$729m Donation fully distributed to 5.2m individuals & 17k organizations.
WREAL entities:
Barter exchange, Central Bank, Financial Trading Group, Credit Group, Ad Group, Scarcity Acquisitions Group, Real Estate Group, Venture Angel Group, Judicial Board, QuantumTech.
Cyber Warfare intensified.
Economic & Business decisions follow cosmic mathematical laws.
The beginning of the year found WREAL in a euphoric state whereas Welll club membership sales boosted by MLM were skyrocketing while the donation membership base had reached in the first 4 months to 2.1 mil members and 4,050 organizations.
Since January WREAL had upgraded its barter exchange platform where conversions of donations, hotel, spa & travel related barter services, Welll$ , Miles & other points were traded. It acquired 3 online alternative currency platforms and a block-chain platform mainly for their web related know-how. In April it set up a global wholesale clearing house for the donations purchases and sales in order to coordinate the various donation distributors and provide a stable liquidity into the system by linking it with the Barter exchange house.
It became imperative to establish regional master franchises to coordinate sales, distributors, affiliates, bookings, supply lines and management overseeing of local operations via locally based agencies.
By June of 2022, WREAL was growing in a speed that was becoming unsustainable. The online barter exchange clearing house that it set up in January seemed unable to deal with the traffic and load of transactions and the system was crashing on an almost daily basis. Later was revealed that it was not so much due to the traffic but instead due to cyber attacks but till then that was not known.
The cyber attacks have so far become the easiest, fastest and cheapest weapon of the establishment achieving its goals of attack, slow down & discredit WREAL’s activities & clout.
WREAL, by basing its initial economic activities in a network of holistic health centers & resorts as a way to distribute its monetary supply system in form of donations, simultaneously utilized the same network as distribution network of a series of memberships, franchises, representations & businesses.
This distribution engaged a number of franchisees & agencies as well as an MLM system based on a hexagonal geometric-mathematical model buffered by a time “monetary policy” tightening or loosening the speed of growth to avoid the usual pyramidal fate of rapidly grown MLMs.
In any case WREAL was deriving its revenue outside the MLM so it would not crash as long as regulated rigorously the speed of growth. It also applied strict control over its finances and the proportion of cash sales vs liabilities and WREAL$ acquisitions vs WREAL$ liabilities. Because of that fiscal self discipline and its well defined goals blended with clear intentions (not intending any get-rich-quick scheme) it could not fail because of internal structural reasons. Its quantum tech nano-technology and its mathematical models assisted in the accurate and instant processing of massive information load and its operational success.
By the end of 2022 it had taken operational control of 163 holistic health spas in resorts worldwide outright or via joint ventures with these resorts consolidating its global distribution sales network of its Welll Club memberships, sales of clinics, consultancies, and then franchised that distribution, accelerating the speed of revenue growth, acquisition of assets and rapid growth of its client base.
The synergy created by the cash generated by those memberships & other asset sales was off-setting the cash liabilities of the WREAL donation transactions, while the donation transactions were expanding its network into tens of millions of members and accelerated sales globally. In addition the acquisitions of assets obtained with WREAL currency – not cash- transactions reduced its cash costs while its cash sales revenue kept feeding its cash reserves. In that way it was creating a sustainable self perpetuating system that has been operating in both economic platforms and has been extracting benefits from both, via its trading between them, some sort of arbitrage with a very wide margin and ample scope of operations.
The key according to WREAl was the mathematical principles that was following and still does, that maintain the equilibrium between “scarcity cash” as it calls the old money and real forms of value allocation mutually interrelated but in a manner that was assigning multiple weight to WREAL currency transactions extrapolating cash value.
During the year WREAL had grown vertically by having access, joint ventured with, leased out or acquired a stable of associated synergistic businesses in the fields of hotel, spas, travel, transport, herbal & nutraceutical manufacturing and distribution and online portals in key geographical locations and industries. That gave WREAL the opportunity to offer integrated services & products in the health/wellness & travel industries in which became a major global player. That allowed WREAL to easily package all these services to boost both its Welll club membership base and the Donation membership base
MLM distribution boosted further Donation memberships which by the end of the year reached the target of USD$ 729 mil in 27 mil vouchers donated to 5.2 mil individuals and 17,000 organizations.
The Welllclub memberships sold reached the $258 mil and other sales of the network (franchise fees, spa operations, manufacturing, distribution, advertising etc) brought in another $83 mil. Of these, the combined profit margin was appr 65%, at $204 mil
That totally balanced the cash claims of the US$729 mil donation which was claimed in the following proportions.:
Out of the 27 mil vouchers, 22.3 mil (82.5%) were claimed for cash at $3 each bringing the total cash liabilities to $66.9 mil. 3.1 mil vouchers (11.5%) were claimed as discount vouchers and 1.6 mil vouchers (5.9%) were claimed as DHES.
However a clear trend was observed. While during 2021 the cash claims were about 93% of the 8 mil vouchers claimed, during the last few months of 2022, they dropped down to 68%. That trend continued in the years to come because WREAL continued the issuing of more Donation vouchers
WREAL also started engaging in Financial trading in the spot and futures markets using proprietary trading tools based on mathematical principles it has been working on since the beginning which now with the QuantumTech could be tested and proved succesful. This trading brought in a profit of another $227 mil. From the end of the year the major stock & commodities exchanges started gradually build new regulatory constraints customized specifically to target WREAL trading activities. These regulatory obstacles would blow to full trading prohibitions during the following year.
So far WREAL has not heavily invested in any other industries` acquisitions or shareholdings except a large number of incubators and small ventures mostly in AI. A handful of these proved to be not only major money makers but most importantly strategically crucial for WREAL’s expansion.
This was the year when the strategic goals of WREAL started surfacing although the big picture was still obscured until the following year. During 2022 the following entities most of which were set up earlier, became known and their synergistic and revolutionary nature was to be revealed in 2023 when the WREAL manifesto was published:
These entities were The WCB central bank, The CreditGroup, The FinancialTrading group, The Judicialboard, The BarterExchange, The ScarcityAcquisitions group, The VentureAngel Group, The RealEstateGroup, The Adgroup, The AuctionGroup, The EduTrainGroup and the QuantumTech.
The functions of most of these entities existed since almost the beginning but in a more informal supportive manner but now consolidated their operations in an independent, yet cohesive & synergistic way. WREAL has not published anything on Child Visions an entity and a project which as it appeared in the years to come it has been the most controversial and revolutionary concept that radically changed all our lives.
The Barter Exchange
The Barter Exchange was initially, since 2020, the WREAL core entity as it was responsible for the recording, verification and conversion of credits and debits of both WREAL transactions as well as of products and “scarcity cash “ones.
It was a very precarious task as it was still based on an untested fragile platform until it eventually was decentralized and its diverse functions were adopted by its other sister entities. In 2024 it was renamed into The WREAL Exchange and maintained only an accounting recording fynction as a point of reference for the other entities.
The Wreal Central bank – WCB
WREAL was taking several actions very discretely since 2022 which were not revealed until 2025. One of these was the set up of a “Central bank” called WCB which has been monitoring the supply of all “scarcity currencies” and WREAL$ currency. WREAL$ currency was primarily a virtual currency utilizing online and cellular platforms mostly block-chains. WCB has been receiving the scarcity currencies purchases of the Credit group , the “scarcity” financial assets of the Financial Trading group,the “scarcity” business assets of the Acquisition group and the Real estate group and has been converting them into WREAL$ currency bonds which are worth usually between 3-9 times over the other currencies, (depending on their type of use).
It was gradually accumulating a “foreign exchange reserve fund” to minimize and stabilize fluctuations between W$ currency and the other scarcity currencies and block speculative attack s against the W$.
In that way it was creating a W$ based economy which eventually in the years to come was proven to be substantially more stable and productive than any other economic system in history. The reason being that it is based not only on a basket of commodities (rather than any currency) but most importantly has been based on the utilization of DHES (direct human energy services) a virtually unlimited and totally untapped energy source.
The other key entities that have later become clear how they interacted synergistically serving a wider strategy were the following:
The CreditGroup – CG
In the first 2 years of its operations WREAL was paying and receiving interest in scarcity currencies or W$ currency – although the interest paid in W$ was many times higher depending on the type of transaction. During 2022, interest was gradually eliminated and replaced by rewards based on the value generated by the type of transactions. Accepted collateral, besides real assets was including stakes or shares in any size of business, but most importantly promissory notes of work hours or products or services offered by the borrowers.
The CreditGroup initially has been solely extending lending but has been closely working with the VentureAngel group, the ScarcityAcquisitions investment group, The Real estate group and the FinancialTrading group whenever necessary. It has been monitored by the WCB.
The FinancialTradingGroup – FTG
WREAL since the beginning of 2022 has started trading in an increasing volume, stocks, commodities, currencies and other financial products in the global and local exchanges. The size of its current total funds registered in various entities and jurisdictions has not been disclosed. It was gradually developing a proprietary trading system with the help of QuantumTech, a venture it backed and financed in 2021. Initially its trading was a bit hit-and-miss affair but gradually certain energy flow principles were identified and followed with firm discipline. As everyone has known in the financial markets the most important trading secret has been to be disciplined to whichever system you have decided trading even if that was flipping the coin. Everybody knows that but is the most violated and abandoned principle due to pressure from investors, shareholders, managers or due to primal fear or greed.
The principles under which WREAL was trading and its disregard for the mythical power of money was liberating it from both fear and greed as well as from any other external constraint usually impacting traders.
Therefore its discipline was exemplary and its success unavoidable.
The ScarcityAquisitionsGroup – SAG
Its purpose has been to acquire assets of the “scarcity” based economy ranging from real estate, farms and business enterprises to shares, licenses, patents, , commodities, and depositing them into the Central Bank for its conversion into WREAL$ currency based assets which are then recycled back to the economy. (Eventually Real estate was established as a entirely separate group). This, on the one hand was creating the wide range “commodity basket” to back and strengthen the W$ currency – a kind of “gold standard”-. However its strategic goal was to provide WREAL with the capacity to gain priviledged access to strategic information and gradually control assets of the scarcity economy cushioning speculative attacks and influencing corporate board decisions.
The JudicialBoard – JB`
It was set up since mid 2021 when a large number of fraudulent donation transactions were discovered threatening the credibility of the whole donation scheme. Initially “Werification” as it was then called, was focused simply in verifying the authenticity of the claimed donation transactions but the growth of WREAL´s operations made it imperative to establish a wide range of monitoring, investigating, making judgments and enforcing those judgments at all levels of operations and transactions even between members.
The VentureAngelGroup – VAG
Its purpose has been to attract & review business plans & feasibility studies, identify viable projects, to finance incubators and provide seed or expansion capital and other expertise to entrepreneurs. Has been utilizing W$ and other currencies in its financing as well as shares and dividends. Operating under different names, in order to avoid detection, it associated with universities and research institutes, joint-ventured with corporations and linked with goverment bodies.
The RealEstateGroup – REG
Started as a section of the Acquisition group, it became a totally independent group. The concept of real estate before WREAL came along, meant immovable property such as land, buildings. Real estate values, just as other financial products were manipulated by an artificially inflated value promoted by the ruling classes and adopted by the middle classes aspiring to their increasing wealth before a crisis would ensure a price drop which was always hurting the most naïve middle class or the lower classes unable to afford it anyway. Property was mortgaged, 2nd mortgaged and converted into exotic financial instruments to finance other acquisitions or to cover liabilities and the entire society from individuals to mutual funds and government bodies used this practice to an extreme, which was one of the main reasons for the double-dip recession and the near collapse of the financial system in 2008-2013 which crippled the growth of the developed economies.
WREAL´s value system reset the concept of “REAL” shifting it to the WREAL system valuation whereas
property assets were not increasing or decreasing due to demand and supply factors but rather based on their usage and trading objective. Wealth in the WREAL system was not accumulated by acquisitions but by usage method.
It was not about what you own that was going up or down in value but about how you use the resources that you had in your disposal that was creating that value increase or decrease.
So property that was held privately or by WREAL was revalued according to its usage irrelevant of its real estate value registered at the local offices or the “open market” values. Individual or Corporate property owners who preferred to still hold in their names their titles, if they wanted to trade within the WREAL system they were getting a constant reevaluation of that property depending on how was used thereby enhancing or reducing its WREAL value. They were also signing a caveat registered on the property title that was blocking any sale, lease, transfer to non WREAL parties before they clear all pending debts to WREAL or any of its members that have been transacting with them.
Of course that was not a popular method for property owners who were not in tune with the WREAL philosophy, although some could see that they could gain benefits by trading with WREAL for a limited time period. The majority of property owners though were given the option of outright trading their property against some WREAL related asset or debt or credit instrument held directly by WREAL or any of its members. In that way they were maximizing its value in comparison to a normal cash sale. WREAL was actively seeking and acquiring such properties that had some strategic value to intertwine with other operations and because it was able and willing to offer in kind more value than the cash value, while in fact it was costing it less, it could expand its property holdings and recycle it back, sometimes through the scarcity cash economy and sometimes though the WREAL economy.
The AdGroup – AG
For the first time advertising has become an activity to be chosen by the consumer rather than subjected to against his will. Additionally has radically transformed the traditional role of media, because the ad exposure became voluntary and the benefits from the advertiser are passed on directly to the viewer who is paid for his visits, referrals, subscriptions, loyalty, thereby transforming advertising into a desirable and economically beneficial activity for viewers and even more for subscribers or members. It has taken the simple practice of advertising TV channels, internet channels, public locations where the viewer consciously chooses to view the advertised products but gains nothing from that decision to another level, where the viewers in special advertising TV channels, internet channels & public locations audiovisual ads where the viewer consciously chooses to view the advertised products is directly compensated for
- a) his viewing activity b) his loyalty c) his retention level d) his referrals e) his affiliate status level
and that compensation has been taking place in a variety of instruments ranging from scarcity cash, WREAL credits, lotto prizes, business opportunities etc.
WREAL basically converted attention time into a commodity. The WREAL’s Adgroup introduced that factor, that every second of attention has an actual value and attention spent needs to be compensated by an equal value received.
Additionally to the traditional forms of advertising,
WREAL utilized VR & AR advertising channels, plus holographic & holosensorial advertising in high traffic public places such as airports, stations etc.
These formats transformed advertising into an immersive experience combining, information, entertainment and financial reward for participants.
The QuantumTech – QT
An angel venture that WREAL financed during 2021 called Quantum Tech proved to be perhaps the most valuable investment ever as it revolutionized its entire platform and the world computing for that matter.
Quantum Tech developed a quantum principle computing Nano-technology architecture based on an atomic scale in which all possibilities are instantly accessible and the information flows through multiple paths of least resistance rather than the limiting 0-1 binary sequence silicon based principles. Initially was based on phosphorous spins placed on a silicon base to avoid the phosphorous atom interaction. The system though was still somehow unstable and any cosmic gamma rays would evaporate it and that indeed happened in early September and as was revealed much later was also due to an attack at the Quantum Tech system. It took a while until end 2022 before qubits could be protected and could provide a safe operating environment.
Initially it required a set of crystal dust but gradually become able to be accessed by a wide range of organic biological hardware. It was the beginning of an important scientific discovery.
See more details on WREAL Entities
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