system gradually disrupting the money supply and use it as a hedge against speculative attacks of companies or small countries.
QTech. None of this information was published at the time and WREAL has discosed them only this year.
The impact of QuantumTech qbit infrastructure in that financial trading was instrumental as the instant access and processing of disparate information, data & patterns was faster and more wide open than any other proprietary trading system based on digital infrastructure. QTech was able to extract all the information available simultaneously, giving a new dimension to the Deep Learning AI which was still constrained by digital constraints.
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