Founding of WREAL
Giving a $729 mil “Donation” to the world.
Launching the Welll Club holistic project.
Trump gets re-elected although lost the popular vote by 4.8m people
The world in 2020 was in a deep crisis of identity, direction, economic stability. Populism was on the rise globally. Developed economies’ structural problems continued with no willingness of their governments to address them. Emerging economies’s growth on the other hand was very fragile while they have been accumulating debt. The trade war between the US and China which slowly started in 2018, was accelerating & globally affecting both growth and stability. Investment climate was grim. Return to increased financialization of the global economies was apparent.
The EU was on the verge of collapse with the cultural & economic gap between north & south to widen. Brexit was proven a fiasco for the UK and the public sentiment was reversing. The new Labor government was confused and inept in handing the economy and the squabble with their partner Liberals .
China’s growth has slowed down but marginally. The accumulated pile of domestic debt was more of a concern though. It was the first time in history that all nations were simultaneously in debt either internally or externally, either consumer or business or sovereign debt.
Although the 2016-2020 Trump government caused irreparable damage both to the US economy and its global prestige and clout, it managed with massive tax cuts and other sweeteners to repatriate the international companies` profits to the US (the sole victory in its agenda). That gave the breathing space to the government to utilize these trillions in order to buy more patronage, spend massively on the swing states and fool their electorates that things were improving, although the rest of the country was feeling the deceit. Nevertheless US elections were always decided by swing states gerrymandering – smart electoral redistricting and that was proven once again by having Trump winning the 2020 elections to the horror of everyone.
National opinion polls failed once again to grasp the importance of the swing states opinions which were distorting the national sentiment. In fact a few hundred thousand people on 19 critical counties counties in 6 swing states determined the outcome for the entire country.
Trump won the states although he lost the popular vote by 4.8mil votes. The Republicans firm control of the Governors of those states, the Senate and the Supreme Court ensured that the manipulation worked.
The combination of a) the low growth & lack of investment in traditional production where most jobs were (with the exception of tech) with b) the rapid ageing of most populations, the skyrocketing social security health and pension bills plus c) the hostility towards immigration, was chocking the global economies.
On the background of all that it was November 2020 when WREAL initially formed its corporate holding entity in Samoa and by December set up subsidiary offices in London, Frankfurt, HK , Singapore, Sao Paulo, New York & Johannesburg .
Its original name was W.R.E.A.L. with the initials standing for Wholistically Resonant Energy Abundant Living
Its initial financial shareholders are still unknown as it has
also been undisclosed the size of funds that had in its disposal when started operations.
There have been rumors that WREAL started with a capital of less than $1m but could not be confirmed.
There is also a wide speculation on whether it was one or more people behind its founding and its philosophy and who this or these people may have been.
Although WREAL since its inception had its objectives & strategic planning very clear, it made the decision not to disclose them publicly, flying under the radar and appear as any commercial enterprise and delay the foreseeable & unavoidable conflicts with the establishment until it was able to consolidate its strength.
It only gradually revealed the various aspects of its ideology and strategic goals over the next few of years and very frequently its various operations were camouflaged under different names and in different jurisdictions under nominees, trustees and subsidiaries and did not appear as part of an integrated strategy which only became apparent years later.
The first 2 economic activities that WREAL undertook were the following:
“The Donation” & The Welll Club
“The Donation” to the World
The 1st transaction was a monetary policy one.
It was a Donation Overdraft of 729 mil WREAL$ (at the time equiv to US$ 729 mil) The donation was published on its website and a range of electronic media blogs as an offer to 27 mil people worldwide (a $27 value each voucher) in the form of a deposit of this $27 value in an WREAL “energy currency” account of everyone who accepted it and claimed it by registering on its website.
In order to ensure global coverage each country was allocated a certain ceiling proportional to its population.
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The donations were initially serviced in the premises of a holistic health resort in Thailand offering to claimants’ private healing sessions by a number of therapists. Other healing centers and independent therapists in other countries were invited to join as affiliates for DHES (direct human energy services) enticing them to see the benefits of attracting new customers by offering them a ½ hour free session and introducing them into their therapy benefits .
By joining the WREAL, affiliates were getting more free publicity, wider recognition and higher customer traffic than doing it alone plus by introducing the donation to their network were getting additional credits which they were passing on to their customers to claim in Thailand or the other affiliate locations.
The terms & conditions of that donation were the following:
Each person who claimed it had the basic following options:
- Claim it as a DHES (Direct Human Energy Service) unconditionally to the full value of $27 (or Assign /donate it to someone else to use as DHES at the same $27 value). The value of the $27 was the usual & customary value in US$ of a same or similar human service
- Claim it (or assign to someone else) as a DISCOUNT of $9 towards a purchase of a product or a non-direct human service from any of their affiliate businesses & then had to close his Wreal account
- Claim it ( or assign to someone else) as a CASH of $3 and then had to close his Wreal account
Once the claimant has sold his right and closed his acct (choices 2 or 3), if he wished to re-enter the system and reclaim a $27 donation, he could regain that right by a) paying $9 in cash deposit or b) donating to WREAL or its affiliates $18 in product face value or c) introducing 9 new people (who can claim the $27 donation in any of the 3 ways). That made people think twice before opting for a quick sale of their right in cash or a discount voucher.
When claimants did not have an affiliate in their area to claim their DHES, they could persuade someone to become an affiliate and process claims and WREAL would offer to that affiliate a credit in WREAL$ (1 W$=1 US$)
a W $81 donation as a DHES affiliate or
a W$162 as a discount voucher+ DHES affiliate or
a W $243 as a cash refund affiliate + discount voucher+ DHES affiliate
People also were registering themselves as affiliates and gathering assignments of other people´s claims and claiming them in bulk in either cash, discount vouchers or DHES.
The donation was valid in full for 90 days and gradually losing its value over the next 270 days, when it was expiring, so it made Time a commodity, prompting action within reasonable time. “Time brokers” appeared who were buying and selling Time in a kind of arbitrage in order to maintain the validity. However although WREAL declared the issuance of the $729 mil donation, it was actually releasing the 27 mil vouchers gradually in order to maintain an equilibrium between time, speed, volume and cash flow.
Conditions under which WREAL was accepting claims
- as discounts was that the claimant introduced 1 new business that would offer discounts
- as cash, was that the claimant introduced 3 new people who were also been donated the $27 value (and who had the same 3 options to claim it)
Claimants of any type who introduced 9 others were rewarded with another $27 donation (to claim it in any of the 3 options)
Initially the “Donation” system appeared to the lay people too complicated to grasp, too small to bother using themselves and too rigid in its terms which did not leave space for short cuts. It was the small business entrepreneurs and the holistic healing practitioners who saw the opportunities that could be exploited. The business entrepreneurs started collecting unused claims and started trading them in bulk plus arbitraging time values converting themselves in affiliates initially of cash conversions and gradually of discounts and DHES as they began realizing the trading power of all 3 forms and its convertibility.
Simultaneously the holistic healing practitioners were inviting people to use the Donation by claiming it as DHES offered by them as a free ½ h session. By registering that activity with WREAL were getting the benefit of receiving more enquiries from people, thus gaining new clientele. These 2 groups of people were instrumental in the spreading of the Donation and of course they used the easiest tool of all in those days to introduce it to their friends which were Facebook and Twitter.
The Welll Club holistic project
The 2nd economic activity that WREAL undertook was a business one.
WREAL based its initial economic activities in a network of holistic health centers & resorts as a way to distribute its W$729 mil donation and simultaneously utilized the same network as distribution network of a series of memberships, franchises, representations & businesses.
The Welll Club was initiated in October 2020 and its prime financing was based on the distribution and sales of the Welll Club memberships ( or Health Holiday Investments as were known at the time) which were a blend of a (physical) healing & rejuvenation, (emotional) joy & leisure, and (financial) time-space sharing & wealth building.
More information on theThe Welll Club holistic project
WREAL’s involvement in the holistic health industry was instrumental to its success and there have been over the years many rumors whether there was someone with extensive holistic health expertise orchestrating the Welll Club venture. The reason those rumors were rampant was primarily due to several controversial views that WREAL published on health online articles during its initial year of operations.
Here are some excerpts of those articles:
What is really Health about
WREAL has maintained that health although very important, is actually a secondary concern in our evolution.
Its true purpose is to serve as a vehicle and facilitate spiritual transcendence which requires that the body & mind operate at lighter vibrational frequency rates. On the one hand, health is no yardstick of spiritual awareness but on the other hand spiritual awareness can not be attained or sustained without a certain level of physical health.
WREAL outrightly detests the health fashion fad of the last decades and believes that does not serve people in any real sense. Although people in the developed countries and the upper classes of most countries live more “healthy lifestyles” than 20-30 years earlier, still see health as an end-purpose and not in its real dimension as a medium towards a higher/deeper consciousness. Three are so many healthy people our there operating in ignorance or denial.
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But even in purely physical terms, healthy choices that we make in our lives may work or not work in seemingly arbitrary and confusing ways. The reason is because the key lies with our deep-seated intentions. If we make a “health” choice, however we qualify that to be, then that choice serves as an affirmation of looking after ourselves. This is what makes the difference and make our choice working. We could choose the most absurd thing to support ourselves and if we believe that is helping us to that end, it will.
On the other end of the spectrum, especially over the last couple of decades, the “health revolution” has brought awareness of tools, methods and habits that are more conducive to our overall equilibrium. However attempting to adopt any of these things treating them as an external power to better internally ourselves, misses the point. This is why so many healthy diets, therapies and products seem to many of us, unable to shift us from the past conditioning or self destructive patterns. Nothing external can cause anything positive to our body or psyche unless we clearly and intensively believe that it does.
The most important and sinister aspect of the “health revolution” has been that the promotion of health awareness serves a global economic agenda that needs the population of at least the most productive economies to operate at full productivity capacity which requires more healthy, less overweight people to relieve pressures on the medical & insurance claims , saving billions of $ in work absences and medical bills .
The system wants productive people but is not interested in their spiritual evolution.
Consequently over the last 2-3 decades it has hijacked the holistic medicine industry by taking over its education, licensing, & manufacturing apparatus and mainstreaming it by using its media control. It has been one of the most subtle sinister schemes and one of the most brilliant financial & macroeconomic decisions.
WREAL however still places a lot of focus on the holistic healing industry but for entirely different reasons,
firstly as a global distribution network for its donations, franchises, memberships etc but
secondly and most importantly as a vehicle for deep spiritual transcendence utilizing in addition to meditative practices, a series of detox techniques mostly fasting & colon cleansing, panchakarma & Taoist methods plus alchemical biological processes such as blood ozonation and vibrational methods such as brainwave entrainment, sensory isolation, sound & light devices among many others.
Disease and healing
WREAL´s position on the difference between disease and healing has been that there is NO difference. In fact there is
no such thing as we perceive as disease and everything is a healing process no matter if is conscious or unconscious. “Disease” is simply our pretension that we don’t recognize and we deny our choice path that lead us through this particular type of uncomfortable “disease experience”. Healing is the acceptance and recognition of our choice path. Healing of a “chronic disease” traces the exact stages of the disease experience but in reverse and in faster speed through what is called healing crisis.
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Healing reactions indicate a healing crisis at work and do not last, unless we stubbornly resist.
Healing crises are part of the body’s natural detoxification mechanism, bringing each layer of toxins and denials to the surface and flushing them out, as the original cause of the problem is rebalanced.
Healing crises are only offered to people who have earned them, consciously or unconsciously, through strong intention and commitment. Healing crises are chosen and invited by our inner self, so they are our wisest guides and will never overdose us. Our higher self would not invite something unnecessary or that we could not handle at the time.
Our welcome of or resistance to the healing is the key to how we will interpret the experience.
Health cannot be restored without experiencing some sort of healing crisis. It is like an infected wound: if we decide to heal it by disinfecting it, it will hurt for a while, but leaving it unattended would hurt more over the long term. If a healing crisis persists, it is probably indicating that we are not ready for the release of the associated blockage and we should not unnecessarily torture ourselves. We can deal with it later, when we are ready.
In light of that principle the entire approach towards health has been transformed into one of empowerment & awareness rather than attempts to fix something wrong. The key is to embrace conflict as it appears and recognize not only its role in healing and awareness but also our own role and our own choice of that path. This has been the primary reason why WREAL placed such an importance in the holistic healing.
Intoxication necessity & vibrational levels
Intoxication although at times becomes a semi-deliberate effort, most frequently appears as something that affects us as an outside influence against our perception or will. The truth however according to WREAL is that intoxication can not possibly affects us unless we invite it and welcome it for whatever conscious or unconscious reason, no matter how absurd or self-destructive it may be. But why would any of us do such a thing? First of all we constantly expose ourselves to self-judgment, self-punishment, self-destruction as well as lack of self-awareness, self-esteem, self-protection. There is a long list of possible causes and reasons for such behavior most of them conflicting among themselves, making conclusions even more elusive.
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According to WREAL,
we make a fundamental decision in regards to the vibrational frequency band within which we choose to operate – which is by no means a permanent one, as we frequently shift it on specific areas of our life or specific moments in time. These decisions override anything else that could alter the frequency band chosen and set in motion a set of circumstances and events to ensure that this frequency is maintained within the defined range. That range defines how we experience life “internally” and “externally”. Frequently intoxication needs to be triggered through some “external circumstance”or”internal emotion or thought process” in order to consolidate the frequency within the predetermined range. Intoxication serves as is a grounding lower octave counter-clockwise force to counterbalance the effect of homeostasis which is a natural healing & detoxification process which triggers an ascending higher octave clockwise force. Both forces are actually in constant play as it better known the yang-yin equilibrium. There can be no light without darkness and the reverse. This is why recognizing the dark nature of life and ourselves without any prejudicial judgments sustains the equilibrium and allows us to embrace life at its entirety. There is no problem with intoxication as there is no problem with tissue oxidation. Death and rebirth are both essential elements of the dance of life. It is however the conscious recognition and acceptance of this dance that determines whether we access wider or narrower bands of frequencies. The more in denial we are, the more we suppress, the more blame or guilt we choose the more trapped we become in the intoxication sphere as our attempts and energy is consumed by our denials. If we let the intoxication energy to flow through us with no judgment, suppression or guilt then the intoxication energy itself has no reason to perpetuate itself beyond the limits we need from it in order to sustain our chosen equilibrium vibrational range. No intoxication substance or process or emotion has any independent power over us unless we authorize and assign to it such power. We are entirely free to choose and are bound by the responsibility for those choices. We can choose to be empowered or powerless.
Detoxification is an essential function of every living organism in order to survive. It is based on homeostasis and happens automatically as the body regognizes the need for it and activates the relevant processes.
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However humans over the last century or so have gradually lost the capacity for instinctual detoxification, overloading our body and mind with extra toxicity unknown even a few decades ago and simultaneously losing the capacity to detoxify automatically. We therefore need a more targeted conscious effort to counterbalance it and obtain equilibrium.
The essence of a detoxification program is to recognize how our choices affect our being and choose consciously to take responsibility for these choices. The purpose is not to get rid of toxicity. This is denial of a part of us, which therefore cannot and should not be exorcised. It will keep coming back until we feel at peace with all the parts of our psyche.
The purpose of detoxing is to recognize the parts of ourselves that have served us in the past, so we can evolve from where we are now and choose to move onto a wider sphere of existence. The fact that these parts are no longer serving our current needs doesn’t mean that we should act irresponsibly, denying that we have needed them in the past or considering them to be alien to us. They are part of our consciousness and they need to be accepted, appreciated, respected and loved, so they can be released, not rejected and denied. Our sincere gratitude is the only key to their graceful evaporation and transmutation into light. In fact, the “toxic” energy accumulated inside of us doesn’t go away, it simply transmutes into a lighter form more useful to our current needs and choices.
The detoxification penetrates all levels of our being, most importantly our cellular system, and transfers vital information from consciousness that registers in the cells. It then becomes a point of reference, magnetically pulling the body and mind to a higher vibrational frequency.
There are many detoxification ways and methods devised over the years in order to remedy this although some date back to even antiquity. They basically fall in 2 categories:
The ones that involve or include eating and the ones that involve or include fasting.
Both categories may also involve breathing techniques (such as pranayama), skin detox (such as sweat lodges, sauna, herbal steams, bodywraps, mudbaths, organ detox (such as herbal concoctions, liver cleanses, kidney dialysis, colonic irrigation, sounds of mantras), purging and emesis, bodywork (such as massage, lymphatic drainage), movement (such as yoga postures, qigong, dance)
Although breathing techniques, skin detox, herbal remedies, colonic irrigation, massage and yoga can be quite effective detoxifying techniques, if combined with eating they lose the majority of their effectiveness. Eating is by itself a form of intoxication both in a physiological level as in emotional one and affects the overall vibrational rate of the person. It engages so many bodily functions in such a repeated frequency that effectively interferes and blocks any deep detoxification process, by sending the wrong signals to the brain.
Detox regimes and methods that involve and include fasting provide far better and deeper detoxification at all levels. Although probably the father of modern detox fasting has been Dr Irons since the 50’s, from the early 90´s fasting detox combined with colonic irrigation and herbal remedies became more structured based on Bernard Jensen´s and Richard Anderson´s systems and during the entire decade of the 90´s, people during their detox were releasing seriously dense matter and that detox has had an unmistakable consciousness transformation impact on them.Since the late 90’s, detox fasting spread widely and became more mainstream but also became more shallow in its impact. People were fasting for either weightloss purposes or at the best for health maintenance reasons and because they felt good afterwords. Consciousness raising fainted out as reason. Obviously the results of those detox fasts were not as spectacular or transformative, reflecting the intention behind it.
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