Expansion of Donation & Welll club memberships.
Cyber-attacks against WREAL .
WREAL’s first controversial theories.
Brentry. In a 2nd referendum UK votes to reunite with the EU.
In 2016 UK voted for Brexit but its disastrous negotiations with the EU on the terms of the “divorce” during 2018-2019, left the country bitter and feeling deceived. The sentiment was reversing and a new referendum was called for Feb 2021 and Britons voted in favor of the union with the EU which was to be enacted the following year.
At the end of 2021 the 31% of WREAL´s Donation objective had been reached.
225 mil WREAL$ (at the time equiv to US$ 225 mil) distributed across 4 continents and utilized by 963,000 individuals and 1600 organizations or entrepreneurs.
According to WREAL´s statements at the time, there was nothing that could stop WREAL or anyone to assume such a sizeable “debt” from Life itself (and donate it to its people who would wish to claim it), as long as the commitment to honor that donation obligation stayed firm.
It was like the issuing of a bond with a real life value.
WREAL was projecting that it would reach its target of US$ 729 donated by the end of 2022.
Three quarters of a billion$ although may sound like a large amount, it actually represents a tiny drop in the total amount of energy value available and its obligation “repayment” has been much faster and smoother than anyone could have expected. Approx 20% of that donated debt was claimed by individuals and 80% by organizations profit and not-for profit ones.
The holistic health therapies field proved ideal for the initial spreading of the word and the multiplication of the affiliate locations. Eventually after a few months it gained the critical mass to infect the Facebook and Twitter social networks of that era and then just exploded. In a very short period of time everybody was jumping in the wagon and claiming the donation one way or another or passing it on to others keener to use it. The various online payment systems, especially Paypal gained millions of new customers who were getting paid by WREAL organization or its affiliates.
This huge membership database boosted the sales of Welll club memberships and developed a loyal distribution network of affiliated centers, resorts and therapists, who were being rewarded in donation related benefits, barter services exchanged and cash commissions from sales thereby creating a loop of synergy between the 2 schemes.
By December 2021 total Welll club membership sales reached $62mil of which $43 was net profit.
The key to the sustainability of the project has been to balance the books so to speak.
To balance the US$22 mil cash Donation claims by entrepreneurs/ businesses with the Welll Club memberships sales & other revenue which was $43 mil.
In fact WREAL was slowing down the claiming process because it needed an additional year of operations in order to balance its cash flow. It treated time as a commodity and that was a crucial element to its success.
In November WREAL launched an MLM system for the Welll club, utilizing the referrals of their donation membership and sales skyrocketed in 2022 The business entrepreneurs who were the first affiliates and were holding large databases of their previous donation network, became rapidly rich cashing into that network.
By the end of the 2021 WREAL had acquired 30-year leasehold possession of 22 resorts and another 27 joint venture spa ownerships in existing resorts in 4 continents, providing the supply and diversity of locations where Welll club members could exercise their memberships.
As from early 2021, WREAL online systems started getting attacked with sophisticated viruses & worms. Then its members` computers and mobile devices started getting attacked as well. The disruption was never fatal but was damaging enough to warrant the need of a solution as soon as possible. Huge resources were allocated by the economic establishment to disrupt and discredit WREAL´s operations by impersonating it, trying to confuse the public and its members. WREAL defended its system by opening it up even further on an open source code. That strategy protected partially and temporarily its members by operating through a cloud-based system. As it turned out a small incubator project called QuantumTech which started that year was going to be the savior of WREAL as from 2022 onwards.
During 2021 WREAL published online a number of articles on Money, Power, Financialization of the economy and Self Interest vs Society’s interest, which were indicating its philosophical view on the politico-economic system but of course went unnoticed as WREAL was not yet in any radar at the time. Here are the excerpts of those articles:
The power of Money
Virtually all humans believe that money holds a power over them & rules their decisions, priorities & lives in general. The perceived difficulty in obtaining it & sustaining it and the difficulty in deciding how to dispose it better, spending it, saving it, investing it, managing it for others, receiving it and giving it has become the centerpiece of our civilization for many centuries and with the introduction and increasing spread of money as a currency, that difficulty has been intensified as it now days rules almost all living related transactions not to mention financial & economic transactions.
In the old days people could produce and use directly what they needed and barter the excess with what they could not have otherwise. The standardization of the economies and the role of money appeared to help provide all that people needed providing a liquidity in the trading of goods & services but it caused an unseen effect which even now it escapes detection. It robbed people of a large part of the value of that trading because of the logistical cost it added to the movement of all products & services which was added on their sale value.
Eventually that logistical cost became the major power tool used by all people & groups who controlled that logistical flow, whether that was farming landholding, means of industrial production or means & flow of information.
Initially the various political/economic systems´ need was exploiting the masses and keep them in poverty and ignorance. Eventually global trading & Industrial revolution focused in creating semi-privileged classes within their own territories to be able to purchase their high-end products & services while at the same time imperialism focused in exploiting and keeping in poverty other geographical regions while raising the standard of living of their own countries citizens for the same economic reasons. Outright ancient slavery was replaced by the feudalistic version of it and then the imperialistic one which created the trading middle class and recently the information slavery.
Now days developed countries’ economic systems revolve around a large middle class which is enslaved to that economic system in a subtler yet more sinister way, by creating a value system of dependence on things that is hard to be replaced or challenged and they all rotate around the need for acquisition, preservation, consumption and investment of money. The entire education and workplace environment as well as the majority of human relationships are determined by the value of money directly or indirectly. In developing countries the same values are what people aspire to and the poorer 3rd world countries are trapped into a painstakingly long process towards the same goal.
Everyone believes that he needs the money and the more one can obtain or has, the better his life is or will be.
Its value and importance has reached idolized proportions. The amount of fear and worry about its difficult or uncertain acquisition or loss and the greed about that acquisition, augmentation and preservation has in fact converted it into a totem, one with magical powers over us.
Money has become responsible for everything good & evil in our lives, ruling our emotions, physical health, mental clarity and spiritual peace. Its possession or lack of it solely seems to create and resolve the most serious problems in our lives. Our entire life is about money or better is an expression of money.
So in our glimpses of clarity we realize that this is absurd and need to liberate from that slavery of money and it should not be important in our lives. However a little later we confront the same inner and outer conflicts with it and we are trapped all over again.
Money & Power
The entire human history has been a showcase of the craving for power and control of the elites over the masses and the enslavement of society in a variety of forms utilizing ignorance, superstition, manipulation, hope & fear, intimidation or brutal force. Economic control has always been the method through which power was exercised. Throughout the millennia not much has changed. The system has become more sophisticated but still reflects the same enslavement principles.
The power elites have had to evolve and allow societies to evolve along with them in order to serve their own self-interests better. Just like when global trading and then industrial revolution were serving better the power elites of those times, they also created a new middle class which has been growing ever since representing now about ¼ of the global population.
Although this class has been manipulated to serve the interests of the elite, it has recently represented a growing threat to that elite because its demands and its clout keep growing constantly and it has become increasingly more difficult to keep control of that growth. The emerging economies’ middle classes have more than doubled the world total in just 30 years and the even more rapid acceleration during the last decade has caused global havoc. Just printing more money in the developed economies was undermining the system itself because that money was either fleeing their economies or was recycling in speculative loops. The speculative money fever moved to the emerging economies undermining even further the developed ones destabilizing control.
A strange phenomenon appeared for the first time in history, whereas power interests were in conflict with money interests. Money itself had developed an existence of its own, no longer serving the elite to exercise power and control. Financial globalization became an independent supranational state with its own administrative apparatus, its own spheres of influence, its own means of action.
This artificial world state regulated by the IMF, the World Bank, the FED, the ECB, the OECD and the WTO became a power with no base in society, answerable instead to the financial markets & the mammoth business entities that run it. International capital markets placed serious limits on state authorities to regulate their economies in such areas as interest-rate levels and capital flows.
The result has been that the government states in the real world became societies with no power base.
Money had become the enemy of most power centers and governments. Developed economies did not want money to flee and cause deflation and stagnation to them while emerging ones did not want it to enter and destabilize them by causing overheating and inflation. In order to avoid deflation developed economies kept printing more money and loosening monetary policy, effectively exporting inflation to the emerging ones. Of course the main purpose was speculating wherever the conditions were more suitable. Once it was no more profitable to raid and manipulate developing economies and markets money was going back to the developed ones. After this cycle was completed, were reversing the flow back to the developed economies, leaving indebted and destabilized the developing and 3rd world economies once again. Currency exchange rates and central bank foreign reserves were so destabilized that the entire world was ready for a radical change and in need of trusting a system that could provide more stability.
However once the economies globally were stabilizing, the conflict between money & governments became more overt. Since 2016 governments started making decisions based on geopolitical basis rather than economic basis, frequently self-destructing. By 2021 though after the structural weakness of the global economies resurfaced, money was again in charge defining politics.
Financialization of the Global Economy
The serious damage started over the last 4 decades, when financial markets became “institutionalized “shifting from the domination by wealthy individuals of the past few centuries. This institutionalization created the “shadow banking system “ a term used during the 2000´s which was consisting of financial entities-funds such as pension , mutual , index, exchange traded, hedge plus insurance companies, banks and investor groups .That institutionalization was a result of the financialization of the economy which in conjunction with neo-liberalism and globalization has transformed the real economies worldwide shifting their gravity from the production & service sectors and starving them of financial resources plus forcing them to allocate disproportionate amounts to the finance industry and stagnate.
Speculation kept shifting between stock markets, housing markets and commodity markets and between developed and emerging economies. The slowing growth on the real economy in US in the early 70´s created a large capital surplus and financialization become its only outlet out of stagnation and via neoliberalism and deregulation of the industry became a viable option. Then globalization made it possible to export it and persuade, corner or attack specific strategic emerging economies and enforce the neo-liberalization & financialization of their economies.
From 2008 to the 2020 the developed world’s central banks have pumped into the global markets about $16 tril ’of QE which has distorted the economies and the markets to the degree that no one could really estimate where the equilibrium of deflationary and inflationary danger was and how to regain that balance without overheating of choking the economy. Central banks kept that QE for so long trying to ensure that their economies did not plummet into a recession or depression. However this has been an economic tool to be used sparingly and for a very short term instead of becoming a permanent economic policy tool. That should be the job of governments drafting daring structural changes to stimulate the economies, something that never happened. Whatever GDP growth was appearing during those years was only a direct result of the inflationary effect the QE had, circulating through the economies masked as growth. It was not robust enough though to convince anyone with brains to believe that it was real growth and that is why it kept going for so long. The inability of the capitalist system produce inflation was causing serious alarm, indicating that the economies were moving in unpredictable unchartered territory. This is where the damage of the financialization has caused to the real economies globally. It was artificially determining demand and supply forces crippling the real economic forces from demonstrating the true directions.
Self- Interest vs Society´s interest
Adam Smith back in 1776 in its Wealth of Nations book pointed out that self interest in combination with competitive markets is the best mechanism to govern an economic system providing a fair equilibrium between all parties involved hinting in a way that an “invisible force” guides all individuals to serve society in that way although it may not have been their original intention.
WREAL consents that, Smith was pretty close to reality in his philosophical and economic assessment. However the distortions to the economic systems over the next centuries proved that human nature was more complex than he evaluated. Big money funds speculating on the domestic & global markets, were virtually cornering the markets in both the upswings and downswings and could not be effectively arbitraged to create an equilibrium in the respective real economies which they were distorting with their financial movements. These $5 trillion speculating daily in the financial markets were supposed to be put into productive investment use in the real economies (stimulated by loose monetary policies, easy credit and lower tax rates).
Money however was seeking higher returns and higher returns were more readily, rapidly available and at lower risk in financial speculation rather than in productive investments. Money became a self-serving entity providing no service to society or even the individuals as it was beyond the reach of most people and even temporary gains made by individuals like in the 1980´s, 1990´s and the 2000´s were wiped out by the subsequent financial disasters of the 1987 stock market crash, the junk bonds crash of the late 80´s, the savings & loan crisis of the early 90´s, the dot-com bubble burst of 2000 and the financial meltdown of the 2007-2010.
The financial sector of all economies was bloated in both good and bad times and was determining the fate of the entire economic system. Financial institutions responsible for the financial crises they caused when the crashes arrived they were considered “too big and too important for the economy to let them fail” and were salvaged at taxpayers expenses. The wealth illusion created by the housing & stock market bubbles which was devised in order to allow people to maintain or extend their lifestyle simply by borrowing against their inflated home equity or collateralized shares rather than by higher income earnings could no longer be sustained. Neither Smith nor anyone else – at least until the 70´s – could foresee this distortion. Even closer economies with strong social nets like EU or Japan could not avoid the consequences.
WREAL believes it is not so difficult to design a system where the self-interest of the individuals and the interests of the society as a whole were running parallel without conflict of interest, just like Smith was portraying.
The difficulty though is in the existence and parasitic purpose of the $ trillions financial speculation transacted daily distorting the economies and corresponding values of stocks, bonds, real estate and commodities, depriving the economy of valuable resources and creating an artificial scarcity.
Additionally, the mortgaging of the future of upcoming generations with increasingly massive debts (sovereign, trade & current acct, corporate and consumer ones) is creating an unsustainable future.
After an entire generation was nurtured with these principles and lived in this reality, the entire value system of society and individuals has been corrupted. The common enemy of all humans and their society was money itself as it has outgrown and distorted its useful purpose and has become a self-serving entity depriving society and all beings in general of their access to wealth as it was intended to be.
See more details on WREAL Economics
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